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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. I am so fucking tired of double shifts.  ugh

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Find a better gig?  IIRC, you’ve been on double shifts ever since I joined the server (about eight years now).

    3. DemonGoddess


      The double shifts are off an on.  it’s part of what happens when you’re a manager in retail ya know.  I’m salaried, so no OT fer me

    4. BronxWench


      Oh, gods, been there, done that. I pointed out to one of my staff that they in fact made more money than me since they got overtime and I was salaried. It’s across all industries, I think, and it truly sucks. 

  2. As far as I’m aware, users may be attempting to review, but can’t yet. That could be what’s triggering the emails.
  3. If you have stories you want deleted from your recommended reading right now, instead of waiting, I can actually do that IN the database.
  4. I hope so as well.
  5. We are making progress on that end, by the way. So, hopefully, we will have this resolved sooner rather than later.
  6. Who said I was mad? Sure, I’m peeved about the persistence. But, there are ways to find out how they do they things, which is what I’ve been spending time ferreting out. That’s actually the thing, finding out, HOW exactly they were doing what they did, so we can guard against it. I can tell you it was a brute force hack. I can see that in the logs.
  7. I do believe I found the method. Waiting on Manta to confirm.
  8. If the link is left, I’ll go directly in the db and make it go away
  9. So, like everyone else, I would really, really like to put this nasty hacking crap behind us.  Unfortunately, it does take time to find the likely culprits, whether individuals, or what they used.  I am making progress, but please understand I’m reading these things line by line by line

    1. JamesRyderErotica


      Your dedication is very much appreciated. I can’t wait until I can post again. I’ve got a few new stories lined up and some new chapters of my other stories ready to go. When the time comes I’ll be waiting with all the new smut B-)

    2. DemonGoddess


      Great!  What complicates things is my real job.  Been working hell hours again, so adjusting to that new schedule so I can focus on this again

    3. pronker


      It must be a bear to work full time and mod and try to bug fix, which I appreciate … best wishes and Happy Halloween to you, pronker

  10. Both Manta and I are working on exactly that. Of course, right now, IRL job is interfering a wee bit, as I’m having to pull extra hours yet again, so that slows me down.
  11. Unfortunately, we got a series of SQL injection attacks a couple days ago again, so we are both doing a deep dive. Manta into code, and me into general data. In the meantime, you can still read, forum posts still work, and we will try and get this sorted as quick as we can.
  12. Actually working on finding the what, the why, and how right now, the both of us. Manta is taking a break while I do my part of the deep dive.
  13. I need to spork out my eyes! :D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Krulos


      Oh, true; but that requires one to crowd out the bad memories of what one’s seen, sadly; and to pay so little heed to it that it just disappears.
      Course, a genuine apology to one’s Maker is always a plus in odds of restoring sanity- but I do understand what you mean, DemonGoddess.

    3. manta2g


      At least you have filters for those logs. The cross referencing can be brain melting.  It would be more productive to use the spork on the the object of our frustrations. 😜 

    4. DemonGoddess


      Yeah, kind of have filters.  Going into the raw data and sorting it in a way that I can pinpoint a little quicker the incursions.

  14. I’m actually getting data together to find the times and other things. But, the question here, is if we do that, does that open us up to possible closure due to the nature of the content?
  15. Because this latest injection attack stripped the profiles
  16. Absolutely block that address. I’m hoping the deep dive I’m about to take into site data is helpful. We shall see.
  17. Thank you, manta2g for all your hard work!
  18. Yes, this was all part of the sql injection. First the site needs to be completely secured. THEN I can start going through individual members and fixing wherever that was changed.
  19. Alrighty then…

    I watched Episode 5 of the Rings of Power.  

    There is so much wrong in this episode I don’t even know where to start!

    1.  Mithril is not a melted Silmaril.  The Silmarilli cannot be destroyed.  
    2. Galadriel is wearing the sigil for the House of Feanor.  She is not of that house.  She is of the House of Finarfin.
    3. Tar-Miriel never went to Middle Earth.  In fact, when Ar-Pharazon goes to Middle Earth, by this time, he has forced Tar-Miriel into marriage and usurped the throne of Numenor.  She is supposed to be Queen Regnant, not Queen Regent.

    I could go on further, but this episode has me even more furious at how they have destroyed the legendarium.

    1. InvidiaRed


      Elrond stealing the table is the best part.

    2. WillowDarkling


      I’ll admit, I haven’t yet read the Silmarillion, but how the fuck can you fuck up a legendarium with such abundant source material?!! Like, Tolkien quite literally left us the equivalent of a guidebook… 

    3. InvidiaRed


      @WillowDarklingSheer Unbridled Hubris.

      Hollywood writers seem to think they can be Tolkien but fail. It’s a a bad fanfiction based on something they don’t even have the rights to but think they can anyway.

      They’ll say things that come off fantasy-ish to a normal viewer but to the rest of us the character seems a bit stunted? Episode 5 pretty much cements galadriel knows she’s evil like a rabid dog chasing a car. And despite that the Harfoots are worse than orcs. Which makes it seem like Sauron is the one protecting the demonic critters personally.

      @DemonGoddesshit the nail on the head. Durin and company are unironically the best part of the show.  The sole flickering light of it even.

  20. Where you see green on whatever part of the site you’re in, that part is actually working.
  21. As I’m sure everyone is aware, a couple weeks ago we suffered a severe injection attack. The end result is that Manta2g has been recoding to make sure it doesn’t happen again. In the meantime, where the fixes are done, you will see green. Where you don’t see green, that part of the site remains read only. Thanks for bearing with us.
  22. Wherever you see green in the site skin, that part is now live and fixed. Expect to see more rollouts, and the fix to be done here in the next few to several days.
  23. Dammit. Back to the drawing board we go
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