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Keith Inc.

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Posts posted by Keith Inc.

  1. Sometimes, i just need to see that 'you have reached your limit of ____ attacks' message, so i go on a mad rampage until stopped.

    Today, after killing all the opponents that provide me more than 1 experience point for their death, i was within 50 points of a level up.

    And i had fifty attacks left...Crawled over the level threshold by the skin of my teeth.

    Oh, and i am guessing that the trophy icons are not automatic?

  2. Depending on the situation, it could be almost any amount. Sex with a child that age is likely illegal, so that would drive the price up. But if he's one of a whole flock of desperate people willing to suffer through something in order to eat, it would drive the price down.

    I know that prices for more mainstream prostitutes are often depressed in the area around military stations because there's so much of it available.

    Most of all, i'd agree with Canterro, the kid wouldn't know much about money. Either some sort of pimp made the arrangements and the kid got a sandwich or a toy; or the kid made the offer to get something, like a meal, a toy, medicine for mom.

  3. Experimented with the setting of Gulliver's travels, adding a character that's formatted on the old vampire movies. A one-shot

    Title: Gothic Horror comes to Brobdingrag

    Author: Keith

    Rating:Adult, mostly from the blood

    Summary: A vampire traveling by sea finds herself castaway upon the island nation of Giants. She tries to make one of the giants her slave. More comic than horrific.

    Feedback: I'd appreciate any feedback. I'm the original review whore, i'll pay naughty points through the nose for feedback.

    Fandom: gulliver's travels and vampire movies

    URL: http://books.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600093662

    thanx for any reading, thanks more for reviewing.

    keith Inc.

  4. troll is an individual who enters an internet space where people are communicating and disrupts the proceedings there

    Just a small tweak,

    troll is an individual who enters an internet space where people are communicating and intentionally? disrupts the proceedings there

    Seen a few people disrupt the proceedings even when they are sincerely trying to help.

  5. Actually, sometimes it seems that even the original writer can't write canon.

    Some reviews center around the fact that the author had a character do something that the reviewer felt was out of character. I mean, if anyone's going to be in a position to know what LeadingMan1 is going to do, OriginalAuthor is THE person. But the reader has their own plan, their own interpretation and their own reading style, which sometimes seems to include skipping whole chapters that explain something.

    If you feel that your story line is justifiable, then go for it. not everyone's going to agree with you, of course, but that shouldnt' stop you from trying.

  6. Much my experience. It can be fun, but not all that dependable for guiding one's life.

    The hard part is explaining to people that the Death Card, the Hanged Man and the Devil don't mean what they think they mean.

  7. Oh, what is wrong with me? So many things i should be doing right now, and my brain is obsessed with carpenter porn.

    Not guys with leather tool belts... Describing a nail getting hammered as a smutty encounter.

    "BAM!" "Oh, baby. Call me?"

    Soooooooooooo, so, so weird. But inexorable until i get it out and on paper. Okay, well, out and pixellated on the screen, anyway.

  8. pedophelic writing is really the only thing that should be banned. In most cases the argument that reading is not the same as doing is valid, but clinical evidence shows that there is no cure for pedophiles and they experience some of the highest repeat offenders of all sex crimes.
    Even if all that is true, where's the connecting leap between writing in which no one is harmed and acting which inflicts harm?
    Pedophelia has been classified as a mental disorder as well as a felony and as such should not be reinforced with pornographic fanfiction.

    Lots of people have claimed for years that porn/smut leads directly to terribly antisocial behaviors. If that's true, if porn causes rape or worse, then all porn should be restricted or deleted.

    If the written word, though, doesn't lead down the slippery slope, then there is no justification for restricting any of it.

  9. Some sort of series would be appropriate.

    Maybe a progression of women whose behavior, names, tattoos or costumes reflect the zodiac? I vaguely remember a comic where a supervillain sold his soul to have zodiac powers for a year so he could kill the hero. Archer, fish man, giant crab, i forget most of the details. After a few hours of chasing the hero around, the devil showed up and said, "That's a wrap." In using all 12 signs (in the chronological order no less), the devil counted it as a Zodiac Year. Time's up. Maybe your hero can't come home for a year, or has some other problem that will haunt him for a complete trip of the sun through the stations of the sky, like being chased by an assassin or having to survive without money or he was poisoned but cannot take the antidote until the year's up, but after sleeping with 13 women (Gemini Twins of course), he's survived a Zodiac Harem Year ?

  10. I agree. Critics often read too much into a piece. You shouldn't make the same mistake.

    Picking such challenges for your characters may mean that it's what you want, or maybe you want them to have difficult challenges.

