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Keith Inc.

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Posts posted by Keith Inc.

  1. I thought it was going to be KoDT.

    "I leap out from behind the dwarf and WASTE him with my CROSSBOW!"

    Yeah, there's nothing like ruining days of planning by not following the GM's script. Nasty rat bastards.

    On the other hand, i always awarded a thousand EPs for any character action that left me absolutely speechless.

    Didn't happen often, but when it did it was amazing.

  2. The director for the next Harry Potter movie is hiring Adam Sandler to play a new instructor at Hogwarts.


    Because the spread was Death, the Two of Cups, The Tower, The Page of Swords and the Seven of Donuts.

  3. Hey! Have you ever wondered what the world would be like if ALL the TV shows on all the networks turned out to be in the same world? If Mulder and Scully investigated spaceships that turned out to be from Battlestar Galactica, and CSI investigations led to prosecution on Law and Order, and if a murder at the Iron Chef competition was investigated by....?


    That would be one of the signs of the apocalypse...

  4. After the view of the smoke-damaged furniture of the 'average smoker' and the frantic behavior of a smoker first thing in the morning, i'd say it was making fun of smokers. It's not quite the preachiness of most anti-smoking campaigns today, but it's certainly a tongue-in-cheek caricature.

  5. You got to suck on those? What did it taste like?


    Boy meets girl, girl dumps boy, boy clones girl, takes his frustrations out on the clone, clone breaks boy in half, clone seduces girl, they live happily ever after.

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