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Keith Inc.

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Posts posted by Keith Inc.

  1. Ah.

    So i am...quite the perv? Hmmm. ***counts on fingers: Men with tiny women; Women with tiny women; Women with tiny men; Xenophilia; men and demons; women and demons; aliens; Smurfs slash; Noah's Ark slash; Mad scientists; godlike hubris expressed in the manipulation of unhallowed and life-threatening forces, the very knowledge of which should earn me the approbation of all mankind, did they but know what I was tampering with....slash; Chick Tracts slash; NCIS slash; Monty Python; Trek slash; Amputee Giantess Femdom slash....**


    Don't see it.

  2. I've got maybe three male gay characters in all my stories and i gloss over them even touching themselves. Except for the mad-scientist one.

    I even accidentally put in a MPreg plot, didn't notice until someone pointed it out, congratulated me. Bleargh.

    So, not a fanboy.

    Someone did say i was quite the hentai, whatever that is supposed to mean, but i'm pretty sure that doesn't mean hot man love action. I mean, if they read my stuff at ALL they would know i'm not into that.

    And let me put the, "guys like yuri just as much as girls like yaoi" thing to rest,

    I am, however, quite happy with lesbian porn, which has proven very popular in a number of environments i've been in. Maybe you have to be at sea for at least 30 days, but it's always been a crowd pleaser where i've been.

  3. As to adding in general, please remember, we won't be adding categories unless you actually have an upload ready for it.
    Eminently reasonable.


    I have uploaded a Josie and the Pussycats In Outer Space story to the Cartoon section, Miscellaneous CATegory.

    And i now request a Josie and the Pussycats category be added to the Cartoon section. It doesn't have to be JatPiOS. Unless you want to make that a subcategory of the category.

    I wonder if this would be a better process for getting a new category, actually proving you're ready to upload by doing so?

  4. This is interesting.

    On one page there are two kill numbers. One is the number of actual kills made, the other is trophies stolen from rifled corpses. The first only goes up once per successful duel to the death, the other varies by the amount taken from or lost to opponents.

    I think they're like dogtags or maybe the bull's ears.

    Anyway, i just confirmed that it is possible to have more killtrophies than actual kills made.


    Hmmm. If that isn't legible: Trophies are 1385, confirmed kills 1296

  5. Sure... now if only YOU GUYS WOULD QUIT FREAKING KILLING ME!!! I would try it out. *glares* I've been dead for a solid day straight because you, Dominic, and Keith have been raping me relentlessly.
    Hey, you're always alive when i come by. I don't raise you to kill you...anymore.

    And my deathdealifying wears off after a half hour....

  6. Well the randomness sucks. :)

    It seems to me that if you kill,you get more points than wounding.

    If you use a weapon that's, like, appropriate to the level of the target, you get more points than something overwhelming.

    Then again, the higher you are, the more overwhelming even small weapons are. I've used a freaking knife and done over a hundred points of damage...

    And gotten one EXP for it..

  7. Honestly, I tend to find the people who inhabit internet forums to be generally rational about these kinds of things. (The odd troll or honest to god idiot aside*) Which simply means the majority of the bigots don't hang out on the internet...which makes these kinds of debates sort of odd, in a way.
    Well, i thought i had linked to the petition, and the comments undersigned, but i guess i didn't.

    Um. Read through the comments on the petition:


    My estimate of the ratio of bugknuckle to rational is a bit more to the dark side...

    Never try to argue the merits of how a Paladin's code of honor works
    I never understood the Paladin.

    In the real world, the Faithful are supposed to seek out, if not the evil doers, at least those on the borderline and provide a shiny example.

    In the game, that behavior makes them lose power, no matter how fi their fidelity or how pi their piety. Weird.

  8. If they block the TV during sex, that's good.

    If they block the TV after sex, that's too big.

    Oh, wait. Are we talking human? 'Cause i write for Lilliput and Brobdingrag fandom...?

    Then, like, a thimble is too big, but a hot-air-balloon is not enough.

  9. The problem is the harassment is always blamed on 'Christians'. That's like discussing the destructive actions of the more radical Black Panthers, yet only referring to them as "blacks".

    ML was bemoaning discrimination against christains, who only talk about their faith and get labeled 'nuts,' and so on, who aren't trying to force their faith..

    My reply was to make a distinction that i'm not blaming all christains, just those that ARE forcing their faith.

