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Keith Inc.

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Posts posted by Keith Inc.

  1. A number of christains seem undereducated about the contents of the Books.

    You'd be amazed at how many times people who graduated a The Books study course accuse me of making up details like Noah taking 7 pairs of some animals, or being aboard the ark for a year.

  2. How about you write something sexual and give foe something to really e-mail?
    You know, I've always wondered why Noah got so upset at being seen naked by his son, Ham.

    What if Ham was gay? It would explain the 'Ooh, ooh, ICKY!' reaction. Or overreaction. Some of the guys i've sailed with had similar outbursts at the suggestion that since one man in ten is gay, and they lived in a 9man bunkroom, the chances were better than zero that...

    I can't write gay porn. Anyone wants to use the idea, feel free.

    BUT...if Ham was less than interested in the procreation of the species, then his wife, nameless in scripture, would have had a lot of free time on the Ark.

    What sort of devilment might she have gotten into?

    I've kind of wanted to do a Unicorn story in Lamia, but hadn't worked up the nerve. But if, um, let's call her Dumkina, were more than usually lonely, what with her entire family and all her friends having been drowned, and her husband doesn't touch her...

    Would bestiality be worth an email?

    And far more important to a review whore like me, would it be worthy of COMMENT?

  3. Or a modern couple reenacting something out of the Books...specific or general.

    "Okay, now, your whole city has been slaughtered and i've taken you back home as a sex slave."

    "Oh, baby."

    Or choreograph a modern scene where at least one character keeps seeing it as a parallel to a scene in the Books, kind of like the flashbacks on the old Kung Fu show.

    "As long as she kept her legs spread, it was as if the sun was frozen in the sky, like that battle in Joshua."

  4. Just because they don’t have the rights doesn’t mean they don’t have them!
    That's hilarious.

    It seems to me that a dipstick measurement of society is not the rights that that society reserves for itself (some societies demand religious fundamentalism, some religious freedom), but just how many people it extends those rights to.

    As we do away with slavery, we should be doing away with any idea that there are people that basic rights can be restricted from. But there's always someone dragging their feet on that.

  5. John Ringo's 'Ghost' series.

    Ghost, Kildar, Choosers of the slain... Among the military action adventure of a former SEAL who beats the hell out of terrorists on a regular basis, the character has...issues. Worse that the John Ringo character in 'There will be dragons' or whatever that series is, who just likes it violent.

  6. But I don't think he had sex with her, he just smacked her around a bit while the other guy was there. I don't think any of the girls who have had sex with him were any younger than 16.
    I'm talking about the girl he ended up buying at the end of Ghost? He took a break in the middle of hunting terrorists to clear his head, had her, slept, had her some more.

    She was about 15, i thought.

  7. Of course, the largest sex organ is the brain....

    My fetish is pretty well centered on outrageous scale differences between partners.

    The first thing you need to consider is that sex need not be traditional penetration intercourse. Touching things, licking things, decorating things, dips in chocolate, building an altar around, swinging freely from, diving into, the exquisite use of toys or other stand ins... There are many options.

  8. I like lists. i live for lists. I like to get an idea and go over many long lists of short sentences or idea descriptions. Sometimes i just come up with another list (How to tell that the mad scientist may be a redneck), or plot bunnies (Episodes we could count on if a Lilliputian joined the crew of the USS Enterprise), or full story ideas.

    Lists Rule.

    Here's a list of my lists.

    Hatch's plot bank. I've lost hours just sorting through what's available with a certain character, scenario or scene in mind, and more than a dozen stories have come out.


    213 things Private Skippy can no longer do in the US Army

    I did 20 in the Navy, myself, but still get accused about three times a year as being the author of this list.


    Famous Last Words

    Some of the scenes that come to mind in the moment after reading last transmissions can be quite the story. Such as "IT'S IN THE AIR VENTS!!"


    And, of course, how to drive (a wargamer) insane:


    All of these seem to either inspire my muse or to force my muse to do some work before i waste the day jimmying up another list, like 'Things Chief Skippy Can No Longer Do On The Enterprise.'

  9. An Original Character Interview

    (shamelessly lifted from DeviantArt)


    1. Choose 3 of your characters. Yours. YOURS.

    2. Have them answer these questions.

    3. Go ahead and add some questions, as well.


    I chose my Naga, Clarisse; one of my sphinxes, Damietta; and an assistant to St. James at the zoo, Jolene.

    >How old are you?

    Clarisse: So old that the question becomes meaningless.

    Damietta: I just turned 500.

