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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. Very likely. But that's okay. You can post the link in your story to the original art ya know.
  2. This forum is used so infrequently, that's probably a good idea
  3. As long as you get the artist's permission and credit it properly, I don't see why you'd have to ask the person who commissioned the work. After all, you got perms from the person who created the art.
  4. LOL. I can probably add one to the section where people report and such.
  5. The formats we look for, for original works are here. Just copy/paste in to the field, depending upon if it's fiction, non fiction or poetry. There are examples for each type of story.
  6. I tOlD yOu GuYs. YoU'rE mAkInG mY eYeS bLeEd! StOp It!!
  7. That would be because you are not yet 18 years old. The site is clearly labeled as being restricted to users in age 18 or above. We'll be happy to have you here, once you've reached the proper age. On that note, I'd also like to remind you that you CANNOT charge for fanfiction. Not here, not anywhere. That is the quickest way to get any given site in to a whole lot of trouble.
  8. You guys are making my eyes bleed just visualizing it. Yes, very much annoying to find that in stories.
  9. It just means google updated their blacklist and removed us. This is a GOOD thing.
  10. In the Firefox menu Options>Security tab> Then add the site
  11. We are aware of the issue. Please read this topic
  12. The information we found while researching showed you as being born in 1991, not 1989. If this is incorrect, you can provide us with ID so we can update our records. The point is, if we find something to indicate a birth year where the user was not 18 when they joined, we will process the account accordingly.
  13. The deleted stories were published before your 18th birthday. All your pre 18 content was deleted.
  14. What is the file type you're trying to upload? The archive only accepts .txt files for physical file upload.
  15. fixed
  16. Again, need more information. I will not delete an account without proof that the requestor is the account holder. Simply linking to it is not proof.
  17. deleted
  18. That's something the author should fix, if it's going to be done sooner rather than later. I'm still in buffy for chapter glitches, and way the hell away yet from originals.
  19. This works, email works, whichever gets us the information
  20. hopefully, this time around I found the last of this user's data
  21. Archive profile What this one did, was to change names and gender, add some text, rearrange some text... but not enough to hide the theft. Go away. hehe, of course, you kind of have to, as your profile has been taken over, and you've now been added to the Hall of Shame. RIGHT where you belong.
  22. The EFOs are plotting to take over the world. They've already taken over our house, our lives...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BronxWench


      This is why I am currently sans EFOs...

    3. DemonGoddess


      Evil Feline Overlords...

    4. BronxWench


      Although an Electrified Fluffy Otter might be cute....

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