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Keith Inc.

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Everything posted by Keith Inc.

  1. Well, yeah, and if you hit 'reload' while it's in the middle of selling the item back, it'll keep doing that action over and over and over until you're out. But, i have over 30 million points, not in a real hurry to convert inventory to NPs. If i can help another person have fun, though...much more entertaining.
  2. Boy, i don't remember doing that, but again, it seems terribly, terribly in character. Wanna tag?
  3. I do, i do. I agree, it's not what i envisioned at the challenge, but i do like it. Thanx for listing. I may add a chapter....
  4. Yes, but they never get a good connection that far into the Yukon. You pretty much have to go there. Anyone for a moose-school road trip?
  5. True. But that made them tragic figures, rather than mad scientists. However, a lot of the later rip-offs of the basic themes of either were more towards mad, mad, mad i tell you scientists. The serials, the late-late-late shows (early technology versions of 'straight to video'), tend to depict them, or their theremin-themed clones as straight bug-fucking mad more than as innovators. Mess with forces man was never meant to fuck with, reap the whirlwind (while laughing maniacally from the lightning collector). And 'tragic figure porn' doesn't have quite the ring i was imagining.
  6. I haven't. I have never worn an ankh.
  7. Oh, but the moose is easily toilet trained. But does anyone know where to find a moose-appropriate toilet?
  8. Me, either. I've just had no complaints about the basic flavor of my wedding tackle, nor seen a need for toppings. I have never mixed whites and darks, thus producing a matching set of grays.
  9. Wouldn't that depend on the women?
  10. NG! Love flying. Have a chance to meet hot editors of smut and have meaningless sex in the forward toilet. G/NG: Has read my story for the anniversary.
  11. There's the flavors of quarks. I usually write NAME, then chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, whatever. Whichever one is the end of the story, usually i title: "And finally...." In Lamia, i title each chapter for the animal involved in the xenophilia, then the chappies part 2, part 3, part 4.... Saves a lot of headaches, and makes it easy to find what i'm looking for on the hard drive.
  12. Guilty of avoiding concert going...can't stand crowds G/NG: would give up a great deal for travel to the stars.
  13. The who? Sorry, never heard of them. Listening to, let's see, Peter Gabriel right now. G/NG: Has at least a thousand MP3 files here and there.
  14. Seriously. Cackling, mercury sniffing, 'I'll show them all,' demented experimenters with human lives and the fate of humanity in general. Cutting edge experiementation with mixing gorilla blood with the blood of a man, reanimating dead tissue, body switching, body morphing, Frankenstein, Jeckyll and Hyde, Dr. Cyclops, Dr. Moreau....all that stuff, but with the graphic sex missing from the black and white movies of the last century. I'll make a formal challenge for anyone to create an NC-17 experiment with experimentation. I'll even offer 10,000 naughty points for any story written, and listed/linked here. The possibilities are endless. I'd prefer original, but if you want to use a TV character, say The Professor decides to stop trying to make the radio run on coconuts and turns Ginger and Mary Ann into big breasted guinea pigs, I won't quibble, or if Scully uncovers a hidden lab and the possibilities become too compelling to ignore. Rewriting Frankenstein as a CSI episode. NCIS' Ducky brings Todd back to life, or Abby decides to rule the world by a computer virus that affects men. I'll take about anything. As long as they come across as a True Mad Scientist. In general, this will require (although exceptions can be justified): An entire world, species, gender or at the very least a populated city must be at risk. Their motivation must be really base: Revenge, power, lust or boredom, stuff like that. No attempts to save mankind that turn out to have unforeseen lethal consequences. They must be opposed, preferably by little minds. Anyone interested?
  15. Sex, pizza or a sex-pizza? Either way, the secret is to ___________________
  16. Never...and until the statute of limitations runs out, that's all i'll say on the matter I have never adopted another person's pet
  17. Guilty. Children are SUCH mood breakers G/NG: Has at least once really, really regretted NOT locking a door
  18. ^ probably can support that idea < would stipulate ^'s argument < just means that many people use 'book was better' to indicate that they actually read it V reads much more than they watch movies.
  19. Keith Inc.

    Sex Moves

    I think staying true to the character is the most important part. The question of foreplay is definitely one that has to take the character into account. I'm reminded of Bull Durham, where the woman tied a guy up and read him poetry ("Guys will put up with just about anything if the think it's foreplay."). Then again, there's The Three Amigos and the villain's new girl. ("Do you know what foreplay is?" "No..." "GOOD! Neither does El Guapo!"). -------- With all the size-themed sex i write, the variety of scale often seems to force me to be pretty graphic with a sex scene. With a man and a Lilliputian lover, the simple mechanics of 'What can she DO with that thing?' have to be spelled out. So most of my sex scenes turn into choreography. A hand here, a grip there, swing from the belt, walk across the belly, dig in the heels and stretch to reach the tip... But i agree, if the whole point of the fiction isn't the sex, sometimes it's tedious to spell it out when what you really want to do is get back to the dialogue, or the resolution, or the Naga...
  20. ^ concerns about pointlessness are not pointless. < Often feels that 'book better than movie' claims are pretentious BUT can appreciate a discussion where the claimant can back it up V can back it up
  21. Is there any way to get a count? Not even a breakdown, just a number of people giving me a rating? I mean, one person saying i have a rating of five is different than 400 people giving me a rating averaging a four.
  22. First off, thanks for the option. And, I think it makes more sense to have 'no anony' as the default. I am an absolute review whore, so i set my to 'yeah, freakin' everyone,' but i also have thick skin. But i've seen many authors put 'please review but be nice' in their story intro or description. I think they would prefer the extra layer of protection in that reviewers have to sign in before they can be not-nice. Until we actually have a survey of 'which do you want?' then 'no anony' makes more sense as the default.
  23. Not guilty. Not in 2006, or anything back to 1962, except for general anasthesia for surgeries. G/NG: has woken from surgery with something missing.
  24. ^ well, i enjoy accompanying the wife while SHE shops for appliances... does that count? < thinks it counts V thinks of Counts
  25. Nope. Mad?
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