    Jolene: No, you didn't. You're about 200 years older than that.

    Damietta: At least I didn't lie on my driver's license.

    Clarisse: And this would be when Jolene shuts up.

    >What’s your height?

    Clarisse: I don't like them to measure me.

    Damietta: She's about 70 feet long.

    Clarisse: What did I just say?

    Damietta: I didn't measure you, I guessed. Of course, it's an educated guess.

    Jolene: I don't think she minds the method as much as others knowing things about her.

    Clarisse: You know this about me, Jolene?

    Jolene: ::ulp!::

    >Your weight?

    Clarisse: Not a word....

    Damietta: I'm as a mummer.

    Jolene: ::gestures a zipped lip::

    >Do you have any bad habits?

    Clarisse: Killing people that annoy me.

    Damietta: No, I'm pretty close to optimal.

    Jolene: I sometimes help people finish their crossword puzzles.

    Damietta: The clue was MISSPELLED!

    Jolene: I didn't mean anything by it.

    >Are you a virgin?

    Jolene: Effectively. With my work schedule, the only screwing I get is by FICA.

    Clarisse: Can we talk more about my bad habits, little man?

    Damietta: I have a child.

    Clarisse: Well, so do I.

    Damietta: But not of your flesh and blood.

    >Who’s your mate?

    Clarisse: Living? None.

    Damietta: He's the mascot for the Seattle Sphinxes.

    Jolene: ::sigh::

    >Do you have any kids?

    Clarisse: Debbie. A delightful child.

    Damietta: Macchus. A delightful child who isn't a threat to all life in the zoo.

    Clarisse: Hissssssssssssssss!

    Damietta: ::Bronx cheer::

    Jolene: Sometimes, I kind of see the animals in the exhibits as my kids.

    >What’s your favorite food?

    Clarisse: Journalists.

    Damietta: Oh, don't mind her. She likes anything still living. I like asps.

    Jolene: Anything that doesn't come out of a vending machine, or come wrapped in waxed paper would be nice.

    >Have you killed anyone?

    Clarisse: Enough to people a city.

    Damietta: No.

    Jolene: No, ugh. I could never do that.

    >Do you hate anyone?

    Clarisse: Too much work.

    Damietta: No, I could never do that. Even big meanies.

    Jolene: People who can divide other people into those that deserve and those that don't deserve their protections.

    >Have any secrets?

    Clarisse: I know what race Keeper St. James is.

    Damietta: I...what?

    Jolene: If it's a secret, then he must not be human. Is he?

    Damietta: What is he?

    Jolene: Yeah, what?

    Clarisse: It's a secret.

    >Do you love anyone?

    Clarisse: My daughter. The current roster of keepers have their uses, too.

    Damietta: My son. And, his father, sort of. Some of the keepers.

    Jolene: Um... I respect St. James. And he respects me. That's cool. But I haven't really... No.

    >Do you have a job?

    Clarisse: I'm an exhibit.

    Damietta: Yeah, not exactly a job. More of imposed room and board.

    Jolene: These two are my job. At least part of it.

    >What do you do when you want to relax?

    Clarisse: Play with my child.

    Damietta: Hey, me, too!

    Jolene: Curl up in the break room and power nap.

    >What’s your favorite song?

    Damietta: Tubular Bells.

    Clarisse: Oh, yes, that's nice.

    Damietta: You only like it because it's in The Exorcist.

    Jolene: 'It's Raining Men.' Any version NOT sung by gay men.

    >What’s your sign?

    Clarisse: Year of the Serpent.

    Damietta: Oh, it is not. You're older than that calendar.

    Clarisse: And you're not a Leo, no matter what you told the reporter.

    Jolene: Girls!

    >What is your favorite alcoholic beverage?

    Clarisse: I don't understand the question.

    Damietta: Champagne.

    Jolene: You don't drink.

    Damietta: I still have a favorite for OTHERS to drink.

    Jolene: Only because they serve it at parties. And you love parties.

    >What story are you in?

    Clarisse: In? Darling, I AM the story.

    Damietta: Then why is it called 'Lamia?'

    Clarisse: Poor planning on the author's part.

  10. From a short, short, still unfinished. Tina has been transported to the world of, to the back deck of a giant's house. The 70 foot tall teen boy scoops up the terrified teen girl and looks her over. About the time her panic attack subsides, she:

    Tina lifted her face up to gaze deep into Grant's closest eye and said: "I'd take it as a personal favor if you don't eat me." 

    Grant smiled and shook his head.  "Okay," he said.  "But fair is fair, you have to promise not to eat me, either." 

