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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. you got a spoof and a link to rogue antivirus software. I just checked the file structure, there is NOTHING at all there that doesn't belong there.
  2. Dean_Wax brought up an interesting point as well. The burst of activity isn't just to persuade your passenger to get on with it and come out, but because we all get a nesting urge the last couple weeks. Meaning there is a burst of activity DIRECTLY related to ensuring you've got all your ducks in a row, so to speak, for the arrival. I had 2 that went late (2 and 2 1/2 weeks, and yes, they were the large ones), and the other three were all early. I cannot begin to express how grateful I am that they were. Considering how big the overdue ones were, I shudder to think of how large the others would've been had they not been early. Considering that my middle girl was the earliest (she was 5 weeks early) and 8 pounds, 20 inches long at birth, she'd've been HUGE if I'd gone to term.
  3. hahaha, the only one that was smallish was my first, but the firstborn is usually the smallest. My two largest were 24.5 and 23.5 inches long at birth. Consider that the average length is 19.5 inches, that's quite a bit more baby to have to push out.
  4. At 2 1/2 weeks, you don't even know you're pregnant yet. That's the first thing. Secondly, if the woman's period is regular, she'll find out in short order by missing a period, and doing a test. If the woman has irregular cycles, she could go for a few MONTHS before thinking to test. The tenderness and breast swelling doesn't really start to happen until around 2 1/2 months. Most women don't even show until the 4th month, and depending on her personal physiology, she may not show until well in to the pregnancy. I've known women who didn't start to show until the 6th month. Pregnancy varies with each woman, depending upon her body type, inherited factors and a few other things besides. Not all women get morning sickness in the first trimester. For example, I didn't have anything remotely resembling morning sickness until around 7 months. That was actually caused by eating too much at one time, with the stomach being squished by the baby. So I learned to eat much smaller portions, and more frequently (think hobbit with 7 or 8 meals a day). Depending upon the individual woman's temperament, is also how she will emotionally handle being pregnant in the first place. I know I hated the last 5 months. But then again, I'm one of those women who don't understand how anyone could possibly be happy with having physical abilities limited because of this. Never did get that, the "I love being pregnant" deal. Depending upon how large the child is in the last trimester, and how quickly it grows, also affects how you feel physically during that time frame. The last trimester is the period of the most growth for a fetus, particularly the last month. And then you get to labor and delivery. Each pregnancy is different. For example, I was in labor with the first one for 18 hours, the second for 8, the third for 22, the 4th one for only four, and the last one for 14 hours. Again, depending upon the size and position of the child (barring no complications) one can have a variety of issues with the actual birth. First babies are honestly the toughest to deal with for the birth itself, as the woman has NO idea what she's getting in to. I don't care how many classes you go to beforehand, there is nothing like the actual experience to really teach you what is going to happen, and prepare you for future deliveries. All five of mine were natural deliveries. Meaning no epidural, no spinal block, none of that. Just enough pain killer to try and take the edge off the pain of the labor itself. So then you have that to look at. Depending upon what kind of drugs one is given, whether or not the birth is c-section or natural, all play in to how much it actually hurts when the time comes.
  5. Let's see how long it takes me to catch up. Arrrrrggggghhhh

    1. RogueMudblood


      *offers cookies and chocolate and brownies with the good stuff ... and Spander*

    2. BronxWench


      I can't top Rogue, so I'll just leave some Bacardi 151 and a bag of toys...

    3. RogueMudblood


      pffft. Sure you can - Spander in kilts!

  6. you're welcome!
  7. I've sent your login info to you. As to the other profiles, both were created while you were still underage, and deleted.
  8. Prompts hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia happy horrendous Rules Happy Writing! This topic will autolock at 11:59 pm EDT 7-7
  9. There is a Pokemon category in the games subdomain, for stories based on the game. The one in anime is for anime based stories.
  10. Not to worry, family and real life ALWAYS come first. Hope things are well with you.
  11. As long as it's their own stories users are asking copies for, that's definitely not a problem. Where we say something is if people ask for copies of other peoples' work where they've taken it down.
  12. Yeah, that was the cobblefic that was enormous. If I'm remembering rightly, this particular story was cobbled in part from this one
  13. Cardinal is looking for her own stories.
  14. There shouldn't be any issues. We scanned clean yesterday, today, and etc.
  15. added, and yes she does
  16. they called an all clear too! NOW I can huzzah!!!!!
  17. I'll huzzah after I see it in garbled's webmaster tools
  18. The thing with the site warning pages, is that the whole thing is automated. So, once it kicks from an automated process (whether from a report or a real issue), then the webmaster has to file a report and wait while they review the site to tell me that, nope, no problem. All we all can do now is wait for it to go away.
  19. You know, when an author pulls his or her work from the internet, you need to respect that decision. If the AUTHOR provides copies on request, that's one thing, but, we do not allow users to use this forum for the purposes of pointing to downloads that the author has not authorized, when he or she has pulled their work.
  20. How can a number at the end of a path, whether a story url or author url be difficult to see?
  21. I just checked the server, and nothing is there that doesn't belong there.
  22. I just tried FF, IE, Opera, Chrome, Safari, and Comodo. Got nothing bad. SiteAdvisor shows green.
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