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Keith Inc.

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Posts posted by Keith Inc.

  1. And I'm pretty sure it's considered self insertion am I correct.

    Well, Mary Sue is 'selfinsertiongonebadly.'

    Hitchcock used to insert himself in his own movies.

    Fosse's 'All That Jazz' was autobiographical.

    Self insertion isn't the problem with a mary/gary situations.

    But what about stories with canons that take them to the extreme with power, perfection and so forth. But hold on, there is a good back story and a good reason for them to constantly get power.
    Well, that's kinda the point. If there's a good backstory, hell if it's a good story, then it's almost certainly not a mary sue. A major trait of a Sue is that the character doesn't make sense OR, more importantly, eclipses the canon characters who are the reasons we read X-Fandom stories in the first place.

    If chess was a TV show with a large fandom, then the fanfiction of the Mary Sue figure would start out as a pawn on the white side, but turn out to be the love child of a white knight and the black queen, with all the moves of the queen AND the knight. Her dual-color heritage would allow her to make moves during white or black's turn. Jealous kings from both sides would want her dead. But the pawns would protect her because she's one of them.

    She finally fights her way to the last file, where she announces her intention to be promoted to Queen, but to bring back her mother ,the other queen, but only after delivering a touching 'we should be building our kingdoms, not crushing them!' speech.

    A heartbreaking death scene leads both leaders to regret their actions and they cooperate to give the resurrected queen a chance to resolve everyone's issues and end the game in a draw.

    SO my question, would you guys hate a gary sue, in a story like that?
    Parody can be overdone, but i can see, theoretically, a story written to make fun of the Sue twins rather than just use them. it'd be tricky, though.
  2. So, refusing to watch BBM because it portrays gay love falls into the realm of homophobic, whether or not it is because you "just aren't interested".
    Can't agree. It's just entertainment. If you don't think that a movie will be entertaining, there's no reason to watch it.

    I am homophobic in that the thought of personally participating in whoopie smoochies with a guy provokes the same reaction in me as the thought of being in a high place without safety rails or picking up a tarantula. I'll acknowledge 'phobia' quickly enough in all cases.

    But I don't think my personal reactions are the basis for legislation. I support gay marriage. I support gays serving in the military. I didn't turn any shipmates in for being gay. My favorite part of Kids in the Hall is the gay bar owner's soliloquy

    Overcoming phobias only works through exposure, education, cognitive behavior modification.
    See, now, i can't see that my phobia needs overcoming. I don't want to have gay sex. I don't want to want to have gay sex.

    But I don't discriminate because of the phobia. THAT behavior i could see needing to 'overcome,' if i indulged it enough to project it upon others.

    I do agree with your 'the other' assessment. When Gays were in the closet, the only thing most people knew about them was whatever their authority figures told them. As they come out into the light, their very presence is educating others. The more gays you know, the less sense the vilification makes. People reject the claims, and slowly reject those making the claims. I think this applies to many versions of 'the other.'

    So i think it's possible to know 'enough' about a topic to make non-phobic decisions about what to pop into the player on a slow TV night.

  3. By the very nature of knowing we're reading a story, we're altering our expectations. If a story were to truly be as chaotic and random as the real world, if it's characters each showed flaws of nature, weakness of heart or poor choice of judgment, than it wouldn't be a story. We want stories that inspire us, arouse us and incite us, and reality often falls too far short of that hurtle.

    I have to disagree with that assessment. I dislike characters that aren't human, that aren't flawed. i can't connect to them. I can't connect to Sherelock Holmes, for example. Yes, i know he has a few faults, but they don't imperil his ability to inflict justice upon the evil doers. If it weren't for Watson, i doubt that the stories'd be as popular.

    Look at any caper movie. The heist is planned and timed to the split second, but the movie is MOST interesting when the plan fails and the characters have to scramble.

    if nothing else, a weakness or poor choice made by the main character inspires us, by the fact that we'd NEVER be stupid enough to open the door for a candygram while a land-shark is on the loose.

  4. What sort of stories do you wish there were more of? I don't mean 'well written' ones so much as what type of stories you like. What plot, what cliche, what character type, etc. What is the one clincher that would make you want to read the story just because it has that plot element?
    Mad Scientists. The loopier the better.

