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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. It's likely that the reviewer was underage. When I delete a minor, I delete ALL content, including reviews.
  2. DemonGoddess


    Not your fault ladynightvamp
  3. Check your email please, sent you instructions. The problem is you're in the wrong subdomain
  4. another old minor deletion, from 4 years ago...
  5. On this one, first thing I'd be asking you is what kinds of readers are your friends? If you have an avid reader critiquing your story, and they find issue with the POV changes, then I'd take another look at how they were written.
  6. *is happy staying home and AWAY from the stores* hehe

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BronxWench


      I'm venturing out to get milk. That's it...

    3. ApolloImperium


      I did the mall bit one year - NEVER again!

    4. DemonGoddess


      I did the Walmart bit one year. No way in hell will I EVER subject myself to that insanity. Nope.

  7. Nope. However, we'll go with assumed permissions for now, as it's stated in the story to begin with, even though that AN is old.
  8. Unless the author has given permission for the story to be adopted, anyone taking it on to finish it would plagiarizing. They do that here, they get deleted.
  9. DemonGoddess

    F/F Laced

    I double checked the data, and see no reference to a story entitled "Lace" for having been deleted (this would be for minors, plagiarists, and the like). If it's an older story, chances are the author pulled it to rework it, or something along those lines. That happens fairly often.
  10. that's b/c you're still validating. Once you're validated, then you can actually vote in the physical poll.
  11. I'm going to state the obvious on this again (at least I think it's obvious). Often, the quantity of reviews is in no way an indication of the quality of writing. In the process of cleaning up and reordering and whatnot, I've seen a load of stories I'd never bother to open but for the task I'm working on, that get more reviews than you can shake a stick at. Yet, I'll also run across very well written stories, which have little or no reviews, often not even a rating. I think it's because you have some people (I'm not a writer, so have no idea, truly) who have their friends and the clique they happen to belong to, review their stories, and review them as being wonderful, whether or not such a review is deserved. Often, those reviews are not deserved. Just my two cents..
  12. Hopefully, the AN is still in force and she's not changed her mind.
  13. I've emailed the original author to confirm permissions for you to do this, as that author note is OLD. This is a CYA measure for you, as one should ALWAYS confirm that permissions still apply.
  14. This is more properly tech support, and the topic is being moved to there. Your story will be deleted from misc. anime, as that is not where it belong. Either use the jump menu in the author cp and select naruto from the drop down and click go before uploading; or navigate to the naruto subdomain and THEN add your story.
  15. If it's a crossover, put it in the category which is the primary world please
  16. ...let the mauling commence...
  17. Those of you looking for the silver snitch, the site owner could seriously use your help. Read our site news for more details.
  18. yep, but I'll still see about maybe being able to do this, because it's something that's been asked for for years... Having said that though, there are other things that are going to happen long before this would be thought about...
  19. category not added. Please see rules
  20. I can remove the WIP and add COMPLETE if you want...how've you been?
  21. It's been over a year since I did the initial movement of the stories for this, but here is where they live. I vaguely remember seeing a few that match your description. Sorry I'm not of more help for ya.
  22. Yes, there really are. We've seen chapters with ANs running upwards of 1k words, and the actual chapter is maybe 500 words
  23. how about author's notes that end up being longer than the damn chapter???
  24. Prompt: Crackling Please remember to follow the rules as outlined here: rules Happy writing!
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