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Keith Inc.

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Posts posted by Keith Inc.

  1. Hello,

    So the other day, I was at a pool party/BBQ hosted by a youth pastor at my church. Everything was chill until the youth pastor's wife came out in her suit. Even though it was pretty modest (a one-piece), I could not believe how stunning her body was. She wears baggier clothing for the most part, so I hadn't noticed before.

    My story request: sometimes I do help around the youth pastor's house. One hot summer day, when the husband's not around, I convince her to come take a dip in the pool with me, and talk. Then I seduce her somehow, and take her from behind right in the shallow end of the pool.

    I'll give you more details if you're interested in writing this...and possibly a series on it.

    Any preferred names? Ages? I assume you are male?

    Is the youth pastor not around because he's out of the state? Or is it possible he could walk in on you?

  2. Your words, I can agree with.

    Okay, so....should I just post another request, this time asking for a story based on the idea of "Babysitter", essentially a request with your wording?

    Yeah. Something like: "Can i request a story about a boy being seduced by his babysitter, preferably including a swimming pool, her friends, an orgy with space aliens, Groucho Marx and a Corvette..."

  3. This is, in my not so humble opinion, the point. However, if one likes receiving feedback, I absolutely do not consider him/her as a review whore. I am really happy every time someone feels like telling me what they thought about my stories but I'd consider myself as a review whore only if I would post here an individual topic, its content being "Hey, I am Supersonic Bitch here and pay attention to my pro-Slytherin, pro-Pureblood and very Malfoy-centric HP fanfiction, and oh, I forgot: grovel and worship my Malfoycest!!11fuckingeleven1!!!"

    *my brain hurts*

    I would tend to agree.

    I doubt that most AFF authors are Review Whores as i would use the term. I know most aren't Concrit whores. All too many delete anything that doesn't attempt to beatify the author and jumpstart their advancement to authorship sainthood.

    I don't need that. i care nothing about the polarity of the review. Good, bad, or someone off their meds free-versing on a story element of mine...it's all good.

    Liking reviews is a normal human reaction. Enjoying them, needing them, using them to inspire further chapters, all this is, at worst, review-whores in a passive state.

    To me, whoring requires positive action.

    I am a review whore. I will do almost anything in an attempt to get reviews. I've begged. I've bribed. I've offered up to 100,000 naughty points per review. I've written stories for requests and only asked to get reviewed on the final product.

    I haven't posted a 'please review my story' thread because i fear that the reviews would be posted in the thread, not on the story, and defeat the purpose of the thread. I fear this because any time i post a 'I wrote a story' thread on other forums, inviting comments, the miserable bastards comment on those forums, not on the story in the AFF archive.

    I've been snarked on Gawd Awful Fan Fiction, and my first, fourth and fifteenth reactions to the information was wondering how to get the GAFF comments attached to the Bible Fanfic story itself.

  4. But it just doesn't look like you're asking for fanfic of the story you found. Or a story inspired by events in it.

    The way the request is framed, it seems a little too close to plagiarizing.

    If you'd framed it as, i dunno, just a list of elements you want in an original story, without referring to someone else's effort, it might be more appealing. [/cent][/cent]

  5. taboo? Taboo is a big umbrella.

    Selfcest? http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/author...p?no=1296784213

    Amputee giantess kidnapping? http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600096220

    Xenophilia/Bestiality? http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600091706

    Frankenstein's Slutpuppy? http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600092667

    Daughter rapes father? http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600092454

    Sexual potential of energized rubber suits, toys and sheets? http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600092847

    Vore? http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600092480

    Rape? http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=544202891

    Four versions: woman shrinks and rapes her babysitter (female)

    woman shrinks and rapes her babysitter (male)

    woman shrinks, at mercy of her babysitter (female)

    woman shrinks, at mercy of her babysitter (male)

    Unicorn sex bible fanfiction? http://books.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600093423

    Smurfette/Gargamel graphic sex? http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600091101

    Chick Tract Fanfic? http://comics.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600060236

  6. Digging through the archives, I found this old story which had the potential to be hot, but was bogged down by clumsy writing. I think that if the concept was worked on a little, it has great potential.
    Maybe some constructive criticism would work to bring out the 'potential' of the story? And leave it, like, still the author's story?

    What is it that you like about the story, though? Maybe there's something else around you might enjoy.

  7. I suppose it's possible that someone or a group of someones could start using 'slash' to refer to any and all fanfiction. And as long as the reader/listener understands how they are using it, it'll be alright.

    But if someone recommends some 'slash' fanfic to most fanficfans, and there isn't a male-slash-male relationship in the narrative, many of them're going to be disappointed.

  8. ...when you get up in the middle of the night to write down a scene before you forget it. And end up finishing the chapter.

    ...someone forwards you a stupid email on a subject you hardly care about but you read it four times because something tells you there's a story in it somewhere.

    ...when you make a firm decision to take time off from your writing because Character A is starting to take over your life. And you consider that dedicating three days to writing about your D character instead qualifies.

    ...when someone can criticize your cooking, your job, your wardrobe and your haircut and you figure: Opinions are like assholes. No one knows what yours is like until you air it. But when they say you misunderstood a character in your story, you start to wonder about your place in the food chain.

  9. I am writing a story right now and I don't really know where to place it... It is a fanfiction story, with an original character in it that is based on the Alien movies. The story of this character is a little bit described in the plot, when it is necessary, but that's about it. I mainly used the morphology of the Aliens to build it, and I did not mixed anything else between the 2 fandoms, only morphology and some background. Does it still qualify as a crossover or not really? I guess it does, but then I asked many people who read it what they thought and for them, they were reading a good old pure fanfiction story, not a crossover. What do you think?
    I would go by who is going to be interested in reading it.

