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Keith Inc.

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Posts posted by Keith Inc.

  1. Now here is what I don't get... The pink one was $3 cheaper. It's the exact same player, it's just pink.
    Which has probably been a poorer seller than they'd hoped when they issued it.

    So they made it more attractive to people who do not base their purchases on how the thing will look if they wear it while drinking Scotch on the Rocks as the club.

    I probably would have paid $3 more for the privledge of having black to match my dark, dark soul.

  2. So, I need an openminded beta for this story. With SUPER EXTREME English skills, y' know?

    Thing is I can't handle criticism and I'm at times under the impression I'm god.

    So if you you're a masochist, this might work...

    for more info PM me, I'll send you what I've got so far.

    P.S. IMO this is a masterpiece

    Got any takers yet?

  3. Dude, I think you're right, this game sometimes does stuff that isn't random.

    Okay, get this.

    I just recently broke 1500 strength. if i have 1500+ and attack Teeta with one of the two weapons this affords me, my eyes roll up in my head and my little toes end up pointing to the sky. Suicide 9 times out of 10.

    IF i use up my strength, until i'm 1499 or less, and use any weapon that's still on the list, i don't kill Teeta, but i do have the usual share of victories, gain EXP, sign endorsements, and the cheerleaders rush onto the field for smoochies.

    This game has some odd landmines buried in it...

  4. Other???

    Can't find a fault there...but other 'what?'

    I have a chappie, now (a lot less 'slash' than i originally imagined), but don't know where to put it.

    It's not original. I don't own the characters, or the name Precious Moments.

    It's definitely a fanfic of PM characters.

    The Best Man comes to life and bumps really cute ugglies with a Lladro nude.

    I'm leaning towards putting it under 'cartoon' because the characters are cartoonish. And there are cartoony drawings of the figurines.

    Eh, i'll put it there until someone has a better suggestion.

  5. I don't get the big deal with Mary-Sues. If someone wants to write their character incredibly beautiful/haunted/perfect then that's their right, isn't it? I mean, we all come to this site to write what we want, so who really cares if someone writes their character that way? People complain about them a lot, but they aren't hard to ignore.

    True. You can write whatever makes you happy.

    But if'n i'm going to read it, i'd like to know if it's a story or just masturbation.

    A review that mentions Mary Sue might be helpful.

    Then again, it's way overused, as a critique, an evaluation or an explanation.

    On the gripping hand, the tone of the review might tell me if it's an objective observation or just "KEEP YOUR OC OUTTA MY FANDOM!"

  6. Yeah, so would i.

    And.... not that i'm actually admitting to actually thinking of actually writing something anything like that...

    But what category would it even fit under?

  7. I'm not sure how it works. By level or weapon or phase of the moon?

    For the longest time, any time i attacked Dominic Shade it was tantamount to suicide. No matter what. Even if i attacked everyone else until i missed, then figured i was statistically free from such... If i attacked DS first...if i cycled the weapons in case it was a punishment for using the same weapon twice in a row...

    Attacking DS pushed me to the top of the suicide stat.

    Now i just squeaked into the next level of weapons. And it's May. I can attack DS, not with impunity but with a decent chance of surviving, maybe even winning.

    But of my last six attacks on Teeta, 5 were suicides.

    I wonder if the game randomly assigns..........................................

    A Nemesis?

  8. SO, i'm thinking through a chapter of the bible fanfic while i collect the mail.

    The lingerie catalog doesn't hurt to spur creativity on those lines.

    But while i'm thinking of how to put crotchless panties in antidiluvian world, another catalog falls open.

    And my mind starts thinking up how to set the scene for Precious Moments slash...

  9. Correct me if im wrong but what you all are saying is that naughty points are this sites currency?


    Kind of like quarters to play games in the Arcade,

    Dollars for betting in the Casino,

    and spoils of war in the Attack shop. Also can buy healing potions.

    Can purchase a few toys to play around with your name, title, avatar in the store.

  10. My kid had a thought. Some time after he was punished for something, he asked about terms for family loss.

    There's widow, widower and orphan, but what word is there for people who have lost all their kids?

    First thing out of my mouth was 'Solvent.'

  11. covering a girl .... in unrealistic amounts of sperm


    So, most heterosexual shrinking woman fetish porn features Bukkake. 'Kay, then.

    Some of the artists make the woman look like there's been an explosive accident in a nearby vanilla icing factory, no matter how many partners she is...servicing? Targeted by?



    I dunno. Personally, to 'push the envelope' on porn, i'd think you would need to make something pornographic that most people don't usually associate with sex.

    And not just finding a fossiziled T-Rex rib to be a good dildo, or using a game of marbles as a metaphor for sex, but actually finding sexuality in a fossil or a marble.

    Then again, people are very inventive in their sexual obsessions. There's probably not too many things left on this planet that you can build a sex scene around that someone can't say "Oh! I love Screwdriver-Preg Workshop porn! More!!"

  12. What is this one's purpose?

    Contributions that lack a literary plot by virtue of being a collection of bullet statements?

    You know you're from Japan if...

    Ten best things about being publicly known for hentai...

    The Mad Scientist might be a redneck if...

    Things Rev. ‘Skippy’ is not allowed to do on the Pulpit...

    The Mary Sue Purity Test...

  13. Somewhere in the Before Time, i was in a thread here about horrible mistakes some writers make.

    IIRC, i commented that in some stories, the sex is being written, poorly, by an obvious virgin.

    Of course, i then had to defend against many people who maintained that virgins can write sex scenes. Which wasn't my problem, i stipulate that some have the skill, it was the painfully virginal ones that need help.


    I'm reading Mary Roach's latest book. I love miss Roach. Her writing style is great (and oddly comfortable, like proofreading my own work). Her respect for the topic shines through, as does her general respect for the people she's writing about. Great stuff. Really.

    She's written 'Stiff' about what happens to our bodies after we die, buried/burned/used for science/recycled.

    And 'Spook' about the various ideas of what happens to our personalities when we die, and research into it.

    Now, she's written "Bonk." The science of research into human sexuality.

    The machinery is fascinating, the research snappy, the observations nifty....but the case studies...

    A doctor encountered, in his career, 18 women who were virgins despite an active (they thought) sex life. The husbands thought that the cleft of the vulva was the expected limit.

    A husband mistook his wife's urethra for her vagina. Stretched to the point that it "readily admitted two fingers," she didn't realize what was going on until she sought help for her issues with controlling her peeing.

    A gay man who stretched his own urethra to accommodate his lover's penis.

    I'm only on page 116 and felt that perhaps i should revisit my claims that certain writers don't know nothin' about no sexing.

    Evidently lovers out there are doin' it, and know evens less.

    I'm not sure i can make it through the chapter on reattaching lost penii....

    I once read through a chapter on digging through maggots to find a corpse on the Body Farm at IHOP, and finished my omelet without a pause, but this stuff is making me walk with a limp.

    But i cannot put it down....until the eyes start to water, then i take a break.

  14. Wouldn't that make Baby Universes cry? I mean, just trying to say it mentally is causing my eyes to bleed out all over my keyboard...

    It was an interesting exercise.

    Black Leaf and Marcie are Dead!

    Behind the scenes of Jack Chick's comical tract: Dark Dungeons. Just why did Mike save Debbie, but not Marcie? BDSM, Oral, Toys

    Comics > Chick Tracts

    I tried to do Big Daddy, but i just kept screaming at the stupid.

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