    There are distinct signs of a suicidal mentality. Writing suicidal fiction isn't one i remember from my suicide hotline training.

    I'm not one to diagnose over the internet, though. If you're really worried find a professional and ask. They shoudl eb able to set you straight if you are or are not.

  11. Well, no one actually gets hurt in a story. Or carefully choreographed films.

    Acting out fantasies in real life with consenting adults is fine. Acting out in fictional life with no one actually getting hurt is fine.

    Except, of course, for what your neighbors may think if they find a copy.

  12. Oh, heavens.

    Pranks played on some of my old commands:

    Place dye in the shower head. Something like it was shown in Private Benjamin.

    Once they are hip to that trick, upgrade to placing dye in a gel capsule in the shower head. They let the water run for a bit, to clear any dye, see fresh, transparent water, and jump in just in time for the gel cap to dissolve.

    Kidnap a favorite toy, stuffed animal, photo, drinking cup. Run around the (ship/campus/city/whatever) and take photos of the favored object in obvious locales. Place a photo on his (desk/pillow/locker) once per day until reunited.

    Get a copy of his favorite book. Slice the pages out of the book and shred them. Build small barriers to hold the book together as a confetti storage device. Replace the favorite book with the CSD and hide.

    When he sleeps, cover the bed with a criss-crossing net of dental floss. Use two or three reels. If there is no metal frame to loop it through, just circle the entire bed over and over and over and over. Don't draw too tight, might wake him. But it can be so complex that he just cannot get out.

    Open a reference book or notebook of his and cover nearly every page with flour.

    Remove pillow from pillowcase, replace with shaving cream.

    Remove pillow, pour a quart of shrimp chow mein on bed. Replace pillow.

    Nair in shampoo.

    Tabasco in toothpaste. ("mmm. The tingling means it's working!.......Wait a minute...")

    Remove hubcaps. Remove all lug nutss from all tires. Replace hubcaps. Place lugnuts in glovebox. When he starts to drive somewhere, call him. If you time it right, you can get: "I need to tell you something..." in before he gets to the end of the driveway, so there's nothing left to say but: "Your lug nuts are in the glovebox." as he screeches to a halt.

    Record Care Bears videos over all of his porn.

  13. I get into a discussion with someone about The Books porn.

    Well, it started with an assertion that by being cynical skeptics we lose our creativity.

    I suggest that he compare Mel's Fanfic snuff flick: The Passion to The Gold Compass. Which was more creative, which was more derivative?

    Then he wants to argue that you can't have The Books fanfic. Not shouldn't, that you can't.

    I show him mine.

    THEN he says that i'm not ever, ever going to be washed in the blood of the Lamb. Well, among other things he promises/threatens.


    We establish that God demanded a blood sacrifice to himself and sent himself to earth to be that blood sacrifice so the blood of the lamb is god blood. And that's apparently a GOOD thing?

    Somehow, the idea that god uses his own blood being spilled to make things better, makes me point out that that makes God, technically, a cutter.

    Any other self-image issues we should know about for this guy?

    I mean, he's a user. Noah gets off the boat, sets 6 pairs of the Clean animals afire, God takes a hit on the smoke and gets all maudlin ("I should never have killed Mankind for being wicked. Mankind's always going to be wicked. He's made that way.")(There's always one guy at the party, right? Gets a few hits of the smoke, starts regretting a past relationship, cries about a girlfriend that he screwed over or something).

    What's next?

  14. I've written first person male and female,

    third person omniscient, third person limited omniscience male and female.

    It depends on the story and who i envision as the narrator. First person or third, the story still has at least a notional tale teller. Or at least a point of view.

  15. On an atheist discussion board, one posted a poll:

    Do you have highly unorthodox sexual fantasies and if so does it bother you?

    In the thread, they're arguing about where to draw the line on what is and isn't orthodox. Personally, if you mention an interest and the other people don't back slowly out of the room with wide eyes, you're at least relatively orthodox, in my view.

    They're arguing about BDSM being in or out of O'doxy. Wow. That's...i mean, characters on TV tease about BDSM. Nowhere near the edge, these days.

    I posted my signature from this board.

    One guy fixed on one word:

    Xenophilia? As in you don't find your own nationality as attractive as other nationalities?
    I swear, i couldn't figure out what he was talking about for a second. National what's? OH! ...other humans? How odd that when one thinks of outrageous differences in sexual partner origins they think of national borders.

    I think lamia, sphinx, Lilliput, ghosts, extraterrestrials...

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