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Keith Inc.

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Posts posted by Keith Inc.

  1. I was with the army between Gondor and Mordor. I was in charge of liaising with the camp followers for catering in the wardroom tents.

    Pretty much the same army as in the books, but the orcs had a Stargate, which allowed them to bring in reinforcements at a deadly rate. Where, exactly, the Stargate orcs were coming from, i have no idea. They just flowed through regularly.

    So, i got this great idea, to go to the South Pole, and use the gate there to cause a feedback loop on the other gate, destroying it utterly in a great whopping explosion. (I am ashamed to say that i was going to effect the feedback loop by reversing the polarity on the crystals. In my defense, I was raised in a Trekker household.)

    Eagles flew me, dropped me there with my tool kit, and as i was about to blast them to an unhallowed hell i woke up. So, i woke up my wife and told her about my weird dream. She listened, then fluffed up her pillow, said, 'Again?' and went back to sleep.

  2. I can't understand how anyone can join the military and not expect to see some fighting action.
    People are idiots.

    I knew at least two people in the Navy who were surprised when their detailer demanded they go to sea.

    And a man who graduated Sub School and drew Sub Pay for 12 years, then was absolutely shocked when he was forced to go to report to a submarine for the first time ever.

    Then, a man that wanted a small command, anything but an aircraft carrier, because he thought they were too big to be safe. So he became an Aviation Boatswains Mate, and was surprised to be sent to a carrier.

    Plus, an officer that turned his back on the division, expecting that no one would spit in his drink. Oh, well that's not exactly on point...

    Oh, and someone who joined the Marines for the technical training, then was surprised at being sent to the rifle range.

  3. What rank did you get to Keith? Were you ever one of those guys with all of that shiny stuff on your coat?

    I retired as an E6, First Class Petty Officer, Missile Technician.

    When i left, i had, let's see...

    1st Class Crow, 5 hash marks (each for 4 years service), Crow and hash were in Gold, denoting keeping my nose clean for 12 years straight.

    On the pocket, i had Dolphins, a Navy Achievement Medal, A Meritorius Unit Commendation, A Battle Efficiency award, A Good Conduct Medal (i forget how many stars...somewhere in there they stopped awarding them every four years, switched to every 3 years...), A National Defense Medal (also referred to as a CNN ribbon), a Sea Service Ribbon with 4 stars, and a Deterrent Patrol Pin with two stars for a total of 14 patrols.

  4. I am way pleased with my latest reviews.

    I am even pleased with the one criticizing me for leaving my story line in the last chapter.

    I am surprised to find i HAVE a story line in Lamia...

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