    There just isn't enough truly Mad Scientist porn. And i don't just want it to be a rape scene that takes place in an evil-genius' lab or world-domination-headquarters. Or a GI Joe foe that's employed as a MadSci getting lucky in a motel room.

    There need to be stories where the madness of the science is integral to the plot. Or integral to the sex. Unless that's redundant....?

    I'm trying my best, but i've only gotten 8 or so written.

    Just not loopy enough, i guess.

  5. Holy HELL! I have finally done one of my goals! I have actually came out the victor in a battle against Keith! in the process, I took him out of the first place spot in the richest (overall) members. I have never thought that the day would come so quick! (the only reason for that goal Keith is because it looked so impossible to do... I'm positive you'll be back up there in a matter of moments) Here is the screen shot I took...


    So that's where the money went...i didn't think i'd spent it...

    Ah, well. Good on you.

  6. Well, i try hard to understand the logic of a particular setting.

    The logic of a given world may not match ours, but i think consistency is more important than imposing our values on another place.

    But then, if the author doesn't justify something so outrageously different as to adopt a house-elf after all the efforts to free house elves, then it spins the readers out of the story and into the peanut gallery.

    I could agree that 'it doesn't have to make sense in our terms' as a story defense, but i do agree that 'it doesn't have to make sense' only works in particular kinds of story telling. Ones where the lack of logic, continuity or any idea what the hell is going on are the artist's points, the very message he's trying to send.

    But then the defense is 'It's absurdist, it's not SUPPOSED to make sense....'

  7. Well, people do weird things in RL. And as long as certain precautions are taken, then it would not be a problem.


    I think my response would have been that humans reach inside horses and cows during labor contractions and births, so an orgasm would probably be no worse.

  8. And then comes out with an idiotic comment that the Anri should have been worried that her arm would be crushed in Mae's vagina. (BTW Mae is a CENTAUR).

    This is utterly ridiculous. If the female vagina can be fisted easily and accommodate a hand. I do believe that a centaur vagina (which is supposed to deal with what amounts to a horse penis) could be able to easily handle fisting.

    You don't seem to understand the critique. The comment was not about whether the centaur could handle it, but about whether the human could handle it. A concern that the much bigger, much stronger muscles, might inflict damage on the human's arm or joints.
    The person states that he/she is insulted by my fic.I feel that this is the closest that the reviewer comes to directly flaming me, but it still is enough for me.
    Okay, you're oversensitive about negative reviews. That doesn't make the review a flame.
  9. When you start trying to conquer the world, I think you fall into empire territory
    Well, no, that's not the definition of empire.

    The conquering king decides to let other kingdom keep their sovereignty, to some limited extent, with a king, and leverages himself up to emperor...a king over kings.

    If the other kingdoms are subsumed into the conquering kingdom, then it's just a really large kingdom.

    Ah, here comes the real flaming. Beforehand it could have just been construed as constructive criticism delivered in a rude manner.
    I really don't think that's flaming, either. They listed their problems with the story, and continue to do so.

    "Flames" are not just dislike or negative criticism.

    When they threaten to track you down and rape you with the shaft of a left-handed Swiss Guard halberd (sans lubricant) for what you did to their favorite character/relationship/storyline, or assume that you're a hermaphrodite from the way you write a sex scene, and possibly an epileptic one at that, you might have a real flame. Or if they use ALL CAPS for either the entire review, or EVERY SINGLE adjective they LOVINGLY shoehorn into the FLAMING review.

    Flaming once more. I don't have to put smut in my story, but I did. I put the appropriate amount of smut to plot for a story that size.
    There's an appropriate plot/sex ratio?


    I get a few complaints that there's not enough sex in some of my stories, but i figure that's because many AFF readers just assume that i'm posting here because there's too much graphic sex in the thing to post it anywhere else, and they're disappointed when i don't deliver.

    Not because they fail to grasp the scientifically established literary merit of a sex writing ratio.

    Still, just because the reader wants more sex in something he/she/it/they read on AFF, doesn't make this a flame.

  10. This is off the subject, but what is a troll? Um, beside the mythical creature or an older person who likes touching kiddies, I mean? I keep finding references to them all over the site, but I have no clue as to what they are. Is it like a spammer or or a flamer? Or.................er, I feel really dumb now.
    A troll tends to be someone that posts just for the sake of stirring up shit.

