scheduled for tomorrow I think (provided time works out for it anyway)
Two, actually.
One is to bring the board current, the other is a fix for the guest posting to hopefully avoid the spam we've been getting lately. An enhancement to it.
Before I do the version upgrade though, I will be making sure that any modifications in place, are not affected. That will affect how long the version upgrade will take. To combat the spam, I'll putting all guest forums on posting moderation. What this means, is that when you post, the topic won't automatically appear, it'll have to be approved. A pain for all of you who are supposed to be able to use the forum, but it'll kill the spam. So, don't freak if the post or topic doesn't appear immediately, there will be someone going through all the queues fairly regularly, several times a day.
Also, Invisionboard has announced that 3.0 is going to be ready for beta turn of the year. So, I'll be putting up a test forum to have a look at what it's got, and then prepping the forum for the full release after beta is over. There are significant changes in code, which means that the modifications may or may not carry over properly. So, until the mod developers catch up to it, we may have to do without some of the toys at first. But, that is a few months away at least, so not a problem at the moment.