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Keith Inc.

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Everything posted by Keith Inc.

  1. Then again, this is the company that sent me a company phone cord for 'my connivance.' So, what, i'm in a conspiracy WITH the phone company or AGAINST our long distance provider?
  2. A meeting report was sent around, with one guy's comments that the addition of a certain element risked 'guilding the lily' on the project. I pointed out that organized flowers could only be a bad thing, but i didn't think that was what he meant. So he issued an updated meeting report. Now they're worried about 'gelding' the lily. I shut up about then. It never gets better.
  3. Neither have I. I have never slept on a train.
  4. You know what they say about making assumptions. You'll get raped by Satan! Do you validate parking?
  5. Not guilty. Saw 42nd Street, Little Shop of Horrors, in London. And Cats in Jacksonville. G/NG: Speaks at least two languages
  6. Yes. Enough to know that i have to convince the cops it wasn't a murder, so they never look for evidence, rather than try to hande all the evidence. Do you ever list the people that deserve murder?
  7. I never had a problem with anon reviews. Of course, i am the original review whore. I don't think i've deleted any of mine, even the really whacko ones, or those that are squicked by my fetishes. Eh, i have nothing against signing in regularly, i just wish i could do it once and be done. I expect that many of those who delete accounts because of this change are doing it more because it's an excuse than a problem. Planning to leave for whatever reason, there's a change, so they can make a speech about how it's all some other person's fault, so there. Most of the forums i've been on for the last decade, anyone making a big speech on exit is usually back again fairly quickly. It's those that just leave who seem to be sincere and/or successful the most often.
  8. But his military contract does. Military personnel do not have the full rights of the Constitution they're sworn to defend. It's a long standing tradition.On the other hand, we got snazzy bellbottom trousers and keeno haircuts.
  9. Imagine an interview. I resurrected a story once by writing an interview of a character. it was supposed to be a 'our story so far' piece. Wasn't sure if i was going ot include it or not. Then the character started reminding me of where i'd planned to go with the piece. It brought out a lot of stuff i'd forgotten. And brought me closer to the character.
  10. Neither have I. The only chance i had, the guy that assessed my security clearance was watching. I have never watched an episode of Survivor.
  11. ^ quite correct < Western Mass has no snow on the ground. Even when it was 4 degrees out, there was only a light dusting V wants to move to a tropical island.
  12. I wasn't looking for red animals, but redneck behavior in animals. Now, there's a thought, though. Dragon. A dragon chews some tobacco, spits it out, then flames the spot on the ground. Bubba waves the smoke away: "If anything on your property smokes the tobacco AFTER they chew it, you might be a Redneck." Thanx.
  13. ^ True...why, even now, i'm nearly............
  14. Not guilty, sorry. G/NG: Sometimes loses body parts, even though they are, indeed, welded on.
  15. Oh, i do. I esp. love backing through them so my passenger can talk to the guy at the window. I have never threatened to sue anyone. Kill, maim, fire, launch through the signal ejector...but never sue.
  16. ^ is wrong. It's too close to bedtime to get excited about much of anything < shouldn't still be up V will encourage me to stay up to finish my fic chappi
  17. I've never paid expressly for sex. But we have three kids, one a teenager. It can be said that i continue to pay for the sex i had. Dues, food, shoes... I have never regretted anything i've posted on AFF.net.
  18. Hmmmm. There's got to be more humor to milk in Chapter 10. Anyone got any ideas? A hybrid animal sight gag for 'might be a redneck?'
  19. Really?I get hate mail. Well, my particular kink is off the wall, anyway, so while readers may respond to ambiguity, and click on the story, they don't seem to particularly like being surprised. Not with a Tom Thumb or Thumbelina fetish when they're simply looking for straight, predictable man-on-man vampiric amputee domination slash fiction with tentacles and no plot.
  20. NOT guilty by virtue of having nothing past a high school education G/NG: has been to the Smithsonian
  21. Well, as a matter of fact, JUST posted another chappie...and halfway through writing the next. And have already written abotu 2500 words of the next chapter. Just can't post it until MO'O is finished. Unfortunately for some, there's not looking to be any sex in chapter 10. LOTS of jokes, though, hopefully funny enough to make up for it.
  22. 3845
  23. ^ is good for it, like a fat uncle at Thanksgiving, when you're too lazy to box the food, so you keep suggesting that he could finish off the potatoes. < is in training to be that Thanksgiving uncle V has never truly understood the whole 'dead bird to celebrate success at religious intolerance' thing
  24. Oh, god, i've nearly collapsed from the heat of walking from the car to the wharf in Kings Bay. I have never liked Country/Western music.
  25. What i've done or used or parodied: X-Files, Monty Python, Crocodile Hunter, King of the Hill, Star Trek, Star Trek, Star Trek, Star Trek, NCIS, Stargate, Reno 911 I'd really like to do something with House, but the need to master the technical details of advanced medical diagnostic procedures is daunting.
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