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Everything posted by manta2g

  1. From basic proding it seems that any fiction site running fiction press as it's core is vulnerable which includes fanfiction.net, Custom coded archives do not seem to have been touched by this since their code base is not public. Still good to know about it though I am not worried about that happening to this archive since security is a big part of how the new code operates, has been for years now.
  2. Tomorrow I'm another year older, another decade till I reach the age of the ultimate answer that no one knows the question to. *sighs*

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. pippychick


      I hope you have a brilliant birthday, and I wish you a great year going forward, Manta-provider-of-kitty-cats :)

    3. WillowDarkling


      Have a wonderful birthday, manta :D

    4. Melrick


      Happy belated birthday.

  3. The invasion is coming and it is cute, fluffy, and purrs! AFF shall be conqured by cats!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WillowDarkling


      I thought I had conquered you all already.... o.O

    3. DemonGoddess


      The Great Kitty Invasion has begun!!!

    4. BronxWench


      Fluffy ones, too, please. Shorthaired cats make me sneeze...

  4. The planned reworking of tags will not bog down searching but can also be used while browsing categories to filter out stories with content that may make the user uneasy. For other users it can also be used to help find content they are looking for. Of course this feature change to tags is on the giant to do list for upgrading the site to work with future server upgrades.
  5. "Currently Reading" and/or "Recommended Reading" should not experience any issues since they are already part of the newer site code.
  6. you know something is wrong or you have not had enough sleep when you go crazy trying to figure out what is not working and it turns out you forgot a global variable pointing to the master of all archives, the database. =^.^=

  7. *reads* full text search of chapters is not going to happen, but in the recode there will be full text search of story summaries which is the closest you will get, since trying to full text search chapter data will crash the whole database, even with sphinx, the load is just too big.
  8. As vast as php may be the '+' sign even when escaped for storing in a database dose not guarantee it will not mess with output and the user table joins with other tables for information output and an e-mail address with a plus sign stored in the database when outputted can break code, be it php or in java. besides the only time the archive will e-mail you is to activate your account or to reset your password, other then that the bulk of e-mail from AFF is from the forums.
  9. the yellow figure I think was suppose to be a guy
  10. When you think you can edit, it's when you find out you have to start from scratch

  11. The edit chapter is now with the new editor, though fair warning some older chapters that did not use HTML formatting will show up unformatted in the new editor but display fine in regular archive for reading. Since the new editor is fully integrated and manual entering of HTML code is turned off, there are expanded formatting functions available for all members. I hope everyone enjoys this update for the archives, it's in our hope it will make peoples lives easier. Just a note to anyone who might be upset that uploading is turned off, just copy and past into the editor, really it's not that hard and it's cleaner, especially from word documents.
  12. a glomp is an excessive overly emphasized hug that is a display of admiration and/or gratitude.
  13. When you say potato are we talking about red potatos, white potatos, or russets?
  14. -subcategory help -how add chapter works -how to format your text. only three missing for now.
  15. On a lark I did the litmus test, keeping the univers she was in in mind and the results were pretty much as expected, not overly sueish. I think to do the test properly you have to keep the universe in mind on wether or ot the question applies. just my two cents
  16. *looks up at topic title* Annoyed huh? Considering the current archive is written in php 2, the database is barely up to mysql 4 standard, and then just how mangled the code is from times of instability and past crashes, not to mention that the longest part of DG'S daily tasks is corrupted data correction (no amount of querying gonna fix it) you may wish to stop pushing her buttons, it is rather childish and rude, besides if it was a matter of a couple of arrays and a few quick fixes, it would be already done by now but many people forget about how it will affect cpu load on the server. Also I skimmed though your disclaimers list and all of them are missing at least one proper disclaimer element, if you are not mature to realise that the site's policy is in place for a reason, both your protection and our own, then I'd have to say even if you are old enough you are certainly not mature enough to be on this site as reader or author. Manta2g
  17. Content warnings I think is a far as one needs to go, though I will admit a few extra of those wouldn't hurt but what sort of fiction people write is up to them as long as it isn't plagerised or about a real underage child or just an out right troll. People who stand up on thier soapboxs and complain about fiction not being moral need to seriously have thier soap box taken out from under then and thow it at them till they go away.
  18. AFF was created as a protest against censorship, 2 cases trying to ban adult fictional works up here where I live both failed because they greatly infringed upon freedom of speech, this person I doubt has a leg to stand on.
  19. I wouldn't think so, they'd be daft if they did. As for expiriences, My parents and grand parents never really cencored anything, i saw heavy metal when I was eight, and despite all the violence, gore, sex, nudity and bad language the only thing that came of it was a love for animation and understanding that it was all like the stuff on saturday morning cartoons. for thing I wanted to see but the theater wouldn't let mom take me in she userally gave me the book to read wich tended to be even more graphic, side effect from that? nothing except a love of books. Censorship is bunk, parents should be honest with thier kids and not talk down, The only thing that ever bugged me about my parents was there was no pint in doing the rellious teen things because everytime I tryed my mom would insist on helping me . But that's just my two cents.
  20. As a customer I try to avoid doing theese things, as a retail clerk there isn't a day that gose by without 5 out of the 7 happening, it's a really bad day when they all happen more then once. So What I am wondering is why do they do it? What makes people think that they can get away with such behavior? I'd love other peoples insite on this. Manta2g
  21. manta2g


