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Keith Inc.

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Posts posted by Keith Inc.

  1. Ooookay... Does this mean that reading or writing fanfic about such issues is shameful and dirty? Or does this mean that I am supposedly unable to know the difference due to my extreme naivette?

    What it looks like to me is that the problem isn't promoting rape, or approving it, but an unrealistic reaction on the part of the victim. The fics make it seem that rape is something you can shrug off.

    Of course, taking a human life isn't usually something you shrug off, and often leaves you fucked up after, but few organizations complain about Rambo movies.

    And Worf was on the bridge a week after his spine was replaced, which is unrealistic.

    In fact, a lot of Trek characters recover from major surgery between episodes.

    It's fiction. It's already unrealistic.

    I do try to keep the reactions of my characters as realistic as possible,....but hell, two of them had sex inside a dragon, once. What's the metric to use for establishing the proper response for those characters?

  2. For me, my first problem with this is why now, why Obama? They had 30+ years to start really laying it on and declaring pro-abortion rights legislation and attack on the church. So why now? My next problem is the issue of Separation of Church and State.

    Did you miss it? The RCC has threatened for some time to excommunicate catholic politicians that do not toe the Church's line for policy and legislation.

    I'm all for it. Reclassify the Catholics as a political action committee and tax them like any other.

  3. Well, really, i have no problem with self insertion. It's when the character has massive advantage vs. the rest of the characters that i'd consider it a Mary Sue situation.

    The keys, to me, are not character development as much as the story.

    Does she make big speeches, does she die as a sacrifice, does the cavalry arrive JUST too late to save her, is she better at programming computers than Spock is, better at doctoring than Crusher, more sensitive than Troi, etc....

  4. Okay, okay, okay.

    So, like, all of Mankind are God's children, right?

    And Jesus is God's son, right? Only begotten?

    So, Mary was Jesus' sister.

    And, like, When God begot Jesus on Mary, Mary was his daughter. So God's Daughter's Kid, Jesus, would be God's grandkid.

    As a Trinity, Jesus is his own Father, Grandfather, Son and Grandson.

    Mary is Jesus' Mother, Sister, Daughter and out-of-wedlock mate.

    I tried to graph it but my geneology software shut down the computer.

  5. I don’t read too many stories on AFF. A few, but I’m always worried someone else’s work will creep into my own and I’ll be plagiarizing. Still, I do read a few here and there, if the mood strikes me. I usually start with the reviews. Get a glimpse of what others’ opinions were. Sometimes, though, the reviews I read seem disconnected from the story I read. It’s so bad, sometimes, that you want to shake them by the shoulder and ask: What story were YOU reading?

    No one’s answered my email inquiries so I’ve been reading more and more reviews and scanning the connected stories. I’ve become convinced that there is a certain fad among some fanfic reviewers. Maybe even a type of fanfic fan. I’m not sure who they are or what they think their group is, but they seem to observe a reviewing code. I believe I have made a tentative start in reverse engineering this reviewer’s code.

    The first and most important part of this code: Do not review the story you’re posting a review to.

    It was a breakthrough realization. I believe the Shipper Reviewer approaches fanfic as a placeholder for a real story. They review the fanfic in potentia, not in real.

    It is, for the SR, enough to know that someone, somewhere, WANTS to write a story of Potter and Malfoy finally realizing their deep needs. The mere fact that someone else wants O’Neill and Carter to fall into each other’s arms, and is willing to post verbage that supports idea is what thrills the SR.

    Not everyone has the time or the skills to fully explore this incredibly necessary character development, but that doesn’t bother the SR. They ignore the story and congratulate the author on venturing into such territory in the first place.

    With that article grasped, one can understand the reviews better. The second part of the code seems to be along the lines of: The Review is not about the story, but about You.

    Not to be taken as a boast, the SR doesn’t usually fill the page with words about what they would do with the story. Rather, they must convey to the Review Readership that this story, no matter how hamfisted, is merely the oyster that secrets the pearl of the perfect fictional pairing. And that the SR has identified this pairing as the ultimate expression of human endeavors in art.

    You wrote this, they imply, but _I_ approve it. So be of good cheer. I say so. To the accomplished SR, a well-written summary is sufficient for their purposes. Unfortunately for them, so many of the authors in their chosen demographics are pushing the edge of creativity when they write: I suck at summaries, read inside.

    So. If we’re not really writing about the story, then there is no need to write story details in the review. The perfect SR review is for the ideal behind the story.

