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Keith Inc.

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Posts posted by Keith Inc.

  1. Or is there any correlation between your waking activities and your dreams?
    The only correlation i've ever noticed was if the ship rocked.

    If i slept while we did a surface transit, i had the bug-nuts weirdest dreams. Or the weirdest dream experiences. In one, i was under this great two-ton round stone that was slowly rolling over me, starting at my feet. I was beating on it with my fists, screaming 'No, no, no.'

    This woke up the guy in the rack above me. He screamed at me until i woke up just enough to realize i was in the bunk room, shouting, and beating on the bed tray.

    I said, 'Hold on a minute,' went back into the dream, screamed and beat until it rolled all the way over me (not killing me), then, with the dream over, i woke up and apologized to everyone in the room. And the next room. And the watch, a deck up.

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