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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. I have a workaround for this, here
  2. never mind, that won't work. I just tried it while I wait on the coder to get back to me. DAMMIT.
  3. Microshit sucks balls, they do. Idiots designing a browser to DEFAULT to quirks mode. WTH????

    1. BronxWench


      NOTHING they do can be explained by using logic. >.<

    2. DemonGoddess


      Ain't that the truth. This just proves what I always say about 'em. Run far, FAR away from ANY even numbered program release.

  4. In the meantime, before I get to that, I do have to check with the coder and make sure the upgrade won't screw shit up. Try setting IE 10 to IE9 mode intead of it's default of "quirks", as explained here
  5. I've got part of the problem figured out, and will fix that shortly. But, it's only part of the problem. The biggest issue is the OS itself, unfortunately. I'll let you know when I've finished upgrading the rte, and then tell me if you're still having the same issue.
  6. From some people I know who do have Windows 8, even when you restart your machine, it won't close the programs you had open. You actually have to go in to the task manager and manually CLOSE the damn programs that way.
  7. heh, it can take awhile to learn a new program
  8. Also, if you were attempting an actual file upload, only .txt files are accepted. I would advise against doing that, unless you know html so that you can add text containers though. Straight text added without that makes wallotext.
  9. If it was miscategorized in the correct subdomain, that would not have caused it to be deleted.
  10. Recaptcha FAQ for you to eyeball
  11. What we have are two cookie setter pages. The first to access the subdomain, saying you MUST be 18 or older to enter the site, and the second to access chapter data, where it asks for a birthday and says you MUST be 18 or older.
  12. Even with my hearing issues, the recaptcha audio is actually quite workable.
  13. I LOATHE summer. Fall and winter I like
  14. Before I dl and install IE 10, I also have to set a restore point and a few other things. Aside from that, I had a ton of work I brought home yesterday, and that takes priority.
  15. Here or tech support. Tech support would probably be best in future
  16. I'll move it to general staff or I'll forget to fix the typo
  17. I'll have to dl and install 10 later today and see what's what. I suspect that it's likely a java issue, but won't know until I try it.
  18. What browser, and what version of that browser are each of you using? I can't troubleshoot until I know those specifics and see if I can duplicate the issue.
  19. Have you logged out, then back in using the boxes located at the upper right corner of your browser?
  20. In the meantime, i can change that link so it goes to the fanfiction category here, which is where it's supposed to go at this point.
  21. A large part of their difficulties I do believe lie in advertising revenues. With the ads that they host, they'll LOSE that revenue if they continue to allow for M and MA rated stories on the site. By the same token, because of the content WE host, there is no way in hell that their advertisers would ever look at us as a reasonable advertising venue. Because teenagers are usually rebellious in some way or another, clicking a link stating you're 18 is no real guarantee that the user is 18 or older. Underagers click those links every damn day, regardless of the site. I think that rather than allowing the M/MA ratings to stay on their site as it causes them issues, they should eliminate them entirely. They have entirely too many children who belong to the site, to where they can safely leave that content there. They are in the same quandary we are, to a point. In that one of the only ways to guarantee the ages of those who access, is to make it a pay to access site. Of course, neither site can do that (because of hosting fanfiction), nor will this site ever do that. I agree that they're woefully inadequate at policing their own categories to help prevent what they want to prevent. There are MANY titles that they have categories for that they honestly should not, due to the content of the anime title itself. Anime does not automatically equal a kiddie show, as we all know. If it did, there wouldn't be series such as Gravitation and Mirage of Blaze, now would there? Parents hold sites responsible all the time, regardless of what their own children do to buck the rules. That is a fact of life, and can't be helped. WE actively search out and delete minors every day. But still, that doesn't prevent them from accessing entirely, nor will it. As to moderation on that site? They've gotten a LITTLE better over the last year or so, but are still not doing what they need to do. They rely on reports rather than to actively scan what's being added to the site, it looks like. I don't know for sure, but that's what I think, at any rate. Yes, the site is enormous. However, their moderators are paid staff. To me, that means they should be willing to do more than just sit and wait on something being reported to them.
  22. ah yes.... the fanpoodle!
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