    I don't see it as a double standard, i'm being distinct about the behaviors i find objectionable, not faiths or congregations.

    If the Westboro Baptists picket a funeral, however, then its Christian fundamenalists trying to impose their views on freedom loving people.
    Gosh, everywhere i post, everyone makes a clear distinction between the Phelps family and just about every other bipedal primate on the planet. And some of the better behaved quadrupeds...
  10. But I also want to add that I don't think there's anything wrong with Bible fanfiction. Anyone who has an interest in the Bible and wishes to write about it, I actually think that's great. But there are instances when I think it goes too far, but like I said I don't usually open my mouth about it. People have the right to write about whatever they want. But there are gonna be people who do not like it and I don't think that makes them religious nuts or anything like that. if anything, they're just wasting their time.
    Many of the posters qualify as bugknuckle nuts in my estimation NOT because they are christain, but in the way they express their christainity. They'd be just as BKN if they were protesting The Craft, The Passion, Harry Potter, Apocalypso, Dora the Explorer or Pirates of the Caribbean.
  11. I tend to keep my mouth shut when it comes to people bad-talking my faith, trashing the Bible and calling all Christians nuts because they want to protect what they believe in.
    I spended 20 in uniform to preserve your right to free worship.

    But also to protect others' right to freedom from worship.

    Believing what you want isn't forcing faith.

    Those that try to legislate their litany, though, that's exactly what they're doing. I don't blame all christains for the actions of a few, but the mouthy few are more than enough to talk about.

    but it amazes me how unsympathetic people are towards Christians. We can't talk about our faith without us being labeled "nuts" only wishing to "force" our beliefs onto everyone else, but it is a-okay for everyone else to trash our faith? The world is a weird place.
    Well, talking about your faith is one thing. Shipping it door to door is another. Making laws that force others to live by their litany is a whole other level up.
    Also, all religions force faith down people's throat.
    I have to quibble with that generalization of an entire group of people. I don't remember the last time a Shinto tried to introduce legislation that i have to respect the kami in my car. Or a Asatru attempt to get their creation myth taught as science in public schools (Giant head lice people!).
    ... I have never faltered in my faith. And I have never forced anyone to believe, but many have tried to force me into unbelief.
    Good. Good. And that's too bad.
  12. Ever see the Fry Kids?

    Little mops on McDonald's commercials with two bug eyes and two feet like Big Bird?

    Scared the fucking crap out of me. Don't know why.

    Other than that, i go to pieces at heights, spiders, the horizon when out to sea and the thought of sex with another man. Depending on your definition, a homophobe.

    I support gay marriage, gay rights, men/women/both/neither rights, of any direction or degree, to the limit of participation with informed, aware, awake adults.

    I do not begrudge their existence, their orientation or their choice.

    I just have the same emotional reaction to the thought of ME participating as to the thought of picking up a tarantula.


    I don't know if there's a word for a fear of how unfinished the horizon looks if there is no shore. I grew up in mountains, the horizon should have bumps. Or at least a bump. When the submarine surfaced off of Bermuda... Way, way, way off Bermuda, they had a swim call. I got to the top of the ladder, looked left. Looked right. Told all the sailors beneath me on the ladder to get off, i was going back to stand the watch.

    Three mechanics couldn't push me through the hatch out of their way.

    Bleah. I shudder to think about it.


    I joined submarines for the express working environment of 400 feet below sea level. Thought it'd be safe for me.

    No one ever mentioned the drydock. The catwalk stretching from the wing wall to the sub. The non-opaque grating that made up the deck of the catwalk, showing a clear view Allllllllllll the way down.

  13. I'm reading Kathleen Turner's bio. Her dad was a diplomat, they were in Cuba when Castro rose to power.

    One day when she was at school, the teacher told them to put their heads down and ask God for candy.

    When they raised their heads, there was nothing.

    So the teacher said drop your heads and ask Castro for candy.

    Sure enough, when they raised their heads, there was Candy!

    "Now," the teacher asked, "who loves you more, God or Castro?"

    I can use this on my kids.

    Lower your heads and ask Daddy and then President Bushfor a tire-iron upside the skull.

    Who is more willing to inflict cranial bleeding?

    Now you know that Daddy loves you more... Um, get some ice for that one.

  14. The undersigned want to remove the Bible section from (mumble something) dot net. Not here. Although they'd probably jimmy up another petition if they knew about this place.

    I think the comments are hilarious. Not just the misspellings


    Um, did we mean 'sacred?'

