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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. What I need you to do is step out for me EXACTLY how you're trying to add the chapter. That will tell me what to look at. Only thing that pops out at me immediately, is, are you trying to add an html file? If so, the archive hasn't accepted an html upload since beginning of February
  2. I responded to that email bronx, tambra, split your issue and made a topic for it in tech support, which is what that would be.
  3. Here's the profile in archive And here we go again....the copypasta plagiarist Pathetic, isn't it? Way to be creative, too
  4. Not banned, but deleted at his request. BTW, I see that you are posting as someone else again...Types No Evil... Topic is locked.
  5. Progress to date - 9-21-11 Books - Complete Buffy - Final sweep of all stories for repair needed Buffy>General - completeBuffy>Round Robins - completeBuffy>FemmeSlash>Buffy/Dawn - completeBuffy>FemmeSlash>Cordy/Faith - completeBuffy>FemmeSlash>Dawn/Faith - completeBuffy>FemmeSlash>Faith/Willow - completeBuffy>FemmeSlash>Buffy/Tara - in progress Cartoon - story movement within the subdomain - completeout of the subdomain - Teen Titans top level is the last to be moved outin to the subdomain - Avatar and Transformers (in anime) - to start Celeb - initial sort - in progress
  6. Without knowing the author name, I can't tell you if it's something we did or not. I did look earlier for possibilities of it having been posted by an underage author, and found nothing.
  7. Many have lied before, so thanks very much! I will certainly be emailing the original user.
  8. thank you! You can report via the email given by "guest", or at the bottom of any chapter in the posted story.
  9. I've never deleted anyone for having a negative opinion. They can have negative opinions, opinions which differ from staff, or whatever. What I DO delete for are underage users, plagiarism, and for actual trollfic, consistent flaming and flame baiting and the like. In other words, if the user has VIOLATED ToS and I should delete, I do. If a person has not violated ToS, I don't delete them. I'm already seeing by IP that many of you who are posting as different people, are actually one person. You're just doing this to stir things up. Topic is closed
  10. if reporting for content, apparently they now look for snippets. Chapter 4 for some explicit descriptions, chapter 11 for explicit language, Chapter 12 for a sex scene, Chapter 16 sex scene. Haven't gone through the entire story, but that's a good start point.
  11. Her story has been plagiarised on fanfiction.net. Word for word. As we all know, the mods there tend to ignore us when we report for plagiarism. Now, as the story is explicit in parts, PLEASE report it as MA rated. Maybe that'll get it pulled. Don't leave a review for the little cretin. After all, that's very likely the primary purpose of the theft, is for the attention. So please, don't give this person the attention they're craving. Just report the story until FFN PULLS the damn thing. Story link
  12. If the user chooses to remove his stories, that's up to him. If he chooses to leave them up, that's up to him. Starting an argument with this person's readers gets nothing accomplished but hard feelings, don't you agree?
  13. The difference is that when you posted them, you were under 18, and shouldn't have been here in the FIRST place. The age restriction for this site has been in place since it was STARTED in 2002. If you're pissy about it because you didn't back them up, that's not my problem. You're lucky I even left you an account.
  14. that's exactly what it was. nuked.
  15. A site which doesn't require its users to have logins for all applications, like us. As to what happened to your stories, you posted 'em before your 18th birthday, so they had to be deleted. ALL your pre 18th data was deleted. You can repost if you choose to.
  16. While I'm thinking of it, are you setting this in DC's Multiverse, or Marvel's? Depending on which world the crossover is based in, is where it needs to be posted to to begin with. If it's set in DC 'Verse, but DC/Marvel crossover, it can stay where it is. If it's set in Marvel 'Verse, it would be helpful if you re-added it to the xmen subdomain in the appropriate subcategory, and then let me know when you have. Then I can transfer rates, hits and reviews so that nothing is lost.
  17. Which comic titles are you writing for? That's how you need to correct it. For example, where it says I don't own the Marvel and/or DC Universes, it needs to read.. I don't own Spiderman, (and whatever other titles you're writing about).
  18. There is a WORLD of difference between concrit, even when it's harsh, and a flame. To me, a flame is name calling, stirring the pot with others to make THEM flame a certain person (flame baiting), and the like. I've often left what many would consider harsh concrit, because by nature I'm very blunt. So, when I see things and point them out, I'm not going to pussyfoot around and circle talk to get my point across as to the problem I'm seeing. I'll just say what it is and move on. Honestly, in some for instances it's VERY hard to leave something that's not going to be taken badly, depending upon the person you leave it FOR. People can get very defensive over the silliest things, really.
  19. That's a good question, really. As to review whoring, that's something we don't put up with either. It's actually against content guidelines and whatnot. I think that often, people discount constructive criticism, because they may be afraid if someone *gasp* speaks out, and actually DARES to say that this or that author misspelled, or the grammar is off, or whatever; the author will be discouraged. To my way of thinking, that's just silly, but there you are. When I'm not up to my ears in other stuff, and take the time to read, I leave a review. Depending upon what I saw while reading, is what the review will have IN it. If something is so awful that I can find no way to leave anything that isn't an outright flame, I won't review at all. If these people are honestly trying to improve their writing, concrit will help them do it. Mollycoddlying will not.
  20. Moved 63 stories between yesterday and today.

    1. Daye
    2. JayDee


      When it gets up to 88 stories per hour you're gonna see some serious shit... (to paraphrase Doc Brown)

    3. DemonGoddess


      I only wish I could move 'em that fast...

  21. The requestor has to have a story to add to the newly created category. When we get to misc tv, and are in the process of sorting, at that point I'll be creating categories for the stories in there with no category. That's a bit of time away however.
  22. As I'm not finding any reference to UID in any of the db's, and the UID is not currently in the db, it's an old minor who'd been deleted before this staff, most likely. Story nuked
  23. Bragging Rights didn't disappear, the author helped me out by adding it to where all the Teen Titan stories are being moved to.
  24. Again, the problem here is the way it's worded, you're disclaiming the characters, and not really the fandom, which, if you name it, disclaims it all. So, you would want it to say.. I don't own X-Men: Evolution. This work of fiction is nonprofit --- If you are writing for other titles WITH X-Men: Evolution, you'd write.. I don't own X-Men: Evolution or Spiderman as an example. Hope that clarifies it for ya
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