    Curently all the queries for the curent archive script are in php2 and 3 not to mention most of the source code, we are in progress of rewriting it, Though because of the size of the archives reducing the character limit even with the new code would truly overload the database. You may be a programmer but aparetly you need tp re-read the instructions and get some database expirience.
  22. *sighs* I'm not ashamed of what I said, it was true, demanding those ofc catergories back any sooner then we can accomodate is unreasonable. I do have more important things to do, such as the reprogramming that can add an extra level of sub categories more then what we curently can. Demongoddess has been a world of help by doing the reorganizing of the categories and database cleanup because it's setting it all up to make the coding changes go smoother. I'm a harsh person, but i've seen too much of whiners getting thier way and everyone suffering for it. the 2003 crash was the worst, but we had also had a 2005 and 2006 crash, wich prompted the subdivide, politics for the site happened mid 2006 and most of 2007 and what should had been done as stage two was never done, and when I came back in september, we were headed even with subdivide a 2007 crash. We manage to stabilize it enough to prevent the crash. So what you see now is a well planned stage 2, clean up and reorganizing, stage 3 is the first round of reprograming, and stage 4 is the final rework, after stage 3 or 4 deeper subcatlevels will be available. Till then any demands will be viewed as unreasonable. Manta2g
  23. 1) if you don't like it we can always swap to the dewy decimal system for the archive. 2) we have been trying to balance the best of both sides to keep the archive from crashing, I'm sure you don't want to get your extra cats and then have the database implode... right? 3) As both a programmer and a bookworm I'm sure I'm not being unreasonable, unreasonable would be getting rid of the harry potter zone entierly. Now if you do not mind, there are more important things that need doing, and apeasing unreasonable demands is not one of them. Manta2g
  24. *snickers to no end* Even if it was petitioned I doupt AFF would ever remove the bible section, after all the word bible means collection of books. It has every right to be in the books zone. As for being christianity being forced on people.... All i can say is i'm acosted by moremen and johova's witnesses at least 3 -4 times a week on my way to my day job (that dose not include the menonites, algicains, protestants(calvinist/lutherin/orangemen/ect), that give me no end of grief at work). On the flip side catholics arent too bad, they leave me alone, never give me holier then though attitude. My only annoyance with hindu's an islamics is thier tendancy to not read the signs, and attempts to haggle. My family is more zen buddist, and i pratice a bit of shinto. Principle of energy: it never ceases to be, simply changes form, humans produce -5 to +5 volts of extra energy a second, more when active. come to your own conclusions if you want, but it is all i have to say of the exsistance of souls and the posility to life after death. live your life to the fullest, after all no one gets out of living alive
  25. *ponders* I have to agree, fixing problems in ones own backyard shlould go before fixing someone elses in another country. The major cause of people being homeless up here iloosing thier job and not being able to pay the bills, the bugger of it is that in order to get a jnou need a valid address. not there are places that will provide room and board (and a valid address) as long as you are willing to look for a job to support ones self. Just not many people know of those places. And it's not like there is a lack of jobs, there never seems to be enough people to fill them. The problem up here is that we are under populated, a good 300,000 or more short of people to actually hit echonomic stability. Either way, i agree with rant 1. No gender is better then the other, people who do not listen come from every walk of life. though the worst has to be christian church ladies (please dont take this the wrong way). Everyday on my way to my day job, i an acost y a johova's witness (not sure on the spelling) wanting to tell me about god on the city streets, no matter how many times I tell them to leave me alone, it's the same thing the next day. tehn there are the church ladies that come into mwork looking for fabic to recover thier 'very special book' ahem bible and they expect to be aed on hand and foot, and if they have chosen a fabic that actuall wontdthe job and you tell them, the complain to the manager. to add insult to injury they then figure it out later and then complain you sold them faulty stuff. These sorts of people I find the world can do better without. as for rant 3 eat meat, just dony kill them for fun or sport....
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