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Keith Inc.

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Posts posted by Keith Inc.

  1. For attempting to draw attention to the battle arena, I mentioned sporting insignia for levels and such.

    I have a few thoughts. Mostly from wearing something or other for 20 years in the Navy.

    1) First levels get nothing. I'm sorry, but that's just the way it has to be. Unless we give them the very, very subtle 'Null' insignia. A blank spot where the insignia would go.

    2) Inspired by enlisted in most of the forces, i'd suggest that starting with Level 2, players get a new insignia every level until they reach level 10.

    Something along the lines of seaman, airman, corpsman; or private, corporal, sargent; or something like Sparring Partner, Melee-er, Duelist.

    Frequent change to reward rapid progress, and to give low-levels something to compare.

    After 10, they're fairly well seduced, so progression can come down. Once per five levels or once per ten?

  2. That is good because I just killed some first levels! hehehehehehehehehehe

    Here's hoping that once they are revived that they come after the one who slew them.


    I actually went to the Members directory, sorted for newbies with at least five posts to duel.

    Any less, i think it unlikely that they'll even notice they've been attacked. Since the point is to drum up business, i think we want people that have a decent chance of responding to 'you got deaded' notes.

    Or the one that actually kicked MY ass when the ORGY missed...

  3. AFF Community Forums Server Settings

    Server Money settings

    Money per day to award if eligable: 50 Naughty Points

    Money per day will not be awarded if you have more than: 10000 Naughty Points

    I tend to drop my balance to even zeroes. 1000, 500 or 0000. But i keep coming back to find numbers in there.

    The system pays NP just to pay NPs? I guess that's so even the lowest fighters can buy some potions?

    Money per day will not be awarded if you have more than: 10000 Naughty Points
    I would guess that the mod isn't aware that there are bank accounts, eh?
  4. i have never had parents walk in on me having sex or the other way around *shudders*
    Been interrupted by a phone call from mom, but never walked in on.

    I have never been approached by a prostitute offering sexification.

  5. There's only two genders to pick from anyway, and there's a 50% chance it will or will not be you. And if it is the same gender as you, why's that such a sure thing for a Sue?
    ONE hit on a litmus test isn't confirming that your OC is a MS.

    But hitting many points on a litmus test is developing a pattern.

    A character of mine is male, that's a point up. But he has a job i don't, a point down. His name isn't mine, a point down. He has sex with a canon character, a point up. He is sometimes at a loss for words, a point down. He drives a cool car, +. Not cooler than his stated job could afford, -....

    And so on.

    As opposed to a character i remember from a published Star Trek novel a few years back. Male, the absolute top of his profession, seduced Uhura almost immediately on beaming aboard, solved a problem Spock/Kirk/McCoy couldn't, rescued an entire race becoming a hero to beings that had never heard of humans, etc. BIG marty sue.

    To a degree, all the characters of a well-written story are at least a little bit self insertion. I have to get into Agent Gibbs' head enough to figure out how he'd react to a situation, or Abby's, or General O'Neill's... But i try to be true to the character as established, and as the fandom would desire.

  6. Well, i don't think that would make it work 'better.' Faster, certainly. But then, would you want an NPC to climb past you on levels?


    Right now, i've moved myself out of reach for ANY targets. But i can wait...everyone's moving TOWARDS me.

    Really, what we need are MORE players. Any sort of incentive to offer? Medallions to add to the poster's stats in the forum margin? Rank insignia? Front row seats at the next battle?

    A weapon named after them?

  7. A relationship is a commitment.

    There's at least two people involved.

    Effectively, cheating is what THEY consider cheating. it doesn't matter if YOU think flirting is okay, and you know in your heart that you'd never do anything to hurt your significant other. If it's not okay with them, then it's cheating.

    My wife lets me look at other women (even updated the address on my Playboy subscription while i was at sea), knowing in her heart that i would never touch another woman. Well, the house rule is, i can touch, but anything i touch with has to be burned off before i come home.

    That's where she draws the line. Me as well.

    I trust her enough, and have seen enough sitcoms in my long and happy life, that if i come home and find her naked in bed with the pool boy, i'd be willing to listen to her story (so many sitcoms would be a third as long if people would just sit down and talk.)

    Of course, it had better be a FANTASTIC story...

  8. So, i wait an hour, kill the two people in range, kill time by resurrecting guildies and raising some of my foes....write, color, sweep the kitchen...kill two people in range, run around the guild house shouting "CLEAR!"...

    I think i will close the guild to further applications. Since we don't fight fellow guild members in TT, it does limit the number of targets available at any given level. To reduce the limitations, i guess it's in our best interest as a guild to maximize the number of acceptable targets by minimizing unacceptable.

    What i can't decide is if it should be a complete cessation of acceptification of applications?

    Or only allow anyone above, say, tenth level?

