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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. It’s actually as everyone was thinking, a benign place holder and easily fixed. Kind of a carryover from the very old stuff.
  2. manta is working on fixing the user names as we speak...
  3. I’m aware of that, as is our coder. i do believe it was a failed exploit, but, not sure yet. Still digging into this.
  4. Yes, i can restore pen names from a back up. However, I am working a series of splits, so don’t have a whole lot of time at the moment.
  5. So, work is still hell, still working entirely too much.  finally may have the email sorted out since I upgrade to Win 11

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      I wouldn’t fret, win 10 will be supported for most applications for years to come (like win 7 is).  The #1 reason I won’t be upgrading any time soon…heard they won’t let you use “local” accounts, thus I’d basically have to ask Microsoft for “permission” to use my computer, which isn’t how I like to roll.

    3. DemonGoddess


      keep yer fingers crossed that I finally get my damn store fully staffed, would you guys?  So, so tired of unpaid overtime because I’m salaried.

    4. DemonGoddess


      So, with the help of Nexcess, finally have the email thing sorted.  Didn’t think I’d EVER get that done! :lol:

  6. I’ll look in the db after I nap and come home from my second work shift today. Argh
  7. I’ll have to look in the db directly for you. If you tried to use the same password as the old one, you would have “blanked” the field entirely. Won’t know that until I look, though. Sometimes, the activation email won’t go through, especially if using any of the microsoft email domains.
  8. I FINALLY got the time to fix my computer issues, so I can access everything I haven’t been able to for a few months.  Now to get work under control, and I’ll be golden!

  9. Okay, I checked everything, and you still need to update the login to the current system. I’ve found the most common issue is to use a “/” instead of “-” for the birthdate. The database requires the format as listed and typed out. For example, my birthday is entered 1961-11-16. If I had entered it as 1961/11/16 it would not have allowed the update. Our coder made this very specific so that it protects your accounts. Yes, it can be a bit of a pain at times. If this doesn’t help, let me know, and I’ll let you know when I’m not working so we can hook up to get you going.
  10. Looks like I finally got around my browser issues.  Now to reset up email

    1. BronxWench


      Congratulations! And Happy Thanksgiving! :hug:

  11. Aside from my working hell hours? nope. I haven’t had a chance to look, unfortunately. I will get to it though
  12. Ye gods I need applicants where I work.  Arrrrghhh :bash:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Talk to the owner to raise the pay offers?  (oh, sorry, thinking outside the box here...)

    3. BronxWench


      Seriously, if you were closer, I’d toss Elderspawn into your lap and tell you to work her to the bone.

    4. WillowDarkling


      Given how Elderspawn has been making you fume lately, I’d be tempted to just send Elderspawn anyway… :devil:

  13. There was no data breach. I would also have gotten an email from google about it for the site. Your email may in fact be registered more than once, or you may have registered with a different one. Without knowing who you are, I have no way to tell.
  14. I will be very happy when July 31st gets here.  That’s when the extra $600 a week for unemployment finally expires.   That may sound horrible, but I’m on the opposite end of that.  I have worked through this entire thing, and the only applicants I’ve gotten for my critically short staffed store, have been applying for the unemployment requirement that they do so.  Have only had one day off since November 14th.  ONE.  Plus, I’m already on schedule for a minimum of 80 hours a week, and if anyone calls off, I get to cover it.  Because I don’t have enough staff.  So my average work week is more like 90 hours or better.  Awful damn tired of people working the system.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. GeorgeGlass


      Egads. Hope you go from understaffed to just staffed soon.

    3. DemonGoddess


      We should have, between full and part time, 15 people.  We have 8.

    4. InvidiaRed
  15. As to the microsoft server issue, that should now be resolved. There was a particular function that needed to be done that I could not. Nexcess had to do it for me.
  16. Happy Birthday BronxWench!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. InBrightestDay


      I need to be on here more.

      Well, like the others, happy (even more belated) birthday, BronxWench! :)

    3. BronxWench


      Thank you! Honestly, I’m not all that bothered by getting older as long as I don’t act older. :lol: 

    4. WillowDarkling


      As “they” say, growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional :D 

  17. I’m working 16+ hours a day right now. Next day after I got back, I worked 83 hours in 5 days. 95 hours the next 7 days. So, yeah, been a little busy. Looks like you logged in last on September 1st. You are using a gmail account for the archive.
  18. I’d have to ask manta2g exactly which hashing system she uses. Years ago, it was plain text. It hasn’t been for quite awhile.
  19. On an unrelated note, I’ve actually been working with the hosting company to fix the hotmail/outlook issues (where the emails just disappear that send to users). Everything thus far I’ve tried that SHOULD have worked, has not. So, they’re digging deeper and I should that have fixed soonish. When the old issue occurred, Nexcess was a major help at that time as well. They tracked down the IPs of the persons who did this, and blocked them from the domain entirely. They have tools at their disposal I don’t, so if something happens, they’re the ones I go to help stop whatever the issue is.
  20. I also get the webcam emails, and that cracks me up. I’ve NEVER had a webcam. I don’t WANT a webcam, and that they think they can scare me with webcam usage that never existed is just plain silly. Yes, this is an OLD issue, and these emails have been popping up ever since.
  21. Keep yer fingers crossed that we get staffing issues finally settled for where I work.  It has been BRUTAL.  Sixty hours worked since Saturday.  And I’m not done.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. GeorgeGlass


      Aw daaaang. Yes, hope that sitch gets fixed.

    3. pittwitch


      I feel your pain.  Training the newbies – who are younger than my children.  As if the work wasn’t exhausting enough!  Good Luck DG!

    4. DemonGoddess


      Yep, get paid OT.  But, it would be NICE to be awake to enjoy it!  Ah well.  Going into my third hell week, and then things should be evening out a bit.

  22. One flower bed weeded,  four to go..

    1. BronxWench


      I took the day off from one job, and I still have dinner to finish and a ton of laundry that needs doing….

    2. DemonGoddess


      Yikes!  I got my clothes in the wash, and got called into work to finish second

    3. BronxWench


      You have got to be kidding me… they can’t let you have ONE day off????


  23. I’ve been having an issue resetting it to allow them for users. The default, currently is to not allow them, due to trolls and spammers. I will TRY to get it to reset for you, and if it works, please let me know.
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