    Thus, once the SR has identified the story elements that are necessary for a story to receive their approval, they can craft the perfect, standard, all encompassing and recyclable review.

    With time, they will tighten the prose to a universal ‘ship review text. Vague and unspecific wording that nevertheless includes sincere appreciation is not the SR’s failing, but rather the acme of their reviewing art.

    And of course, the review must start on a positive note, pass through at least one high point and end on a positive note.

    One doesn’t wish to deter future efforts to highlight one’s favorite romantic couple… Or graphic coupling. Be sure that other people, mean people, will come out of the woodwork. Meanies will not see the potential of the story, but say things about it all being one continuous sentence, or the apostrophes being scattershot.

    Or complain about the disconcerting dependence on spellchecker which introduced an entirely inappropriate word to what was an otherwise lovingly choreographed anal rape scene.

    Penetration with a poker is an entirely different image than penetration with a porker, for example.

    Yet these base details have no bearing upon the idyllic story that was attempted, the Avatar bestiality Mardi Gras that the romantically enlightened wish to experience as vividly as possible.

    These are the SRs that uplift creativity, not the miserable, text-stifled readers who cry ‘For the love of GOD, Montressor! A BETA! Use a BETA!’

    These are all I have firmly identified. There may be more. I’m not sure I have it in me to continue this exploration but I feel there is much there to be delved in the name of the entire review system.

  6. is it ok to make one of those guide topics.

    so writers can know what terms are for visual cues.

    like when you go and tipy-tap all your fingers against the other finger's on your hand.

    like Mr. Burns does as he says "excellent"

    Well, there's generally no set term for physical actions like that. You have to determine what parts of the scene in your head are important details for the reader and convey them.

    "Burns Tented his fingers and said, 'Excellent.'"

    Luckily, in fanfic, your characters probably already have certain mannerisms that you can exploit. Or, you can use pop-culture references.

    "George splayed his fingers and tapped the tips together. Mary was reminded of Mr. Burns and thought George was about to say, 'Excellent.'"

    if you write in script format, you can just describe the actions as direction to the reader.

    GEORGE: So, Mary. What shall we do about this...wardrobe malfunction of yours? (Leans back in chair, smiling at Mary. He joins his hands together at the fingers, like Mr. Burns does. But doesn't say 'excellent' as that would cause a lawsuit)

    MARY: I don't know, sir. (Stands up straight and unashamed. Her boob bounces slightly as she does.)

  7. What's their problem? I'm not doing it.
    I've written porn that actually squicks me off, personally, but I don't think most people can imagine writing porn that does not turn them on, that is not one of their own fantasies. They can't even wrap their heads around the idea of writing a story like that unless they really wanted to read a story like that.

    So if you admit to writing self-aware planet/spaceman vore amputee porn, they MUST believe that you're putting one of your fantasies on paper. or screen.

    And they imagine that they're in a room with a person that wants to be eaten by a planet, as a sexual fantasy, and they start counting the exits.

  8. Another odd thing I've seen, was a few writers here seeming to almost talk down to those who write in, and speak mainly ill about Original fic on this site in general. Have no idea why that is, I write mostly non fic, and that's what I've posted so far. I've also read some pretty good non fic here, like Gatsby's Bad Moon Rising, and Speak of the Devil, are both pretty good in my opinion. So why the animosity you think?
    I think it's a matter of expectations.

    Original or Fanfic, i do get reviews and responses and emails that suggest my story lacks sufficient sexification to be on AFF. THOSE readers, at least, come to AFF to find something graphic. And with OC, you have to spend some time developing characters. So there's got to be time spent where they aren't fucking like were-rabbits.

    slashing characters others have developed is really easy. Esp. if there's been unfulfilled lust for at least a season of a TV show, or if a viewer thinks there should have been, you can start the scene where Character A rips B's clothes off and drops them to the floor.

    Ifyou're only here for the penetration, fanfic gives you a much better bang for the buck (pun intended, but so overused it loses all impact).

    Which shouldn't mean anything for the purpose of reviews, but most places i post or have posted or have considered posting, the review isn't about the story NEARLY as often as about whether the reviewer is or isn't satisfied by their reading experience.

    Most reviews could probably be reduced to 'Got My Juices Flowing: [ ] Yes [x] No.' and leave a very small box for the reasons they MAY give for why the x is in that box

    "I wanted Xena to screw the dead guy instead of Ares"

  9. What about a long fic (over six chapters) that has each of the 100 words included in it? Each word would have a meaningful point in the story, and repeated as many times as possible.

