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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. Prompts lackey lachrymose licentiousness Rules Happy Writing! This topic will autolock at 11:59 pm EDT 8-31
  2. For me to add pair specific categories, you need to show me 5 pre-existing of the same pair in the archive.
  3. There are quite a few who QC before allowing addition.
  4. finished
  5. merged story, it belongs in books, set in Anita Blake's universe
  6. Not to mention it's not even FINISHED yet.
  7. Totally agree with Cal. Besides, the stuff that we leave here should certainly point to the fact that we don't QC, nor censor.
  8. I actually didn't create the term. It's been around for quite awhile.
  9. fanpoodles are not so much empty reviews, although that's what they tend to leave, is meaningless reviews, but the clique of reviewers who "squee" for no apparent reason, and review and make popular some absolutely DREADFUL writing. Yet, because it's (the story) for a popular pair, for example, it'll get reviewed and highly rated whether or not it actually deserves it. What's even worse, is that often, the writers who HAVE all the fanpoodle following tend to be rather divaish in behavior. To me, they don't so much seem to be writing for the craft of it, but more for the ego boost. I suppose as someone who cut their reading teeth on the likes of Homer, Asimov, and Tolkien, I tend to be a tad picky...
  10. author's profile
  11. As to beta readers, there are some good ones out there, but they're not easy to find. You do build up a relationship with your beta, to be sure. I know when I used to do this, I'd take on anything from a drabble, to multi chapter (with loooong chapters), without issue. But that would be when I had the time to actually beta read, and give the author who sent me the work my full attention.
  12. yep, and now they're really deleted
  13. *sighs* I did mention it can take me up to 48 hours to do this, in the mail I sent back.
  14. The browser is Safari. Go to preferences in the menu. Click the Security tab. Make sure that for web content, the following are checked: Enable Plugins Enable Java Enable JavaScript Next, select the Privacy tab. Make sure you set the browser to ALLOW cookies. Do this by selecting "never" so it won't block the cookies. That's what the issue is, and why you keep getting that blue page. The page is a cookie setter. If your browser doesn't allow the cookie to be set, you'll keep getting that page.
  15. Finished restoring the buffy review table. now on to the next big project!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. DemonGoddess


      oh ye of little faith... ^^

    3. RogueMudblood


      Hey, if you manage world domination in 2 weeks and there's no possibility of a coup then I'm cheering you on! :D

    4. DemonGoddess


      nah, leave that to the EFOs. They're verrrry good at World Domination.

  16. Finished the table restore
  17. Data is all restored!
  18. Are you allowing your browser to keep cookies, or do you have it clear cookies upon exit? Which browser are you using?
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