    Or only allow first levels, anyone that's advanced it's too late?

    Or not accept anyone unless they outrank at least one member of Tarot Targeting?

    Or can someone identify a flaw in my logic?

  9. A reader complained that i used member and manhood in my Noah's Ark story. Overused euphemisms.

    I suppose i could have copied one fic i read that used 'penis' four times in one paragraph (with two different spellings).

    Or invented an antediluvian version of 'Heat-seeking moisture-missile.' Lordly staff of divinely mandated repopulation? Or referred to his tent pole?


    I try to keep from too much repetition. Too much repetition seems to kill a story by repetition, at least is seems to me too much of the time.

    So somewhere between 'swagger stick' and 'mirthful mouthful' i'll probably use penis a time or two. Just to keep it from too much repetition, you konw?

  10. I was curious about lost experience. If you go negative do you lose a level?

    I'm now able to say, if you JUST make level 43, and attack someone, and your opponent drops a grenade down your shorts with that vicious little smile i've come to know so well, (no names, but if you take their initials and a can of alphabet soup you can spell out "within terribly limited range") and you lose 9 EXP, and you only had 2, you do not drop back down to level 42. You're at Level 43 with -7 EXP.

  11. LMAO....

    And I feel so honored you chose to use my name... though I wonder now if I am on your target list... >.>


    Answers that question....

    The game doesn't notify you if you're made an Ally.

    Not any sort of protection, i just seem to be reviving you a lot, this makes healing more convenient.

  12. the forum is actually supposed to notify when you add a friend. not sure about adding to the ignore list tho. I can always check into that.

    Well, actually THAT was from a debate board i was hounded off of for describing Paradise Lost as fanfic...

  13. Usually, the character steals the spotlight from the regulars, does everything and does it better than the canon characters.

    A woman that programs Spock's computers better than Spock can.

    A teen that finds clues Sherlock missed.

    A teenage mutant ninja tortoise that fights all four of the TMNT's to a standstill.

    Everyone loves her, everyone wishes they were Mary, or could be closer to Mary, everyone appreciates her insight and sacrifice and misses her when she's gone.

    I don't care that someone has daydreams where they have Jedi Powers in the Old West and end up saving SG-1 from yet another time travel episode by hijacking the Jupiter two... It's just not what i would want to read a Mission: Impossible fanfic for...

    Ultimately, well-written is well-written. Characterization is as characterization does. But too obvious self-insertions just grate.

  14. I tend to think that the point of writing a story about a fandom is to play around with the characters that made the fandom what it is. I want to write, to read, to further live through Kirk, Spock and McCoy, not Kirk, Spock and Busty Anderson.

    Then again, i've read fanfic where the canon characters are rather clearly become a Mary or Marty Sue.

    I wouldn't assume that any original character was MS, just as a matter of principle. But i would tend to more closely scrutinize an OC against the various MS tests or my personal thumbrules.

  15. Well, i'm not exactly MEANING to inform each target that they 'made the list.' I just wonder if the game tells them.

    You know, 'DarkInuLord is ignoring you,' 'Becca Star has listed you as a friend,' and 'Keith Inc. has declared you to be anathema and set the hounds upon your heels. Have a nice day.'

  16. Attacking high level people with low health is pointless, unless you just want 'bragging rights' for killing someone who just got revived. >>

    That's a setting, right?

    Max level difference between you and the defender to award Money for Kills: 10 levels

    If the system will allow someone to attack 40 levels above, i'd think it should allow profit.

    I would suggest either limiting attacks to +10 over your level, or opening the profit for any legal attacks....?

  17. Now, teeta, you've killed me twice in a row.

    Once because i missed, and you were free to retaliate, once because the grenade left you with 20 HP and you were free to reretaliate.

    I'd avoid you in the future, if there were any other appropriate targets in range...

    Never mind 500 channels and nothing on. I have eight attacks and no way to even approach the limit....

    I think i may have to close the guild to new applications, soon, just so everyone has plenty of targets of opportunity.

  18. So, i check out teeta...teeta's in good health. A worthy adversary, should net a decent haul of EXP.

    Between checking the stats and clicking to attack, teeta apparently attacks DarkInuLord. So when i get to the arena, there's only 6 points of strength against me.

    Way cool!

    But the grenade misses. Teeta's back at me with a bat. Five hit points of damage. I mean, i've got more than 220 healthy hit points remaining and i lose the fight because someone scuffed my shoes....


    On the other hand, teeta turned around and attacked me two minutes later and committed suicide. The universe has a funny, funny sense of humor.

    You hear me, universe?! Fuuuuuuuuuuu-neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

  19. w00t, I'm in the top five ^_^

    Too bad I can't attack anymore today...

    I just leveled three times with five attacks...

    Just Oooooooooooooone more level. You can do it. C'mon...

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