    If it's mostly an Aliens story, then i'd suspect that Aliens fans are your best bet for readership, reviews, and essential feedback.

  10. So I recently posted my first story on AFF, on my laptop screen the layout looks completly fine (I had to go through and double space every line by hand). However, some people are complaining that it shows up choppy and all over the place on their screens, while others say its fine. How can I double space a story so that it appears the same on everyones computer?

    You don't use 'double space' on your word processor. What i generally do once i finish writing is to select all, clear all formatting. Then i replace all ^p (line returns) with ^p^p. That'll doublespace the text. then i upload the story by cutting and pasting into the text box, rather than hope my file format matches what AFF expects.

  11. Omnipotence.

    I was thinking of Star Trek or a few other shows where they run up against beings of pretty much unlimited power, or at least we see no limitations from our POV.

    A few times, they give some of this power to mortals to see how they'd use it, how they'd behave with absolute power.

    I was wondering about that. Usually, the empowered one may abuse his powers a bit but in the end upholds the moral code of his culture and rejects or loses the power. Or they decide to embrace the power fully and the omnipotent ones take them away where they won't upset the mortals.

    They always seem to be rather unimaginative writers on these episodes?

    I keep imagining a star trek episode where someone with strong fetish leanings gets such powers. I don't care what fetish. What if Q saw someone's attraction to _(Fill In The Perv)_ in their head, gave them enough power to indulge it at the least whim, and maybe gave that part of their personality a bit of a bump up on the id-ego-subconscious power play?

  12. I'd really like to remove my current avatar on the archive and change it to the one I'm using in the forum, but it will not upload.

    I'm able to change between different avatars, but not fully remove it.

    Also, when I view my profile on the forum, it shows both my current avatar and the one for the archive. Is it supposed to do that?

    Can someone help please?

    As for the profile, you can have two different pics, for avatar and for your profile.

    I believe if you upload a new avatar, it will overwrite the old one. At least, last time i tried it did, don't think the forum updates have changed that.

  13. I really wouldn't worry about where to place the sex. It'll be where it needs to be, or you're sacrificing the story for the sex.

    What i have done on certain fetish forums is announce at the beginning that i'll make it easy for them to find the sex. Something like:

    This story deals with drugs, violence, evolution, the rage of space, forced entry to political tiers and a male/female relationship that includes graphic sex depicted on elephant-back in a leather Howdah. The sex scene will be annotated below.

    Then after however long it takes me to feel that a romp of whoopie smoochies has been justified, there will be an author's note: Sex begins at the start of the next chapter. Right after 'the elephant paused and sniffed the air, trying to figure out why he heard so much squeaking from the hooker-red leather howdah.'

    You could put an author's note in teh front saying that sex starts on Chapter 7 or whatever. Let them go straight to the payoff, if that's all they're interested in.

  14. One of my sex scenes was inspired by a girl i knew in Charleston. She used to...

    Well, here. Right after the narrator has ejaculated into Hina:

    I pat Hina's tail, trying to get her to let me go, but she didn't. She did pull backwards, towards me and away from Shayah, but kept her grip on me. All her grips.

    As my satisfied cock deflated, she kept a tight hold with her vaginal walls. Each time it shrank, she sounded a terribly satisfied sigh from the sensation, and squeezed me with tail, feet and pussy.

    It was amazing. My cock shrank, she drew all kinds of attention to my cock, to its location, to her pussy. Before I was halfway-flaccid, I'd started to harden again.

    I wondered where she'd learned that! Well, she was named after a fertility goddess.

    Then, when I was back to blue steel, she leapt off of me and rolled over the bed. What the hell? This was Olympic class cock teasing, I thought.

    Then Kane slid in front of me

    Obviously, the girl in Charleston didn't have a tail or feet that gripped like hands. But she did have a trick or two for speeding the second round.

    Another was inspired by someone who licked his girlfriend like he was trying to write his name on her pussy in spit. I have no idea if that would actually work, but it doesn't matter, it's porn. Do something weird or unusual. Different. Even if you make it up. something the reader may or may not ever try, but won't stop thinking about.

    I covered a rubber toy in a super-rubber for one story. shake it once and it'll bounce like a thing alive for an hour. Play with those possibilities. New toys, even if they're impossible.

    I remember being struck by a phrase in a story i've long forgotten. The guy had a girlfriend who was as tall as he was. They kissed and it was powerful. The narrator said that straight-across kisses are more erotic than bending down to kiss someone, because usually straight-across kisses only happen in bed. Id' never thought of it that way. Tell the reader what you find special about sex or what you think they should remember about sex. Even if you make it up.

  15. Okay, here's a question that might or might not be shared by experienced smut writers:

    How do I keep all my sex scenes from sounding the same? I have a number of ideas for adult fics, two of them PWP vignettes and one of them taking the time to lead up to the main event (so to speak), so how can I add a little variety so that pairing A doesn't get together and do it exactly the same way as Pairing B or C?

    Different settings? On the piano, in the car, rolling off the bed, bathtub, shower, Marquis de Sade room at the Wax Museum, inside a giant's pocket, across a Lilliputian bandstand?

    Or give them a little mutual fantasy to play out? Oh, Master, thanks for removing the chains; Oh, Headmaster, thanks for putting me on the team; Oh, Dr. Roth, this new serum...it makes me feel funny; You'll never learn the location of the secret invasion headquarters from me!

  16. I don't think i could ever do that.

    Make it clear that i wasn't going to add a chapter until i felt the love? My god, what if no one posted after that? I'd be devastated.

    I do feel that the better received stories i write get more attention from me. As mentioned above, that feedback is what i'm online for. More comments makes it more worth my time to write the stuff. But as a contract? Yeegh.

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