    As a technical challenge, what about using all 100... in order?

    I poured the melted chocolate over her pussy. It had cooled a bit from the melting, about as hot as a shower right now. The heat soaked into her body and relaxed her muscles, even while churning her emotions.

    "I feel no passion for you!" she lied, nails digging into her palms. "This is not the way to excite me!"

    The syrup was so dark it was black. I knelt my face down and whipped it into a froth with my tongue.

    ...sort of thing.

  10. Hey, my favorite tip for suspense is from Alfred Hitchcock.

    If you throw an explosion on the screen, that's surprise.

    If there's a ticking bomb on the screen, and the audience knows it, but the character in the room doesn't, that's suspense.

    Maybe if your readers were apprised of some details that would change the hero's behavior if he knew.

    Maybe the lights are herding him toward a horrible fate? Or at least towards the more challenging of monsters.

  11. Little ideas for a story that hop into your brain. With no warning. And they don't bring along the whole story, just a tantalizing idea of what COULD be done.

    I get a lot while driving, or maybe channel surfing, seeing two shows go past that inspire...

  12. Yeah, if someone can figure out why I get turned on by incest, rape, bestiality, and such in a story, but would never in a million years do it myself...

    No one gets hurt.

    I mean, seriously, look at the news. And at Terminator movie. Arnold goes into a movie scene and empties 500 rounds into 30 terrorists, you cheer, right? Ralph Standers pumps 40 rounds into a fast food joint and the otherwise innocent people within, you get ill. If you see a pile of dead bloody bodies you probably can't react until you know if it was a Halloween trick or a Valentine's Day Slaughter.

    We are essentially gregarious, tribal-clan oriented creatures. We're conditioned not to hurt others.

    But if it's a story, if we know it's a story, if we can be sure that no amount of enjoying the story will cause any human being any discomfort, much less violate their rights or person, we're free to examine the idea independently of our social conditioning.

  13. My three greatest fetishes are extremely tiny partners, extremely large partners (Gulliver's travels, Land of the giants, that sort of scale) and Mad Scientist Experiments.

    I think that such self-knowledge of what does turn me on, and what doesn't, is far more healthy than suppressing any taboo urges. But if you try to bring any of these up to the 'straights,' they do look at you oddly. I'm not sure if i'm the only one to find them appealing, or the only one in any given room willing to admit to 'off-off-off-off-mainstream' interests. So i don't bring them up any more.

    Either they do start to treat you as the odd one, or they break out their pictures of fur suited dwarf minotaur rodeo porn and the whole day is ruined.

    I strongly support any effort on your part to find:

    1) what works for you

    2) a place you can talk about it without being judged.

    Cause, like, most of your friendships probably aren't formed on the basis of a mutually hawt slash 'shipper interest. Accept it, move on.

    Oh, and when they say, 'I came across the weirdest goddamned story archive last night...' wait until you know if they approve or disapprove before admitting to being a moderator for that site.

  14. Oh I get that alot. But I also understand WHY you don't see it much. Crossovers are rare because there's so much explaining to do.

    Not necessarily. I tend to write crossovers as if everyone is already familiar with all of the characters. I mean, that's the strength of fanfic, to write with characters that someone else has established anyway.

    Some of my reviews even include people admitting they don't know the characters from one or another show, or didn't until they read my crossover, which sparked an interest.

  15. IIRC, Piers Anthony wrote an alternate-universe story where all the cattle, goats and other domesticated animals died off.

    People replaced them with humans. They were altered at birth to be pretty stupid, not able to walk erect, unable to oppose their thumbs. And they were breeding them pretty huge.

    I think i had a dream in the distant future of that planet.

    I was a rodeo clown. The beasts that bucked the guys off their backs were women. If they'd stood, i think they'd have been about 20 feet tall.

    After they got the guy down off of them, clowns would taunt or tease them and eventually lead them out back for the giant jacuzzi.

    When it was my turn, my schtick was centered on a large bra stretched between poles. After getting the women-critters to chase me through the goal posts, they ended up restrained by the lingerie.

    Then i had a couple of different acts. I'd do their hair, or do makeup, manicure, or pretend to be a dentist or something. Play it up to the people in the stands. Get roars of laughter.

    There was some sort of sedative smeared across the inside of the cups that really chilled them out so they'd play along and smile at the audience.

    It wore off by the time they were back in the slots and they were violent again.

    I woke up wondering how they went about the hog-tying competition...

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