  11. Are they being written sexual gratification or just to be weird?
    The challenge!

    Lamia, Naga, Sphinx, Harpy, Centaur, and so on... What would they find attractive? What would a human DO with them, were they real? Could they mate with humans? How so? If they're part human/part animal, can someone find the human part sexy, the animal part squicky, and yet still have a good time?

    For me, it's 'can i make a man screwing a snake-woman come across as a believable sex scene, rather than just an experiment in the mechanics. Beyond the great big tits on a centaur with Clydesdale ancestry, i don't find the horse-woman particularly sexy, but i do like to see if i can make the sex memorable.

    As for the rest... Well, i grew up watching Land of the Giants, Gulliver's Travels and Star Trek. Those characters are real to me, persons. I've written stories about them, using them, exploring those worlds.

    I wouldn't be surprised if people writing some of the fictions here center them around the characters that were real to them at one time or another.

    The fact that they're turtles isn't, i suspect, nearly as important as that they were perceived as persons.

  12. Essentially? If this is Kildar, it's rather explicitly a harem, i thought.

    The character also has nonconsensual sex with a young girl, but he makes it up to her afterwards. He buys her and takes her away from the evil slaver pimp.

    I don't know of any other books about adults having sex with kids.

    If there are, i think they center around the social mores of the setting, like this one dies. The man has a dark side and he does indulge in it from time to time.

    But he does have an age cut-off. Some of the girls in the harem are too young even for him. And he doesn't have sex of that type in America, or any other country where it would be illegal.

    The girls he sexes are either willing, demanding, or property that can't say no anyway.

    I don't particularly like it, but the guy does have these desires and there are places he can legally indulge.

    More to the point about good/evil question, in the setting of the books, the lot-in-life of the girls particpating in the Kildar's life are unquestionably improved by the contact.

    His harem is educated, a dowry will be provided when they're of age, the wedding gifts he gives the brides of his holders are impressive, and when he has to use a prostitute in one or another of the ops they run around the world, they almost always end up back at the caravanserai. In the harem, with a much brighter future.

    Even the harem manager is doing well. She was, what, 20? Much to old for the sheik she was working for at the time, and about to be kicked to the curb.

  13. Thank you, all.

    Not much going on.

    Today, we have parent/teacher meetings, late school, oldest dropped off and picked up from work, boy scouts dropped off and picked up, dinner in three shifts...

    Having a blast and someone bought me 3 gargoyles.

    Here no evil, see no evil and WHEEEEE!

  14. 206. Take down the decorative and inspiring wind chimes because the neighbor threatens to pipe-bomb the porch if those tinkling things don't shut the F*** UP!

    207. Have to pay increased insurance after a hurricane narrowly misses her home. (Mary's home is either completely weatherproof or she is left completely homeless after the storm).

    208. Hear wedding guests ask 'what he sees in her?' (although she is often the only person on the planet that perceives the subtle worth of her True Love).

    209. Experience a past life and find she was neither royal nor a star-crossed lover.

    210. Have to replace her husband/manager because he is merely poor at the job Mary usually works with a brilliant enabler with contacts everywhere and/or a controlling egotist that makes brainwashing a fun family exercise).

    211. Open the door to find that her lover is making fantastic love to the woman he really belongs with (although she will, sometimes, walk in to find her significant other humping a skank who is far below her in beauty, brains, grace and emotional capability. The skank may, in extreme cases, have bigger boobs than Mary Sue, as a plot device to explain the cheating.).

    212. Open the door to find out that grandma is still sexually active.

  15. 196. Find that the art gallery purchase is a fake (This is because she usually

    buys art at the flea market and the cheap copy turns out to the original).

    197. Have to postpone a public appearance because her dentures fell out.

    198. Have to postpone a public appearance because her weave is unconvincing.

    199. Have to postpone a public appearance because her left breast is leaking


    200. Have to postpone a public appearance because she's still recovering from


    201. Defend her May-December romance when the boy's father confronts her

    (although she may be in a relationship where she confronts her lover's


    202. Defend the column she wrote for the paper with the phrase, "I was not aware

    that the name of the band was a popular slang term for a sexual act."

    203. Defend the politician she endorses with the phrase, "he's not EXACTLY a


    204. Defend the product she endorses with the phrase, "Still, child labor laws

    are a relatively recent development in human society."

    205. Confuse DNA samples and accidentally convict a friend, True Love or family

    member (although she has confused geneologist with an entirely difference

    speciality, and told friends that a gynecologist looked up her grandma and found

    a Cherokee grandfather).

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