    But the lack of understanding.

    I suspect that the (mumblesomething) admin didn't just decide that there had to be a The Books section. Someone had to write the stuff first.

    With the things dominating position in society, and ubiquity, both for itself and quotes from it, allusions to it, you'd expect that there would be a lot of people inspired by it, more than the Koran, probably. Plus, many of those that read the Koran are less likely to post on the internet than an Amish farmer.

    I'm sure that if someone used a surah to inspire PWP they'd make a place for it, nu?

    Some people just have no sense of humor. It's amazing how funny they can be, huh?

  15. Apparently I'm depressed because I have an accurate view of the world. I have to admit that seeing things as I do doesn't help. I don't know... maybe he has a valid point.
    Or maybe he's deep into a defense mechanism and his way of coping is to try to convince the rest of the world that he's got a handle on things.

    I dunno.

    How could you tell the difference between an accurate worldview that depresses and an inaccurate worldview that depresses?

  16. Fast forward makes me horny.

    When i was on my first command, my roommate used to rent porn tapes by the back-pack full. He'd copy them for the submarine patrols, loaning them out to anyone that was interested.

    But while he ran the tapes on two decks to copy them, he'd use a third tape to watch something. And he had no patience for conversations, setting, stripping, lubricating or anything but the actual bumping of uglies. So he'd fast forward. Any time i was in the barracks, no matter what i was doing, from about 1400 to midnight, there were people in the back ground groping each other at 4x speed.

    They enter the room, bump faces, appear sneeze their clothing off, jump into bed and suddenly there's these closeups of dangling boobies and penetration. Halfway through the cum shot, we're back on 4x, so the sperm shoots out like a staple gun, and there's more jerky movement until someone else is sticking it where the studio lights shine.

    I never noticed until just recently. My kids are slowly working their way through our DVD collections, stopping now and again for dinner, chores, weapons drill and to taunt the missionaries on the sidewalk. So while i'm surfing the net, they load a disc, get near the scene they stopped watching at, and fast forward to where they left off.

    And while the characters jerk their way across the space station, the back of my head is suddenly expecting Delenn to sneeze her clothes off and bump her face against Sheridan.

  17. Ok, so my boyfriend has this kick where he wants me to cook instead of buying boxed and frozen stuff. I'm not a bad cook, I'm just a little lazy. Anyway, I like pizza so he gets a crust, a can of tomato sauce, and pepperoni so I can put together my own.

    Am I alone in thinking you can't put straight tomato sauce on a pizza? So even though I feel like total crap today, I decided to try my hand at pizza sauce. Ok, so it's a bit thin and isn't restaurant quality... I'm still proud of myself that it tastes somewhat good.

    cool. Feels good to conquer new things like that, huh?

    You can now decide whether to tell him that, usually, within five feet of the tomato sauce is a shelf with a jar of pizza sauce; Or tell him what to buy so you can make sauce again until you are satisfied with it.


  18. cause I don't care if it's another girl, I still don't want to see some bare ass chick flying down my dorm. :(
    I think it's a matter of conditioning. Kids start off nudists, and you have to pound civilized behavior into them. WEAR clothing. no one wants to see the place the duck bit you. Don't be curious about what people in other changing rooms are doing, wearing, showing or have tattoos on, stop ducking under the half-doors to say hi.

    But you can condition in the other direction, too.

    My first week in boot camp, i was terribly self-conscious to use a restroom that didn't have a door. No one was looking in, and the only people on that whole half of the base were males but the idea that someone COULD have been was enough to constipate me for a week.

    By the end of my first tour at sea, (on an all-male submarine) i ran straight from the shower to my battle station and went through a surprise missile launch exercise naked. The weapons officer turned to me at the end and said only: You're dripping shampoo into the resolvers. Stop it.

  19. JUST fought a duel...results:

    Keith Inc. attacked teeta with a WMD (832 str) and misses!

    teeta counterattacks with a WMD (1072 str) and and misses!

    1900 strength points expended, the arena is devastated and rubble of the stands rains down in the parking lot...but we're unmarked.

    Gotta love it.

  20. Just had a theme night, earlier.

    Attacked everyone with a three digit HP rating using only a dagger. Except Teeta, of course. Used a cannon there...

    Five kills, seven non-lethal wins, and one loss. (Not counting the Cannon)

    It seems really odd to use one Strength point to absolutely kill a 33rd level fighter...

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