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Keith Inc.

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Everything posted by Keith Inc.

  1. ^ Quite true < Just wrote a story for a friend's request that actually squicks me out V Voted for a story in the anniversary contest
  2. There are no naughty girls carved into hills as fertility maps, i think she means. Although i have my suspicions about some of those Nazca Plains designs... OH! Nazca Plains! Are they visible on GoogleEarth? Suddenly, the afternoon has purpose!
  3. Okay, yes, in response to the email, i realize that my two offerings do not, quite, fulfill the requirements i posted. So, if it makes it easier for anyone, where i said 'must be' in my challenged, read 'Should' or 'could' or 'maybe' or 'don't forget' or 'consider also' or 'avocado.' Whatever works.
  4. G: Claudia Christian, Laura Prepon, Azzizi Johari in a Wig G/NG: can name ten episodes of Star Trek from a cold start.
  5. Only in my emotional development. I have never found a replacement for my first love.
  6. Grand Canyon?
  7. Damn. All the stuff i should be doing, and i can't get the lab coats out of my head.... Mad Scientist 2: Coincidental Sin
  8. Yes, but only while i was self employed. Also, only got sexually harassed during that period... I have never been on trial.
  9. NG: not into sports (except for the score of the ArmyNavy game. I cheer for anyone that beats on midshipmen) G/NG: Can easily tell time on a 24 hour clock.
  10. G. Way guilty. G/NG: Has built a treehouse
  11. Well, Alligator. A crocodilian, if not exactly a crocodile. It was marinated in so much flavoring to make it palatable, i have no idea what it tasted like. I have never regretted changing another person's title.
  12. What? It's not the feet that are impressive...Anyway, this inspired me to try to find that giant Chalk Outline of a well-hung man in Southern England on Google Earth. Either it's not visible from the satellite they had access to, or it's under the carefully positioned clouds on the shot they used for Cerne Abbas on the map. Darn. I was so looking forward to an ancient finding 'visible from orbit' manhood.
  13. Unless you were Shakers.I have areas and openings that have remained virginal so far, but in the main, i haven't been a virgin since the early 80s.
  14. I'm having far too much fun being myself, since the discovery of a new erogenous zone. How did we entertain ourselves before computers?
  15. ^ never saw that picture of the 2-inch maggot being removed from behind the guy's eye socket, evidently < really, really hates medical dilema related emails V likes a good plate of maggots after a hard day at work.
  16. Neither have i. I have never driven a motorcycle.
  17. Glancing at a website about monster movies, i read the general description of the basic Mad Scientist and suddenly an entire story shot into my head. Been writing it since i got home. With the incredibly original title of: Mad Scientist Porn 1, it's the first story submitted for this challenge, and i hadn't even planned on writing one.
  18. Not guilty. Adapted the s**t out of Monopoly for D&D rules, once. G/NG: has invented an alcoholic drink.
  19. Never? Can't say never. I don't, but did. I have never understood how a christain can enjoy heaven with the knowledge that anyone is in hell...
  20. Guilty. I played D&D when D&D wasn't cool. G/NG: has rewritten the rules to a board game to make it a role playing game. ("Can i build a tavern instead of a house on this property?")
  21. Neither have i. I have never seen the attraction of Ninjas over the basic utility of a good pirate fantasy...
  22. car's exhaust. Needless to say, it was the most popular lap ever at NASCAR event. The question, though, is why the media chose to__________
  23. Wait, optional for the author of the title, or for the person so titled? Will anonymous title changes be a thing of the past? Obviously not a problem for a shameless attention whore like, say, ME, but it would reduce the attraction of the magic marker for some...
  24. Raging Red Raphael? With the Sais? Radical! But only in the 80's, when they were in black and white comics. I have never seen an entire Turtles movie, though.
  25. Me, either. And boy, i'm glad i didn't go after that 'living thing:explosive' turn. I have never regretted anything I have done in a motel room, hotel room, or airplane toilet (below 30,000 feet, at least).
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