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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. Gotta love allergies.  ugh.  My eyes will be gritty until I mow again, and then I go back to the eyes glued shut the first day after.  :angry:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DemonGoddess


      Checked with my son, last snow was April 20th.  All these weeds sprouted up in that short time.  ugh

    3. BronxWench


      Holy caw… Lawnzilla is on overdrive! :blink:


    4. DemonGoddess


      We’ve mowed at least 5 times since April 20th.

  2. Other than a name change, identical to the stories stolen. Of course, not being satisfied with one theft, this one made a trifecta! That’s okay, you’re toast now!
  3. Well, sent DA a message, and I hope she checks in with you guys! That would depend entirely, I’m sure, on whatever RL has been throwing at them.
  4. before, unfortunately. I can always send her another “poke” to check in.
  5. Last I spoke with DA (and it’s been awhile) she had mentioned that they had decided to “go off the grid” for a time. Haven’t heard anything since then.
  6. DemonGoddess


    OracleObscured’s stories Yep, she does post here
  7. You can edit the story details and add the tags as you have time. No hurry!
  8. If you want people to be able to search that specific type of story, they can search it in the tag, so yes, I would add that tag
  9. Okay, will point Manta to this topic
  10. As I recall, the gender bender would be addressed in the tags, not in a category type. So, for example, where there is already Harry/Draco as a sub sub category, you’d TAG the story to allow for the gender bender.
  11. added. you never ask unless you have one ready or a WIP
  12. If the stories aren’t in progress, I don’t add the categories. I don’t see anywhere where you’ve made note that either stories already exist or are being written for these categories
  13. Story deletion doesn’t appear to be working for me there, so I’ll go through the tables and do it that way
  14. Make a category request for Star Trek Online and I’ll get it added
  15. If “ReticentM” is the pen name, that user does not exist in the database.
  16. I’m going to ask Manta what we can do about the menuing, as when we made it more mobile friendly, it certainly became LESS friendly to desktop. We have to find a happy medium with this.
  17. I don’t remember having emailed you on this one, but it appears we resolved this a few months ago, you and I. Sorry it’s been absolute and utter hell at work, which means I can’t do shit that isn’t work or work related. ugh
  18. We actually have a certificate, which I can get to work for about ten minutes, and then it doesn’t again. I have Nexcess looking at that for me, again. We don’t actually process any financial stuff through the site, so unless you’re putting your private information out there for all to see, you’re safe. Personal information asked for at registration, for example, is HIDDEN and only seen by mods and admins, and not searchable. We set it up that way, so that it isn’t. What gets around that, just like anywhere else, is where people will put personal information in the public profiles.
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