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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. all dupes nuked
  2. all handled
  3. That would be because she was well under 18 at the time she published it here.
  4. Melrick, if changing the format is better for ya, go ahead and do that. However you want to structure this, you know it's fine with me.
  5. I looked through several different things to see if I could find a reason for this. Not finding anything as a staff action.
  6. Yep, that's exactly it. You can look through many, many buffy 'verse stories and find examples of exactly this, where an episode is rewritten, and the author then cites the source at the bottom of the chapter. Using the above as an example: Say you rewrote Chosen, the series finale for Buffy. You made it fairly different from the episode itself, but it was critical to the chapter to include some of the episode dialogue. At the bottom, you'd have something like this: *some dialogue from Chosen, Season 7, episode 144. Although the title of the episode would honestly be sufficient.
  7. As long as you cite the dialogue, and it's an actual rewrite, that's allowable. There is plenty of that throughout the archive. What we're talking about is where someone takes a script and uses it verbatim, maybe changes the character names. No retelling of the episode from a different perspective, but just posting up the episode as their own work. The same applies to an actual "read-the-book". Those are stories where an author usually puts a sentence or two of a character saying something or another, and then copies the actual book content verbatim, as the character reading the book to someone in their story. That's obviously NOT acceptable, nor is it a new spin on the book. When I, or any other staff member, as an example; searches the text of such a story, and it comes up with 0% original content for the bulk, and links to a copy of the script in question, there is an obvious problem. We're all certainly aware that some archives actually allow this, but many more of them do not, as it is still plagiarism. Taking a story and making the majority of it a copy/paste of a script/screenplay/book, is just what it sounds like, copypasta plagiarism.
  8. Not a disclaimer, but a citation. When you use source not your own, it needs to be cited.
  9. busy busy busy

    1. RogueMudblood


      As ever! But we appreciate it! *passes the good brownies*

    2. DemonGoddess


      The EFOs are happily assisting ^^

    3. BronxWench
  10. DemonGoddess


  11. DemonGoddess

    Please Help

    The author deleted her content, then asked to be deleted from the archive.
  12. She's got a link to her personal site on the profile, perhaps her site will have it.
  13. Jade-Tatsu
  14. DemonGoddess


    Nope, the admin (me) never got anything even suggesting theft or anything regarding the story. Which means neither did the mods...
  15. As we've discussed here, the REASON reviewers of quality are scarce is because we feel the authors don't necessarily want to hear what we have to say.
  16. We have a promo forum ya know. Promote a Story. You add that particular data to your post.
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