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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. The manga subdomain was created at the request of writers FOR manga series. I'll be moving the manga titles from anime to manga when I get there. So, don't suggest that they post to anime, as they'll end having work deleted.
  2. checking further, it may be isolated to Firefox 7.x. I'll be checking with some people I know who use different versions OF Firefox. Firefox 3.x is not reporting any issues.
  3. I've recieved 2, both from Firefox users. I've opened the site in several other browsers, and am not getting a malware ID. I've also scanned the site on AVG, Google, and 4 other sites, and so far, it all tested clean.
  4. the "x" tells me it's an encrypted jpg Glad you found help with your niece!
  5. If you look at the Terms of Service for this site, we do NOT allow users to post for others. At all. If you take over an abandoned fic, we do require proof of permission to do so. If you change/rewrite someone else's work, again, we require proof of permission in order for it to stay.
  6. Users are not allowed to post others' work. If we find it, it'll be deleted. If you do it without permission, it's plagiarism and YOU will be deleted as well.
  7. Sure! Post the req here. I ask that people do like this, so it's all in place and I don't MISS any of 'em.
  8. I've not been asked for such a category. If anyone is writing for this book, it'd be in misc. books.
  9. They're used in the ibEconomy game/module, as your "cash"
  10. That's why the story was deleted. We delete stories which are added to the wrong subdomain. Use the menus to nav TO the subdomain you want to post in.
  11. Those are word exported to html, from before the addition of the rich text editor. To fix it, you need to go in to to your story, open the chapter (like you're going to edit) let it load, and then click edit chapter.
  12. The profile emails were made not visible years ago, due to them being harvested by spambots. There's no way at this time to make them visible.
  13. ...and it's fixed
  14. I have NO clue how you'd put hebrew in where it'd accept it. JEEEEZ
  15. That's weird. In the upload dir, I'm seeing additions from today. Can't find your image ANYWHERE. What we can do then, is you can either pm or email the image, and I'll get it added to the server AND your profile.
  16. In the archive, not the forum
  17. what's the file name?
  18. As I've said with the other stories that are not in my repair sequence yet, I'll keep this for record keeping. No guarantees as to when I'll get to it yet.
  19. No, no limit. You are making sure it's a .gif or .jpg right?
  20. good catch, and I don't remember. I THINK it's November 1, but I'll need to doublecheck with Apollo to be sure.
  21. We have people who will do this at random, simply out of meanness, I'm sure. At that point, the user does exactly what you did, and tells me what was there as best as they can remember (including hit counts, if possible), I then go in to the database and fix it. Be aware, however, that once you've been targeted like this, it often happens that you'll KEEP getting targeted for a bit of time.
  22. YES! We even have a nosex tag for authors if the story has no sex of any kind in it. We do not disallow posting for lack of "adult" content. The "adult" part, more than ANYTHING, has to do with the users ages. You must be 18 years of age and older to use the site. Period. That doesn't mean you have to write adult content to post. Just that the site itself is restricted to ages 18 and above. Now, because we are an adult archive, this means we ALLOW adult content, which is why the site is restricted to adults in the first place.
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