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Everything posted by Shinju

  1. Thanx guys, I needed to stock up on my inspiration bank and that helped a lot!
  2. Mine is red. I also enjoy silver, purple, black, neon green, hot pink and day glow orange. See, I like colors. See? Perfectly human. I am NOT a robot!
  3. Mmm! :::starts munching at it like a squirrel::: :::chucks Barry Manilo:::
  4. Cameron's hot. I like girls. I wish she and House would get it on. Or her and that new chick. That would be hot. I would totally watch the episode.
  5. You know, I just thought about this topic some more, and figured that, knowing the way I am, I would have a field day with me and my friends just saying the weirdest, freakiest shit into the phone just to freak out "the watchers." caller 1: "hey, did I tell you i just got one of those new dildos that are as fat around as a fire extinguiser?" caller 2: "nah, I was thinking about picking one of those up though. how'd that work out for ya?" caller 1: "I . . . not good, my friend, not good. Do you think it's possible to bust a vein in your vagina? I'm kinda like, gushing blood everywhere here . . . " caller 2: " . . . " naziwatchparty: "wtf? what the hell is wrong with people???"
  6. You know what would be even beter? Narciscest
  7. I'm leaning more toward outrageous and cutting edged, somewhat hard to find with men's fashion.
  8. It's funner to have a rental account, because then you get to go to the porn store and talk to everyone there about porn and they don't think you're weird.
  9. I think I already mentioned this, but House (Hugh Laurie) makes me go all rubbery. Just got done watching him on FOX. House and Wilson shared a fairly gay moment, even my mom said so. He went bowling with the hot English guy (I always forget his name, so I just call him "England") and then he made everyone on his staff think he had an STD for his own sick amusement. Oh, House, how your antics amuse me.
  10. Shinju


    ^ BANNED, for bitching about my usage of the letter B.
  11. Guilty. Now, looking back, I have discovered that so many of my problems could have been solved by me going up to a person or a group of persons and saying, "Hey, why don't we all just have sex?" G/NG, of lying about how many people you have or have not slept with.
  12. Shinju

    The Rhyme Game

    Or perhaps the jizz from some guys bone, To this day we do not know,
  13. I think that more should be done to see that psychos, such as my insane ex-fiance, never get a hold of guns, and any guns they have should be taken away.
  14. Oh, I see now. . . Jealousy is so bothersome and usually can't be helped . . . sometimes I dislike being human.
  15. Aqua transexual! Priceless! I wish I turned into a panda when doused with cold water . . .
  16. Shinju


    ^BANNED for being a banana-brain!
  17. Zyx, I'm drunk at the moment (hey, it is a Saturday night) and I will say something I would not have said otherwise. I know what it is like to have someone choose someone who is them same (or even less good) than you over you and it totally sucks. You keep on thinking "Why not me???" and it drives you insane. I have no answer except to say that you are not alone, but I hate saying that because I know it doesn't help any. Vodka anyone???
  18. Dude, those people who say you are bitter and lonely are obviously caught up in some Sleeping Beauty myth that their prince will come charging up on a white steed to them to kiss them and finally make them "awake," when really the only person that can do that is themselves. They are the deluded ones, not you. Take it from me, it is awful to want somebody to make you whole when the truth is that you are the only one who can do that. The fact that you are happy and satisfied with yourself and your life at the age of 21 is a HUGE achievement and anyone else who says differently is lost and confused.
  19. Shinju


    BANNED for being named after Mexican food!
  20. OMFG! We used to sell a masturbation machine where I used to work!!! It was like seven or eight hundred dollars so we would always try to sell it to get the commission, but no one would ever buy it. But someone did buy the "Grand Heavy Butt Plug" which was HUGE and made out of solid metal. You'd think somebody would crack their tail bone with that thing . . .
  21. Here's a tip to make a lot of naughty points using the casino option: 1) Go to the casino 2) Transfer enough money into your casino wallet (50 at least i guess) 3) Click on "Royal Poker" 4) Hit the "Deal" button 5) Find something heavy, about the size of an eraser 6) Place it on the enter key 7) Turn off your monitor (saves power and your monitor) 8) Go read War and Peace 9) Return to collect your naughty points By my calculations, you get about half a million naughty points every three hours. Enjoy.
  22. More Fight Club quotes. Yes, I am stuck in 1999. Narrator: Was it ticking? Airport Security Officer: Actually throwers don't worry about ticking 'cause modern bombs don't tick. Narrator: Sorry, throwers? Airport Security Officer: Baggage handlers. But, when a suitcase vibrates, then the throwers gotta call the police. Narrator: My suitcase was vibrating? Airport Security Officer: Nine times out of ten it's an electric razor, but every once in a while... [whispering] Airport Security Officer: it's a dildo. Of course it's company policy never to, imply ownership in the event of a dildo... always use the indefinite article a dildo, never your dildo. Narrator: I don't own...
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