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Keith Inc.

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Posts posted by Keith Inc.

  1. Ever see Mad Max, i think it was number two? The evil tribe tortured the captured men up on a hill, out of shooting range of the defenders, but well within hearing and seeing.

    The whole point, i'd think, would be trying to tempt the defenders to come out from behind their walls where the sieging army could come to grips with them. But the right tactical answer would be to remain on the walls, no matter how tortured the answer is emotionally,

    Depending on how...messed up your villain is, he could also have this acted out for her benefit. She watches a slave or a wife of his, or a servant of hers get treated this way, or at least watches the screen, and then gets told that in five days, it'll be repeated, but with her tied down.

  2. How do you like the macrame pants?


    It's locked in a safe-within-a-safe, both welded shut, wrapped in sheets of expended uranium, dropped half a mile down in a salt mine, wedged under a granite boulder, buried under sixteen tons of fast-drying cement, and the shaft sealed with a steel cap. Plus, we put a sticker on the seal: No entry.

  3. Is it okay if I ask your mom out, some time?


    (I guess someone didn't know what "the carpet didn't match the drapes" means.)

    (You guess wrong. It's referring to the relative pigmentation of the two main collections of hair on a woman, suggesting that at least one of them has been subject to color enhancement. I just didn't feel like using it that way. But go ahead, use it again, maybe someone else'll answer the way you want them to.)


    Dude! That's the biggest burrito I've ever SEEN!

  4. She's tied to a frame before the army or on the wall of the city, spread eagle and naked.

    She's given one chance to shout some heroic statement, then gagged.

    Then they build a screen, so her people can't see her.

    Men line up, go behind the screen, and spend time firing the imagination of the viewers.

    After ten men, they take a bull behind the screen, then a stallion, then a cage of ferrets with a tub of meat paste....

    Then the sword swallower and his assistant, a fire breather, a shipwright with a barrel of caulk...

  5. So, this fic gets me hot. So hot. Way hot. And my manmeat gets so hard. I guess there's something i can do, when it gets like that? Something to relieve the tensions? But i don't know how. How can i learn how to beat off?


    That's just one of the ads for the site, don't worry about it.

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