    Or the sound an ionized atom of helium makes when shot through a cinderblock wall by a cyclotron.

  11. Well, I'm at level 127, and I'm making progress every day...

    Keith, it's my goal to someday surpass you.

    Yeah, there's a real nice bandwidth in there. Where there are enough players and you have enough attacks to get a level's worth of EP in one day.

    But the higher you go, the less EP you get from your victims. It tapers off until you have to work for it again.

    My goal right now is to get 'knife' used as often as 'steal a kiss.'

    Then get Dagger up to those match those two.

    Eh, it keeps me off the streets.

  12. Write what you wanna write, and post it here.

    That's what i like about the site. Anyplace else i've ever posted, there's the likelihood that one or another of my stories will be off topic, or flagrantly anti-topic or violate one or another rules.

    Plenty of my stuff doesn't have any sex at all, some's PWP.

    I would say that you shouldn't post something under erotica that doesn't have a lot of erotic content, but that's just because readers have an expectation for that sort of thing.

    Put in a few warnings about 'not my usual stuff' or 'graphic sex is rare' or 'little to no pron,' and see what happens.

    As someone said, maybe you'll expand your reader base.

    I gained a few fans for my shrinking stories by posting a xenophilia story, so who knows.

  13. Apologies, maybe I should have. In a way, the additional details I edited in are an extension of what I could have written: The whole story went too fast for me, and the wife was a bit too outgoing about it, and I'm a detail-freak when it comes to the emotions and physica; senses. Then again, you are not at fault for that, since I failed to give such small details like that in my request.

    As for actually writing out another review....well, the story's been taken down, so.

    Oh, i wasn't talking about me.

    Just suggesting, before you burn yet another writer's interest in your requests... Just a thought, as i said.

  14. Yeah, i gotta agree with 'what do you mean by a boundary?'

    Age? Species? Position? Orifice? Language?

    Spellcheck? Grammar? Lack of control of the CAP LOCK key?

    I've written a Ham Sandwich scene with two Old Testament characters and a unicorn.

    If that hasn't gotten the place burned to the ground...

  15. Oh, god, i read one fic where the dialogue included a character referring to his penis, as penis, five times in one paragraph. I don't think i say penis five times in a month.

    Then again, do you need to say penis, or any euphemism? If you're not comfortable with 'she grabbed his cock' maybe the scene works with 'she grabbed him?' I mean, if they're naked and in bed, in shower, in the grassy field together, it's not likely that she'll grab him by the ear and guide his ear into her no-no place.

  16. Finally he was able to lodge himself within the tightest passage that had ever enclasped his throbbing manhood.
    Lodged in? That doesn't even sound appealing.

    I generally have two reasons to write a sex scene graphically. To enhance, advance or define a couple's relationship, or because it's expected.

    I mean, if you're writing fetish fiction, the fetishists are going to be a bit disappointed if there's no exploration of the fetish.

    Still, i try to keep the characters real, even in PWP, if for no other reason than my personal pride.

    And for real, i try to figure out how at least one of the characters would describe the scene. I mean, i've never had a shipmate come back from liberty and say 'i lodged my manhood in her tight passage.' Or brag that he was enclasped. I don't think that's even a word.

    I got criticized for using 'manhood' in an Old Testament fanfic, but i really believe that that would be the word the character would have used. I can't imagine that an antediluvian version of 'heat seeking moisture missile' would have worked in that fic. In a fic where the narrator is a professional zoologist, i'd expect him to refer to the Lamia's cloaca rather than to her honey-pot or 'womanly love-slit.' But if i was writing about a machinist mate having sex in a liberty port, i'd probably go for slang instead.

    How would you describe the act to your best friend the day after? That would be the most comfortable for you, and it's likely to read the best for your story.

  17. I'd like my pseudonym to be "Ben" and the wife's psuedo to be "Allison" Age 19 and 29, respectively. And he's out of town once in a while, since he helps out with other groups from time to time. So he's away away.

    If you're talking physically, she's brunette, hair resting on her shoulders, C-sized, and actually, quite a nice little behind.

    Actually, I'd like it to be less of a seduction than "Get in the pool with her and one thing luckily leads to another."

    Any other questions?

    I dunno. I'll think about it for a bit, but it's not my usual thing. Still, I'm going to be out of my gourd bored for the next couple of weeks, who knows.

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