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Keith Inc.

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Posts posted by Keith Inc.

  1. I am thinking that if you're obsessed, then 'too obsessed' is not a distinct condition.

    I am about to kill my offspring and make freaking bookends out of the twins.

    I am thinking the oldest would be better off as a sofa cushion.

    I am SO sure i was never this loud before boot camp...

  2. The character of Abigail Sciuto on NCIS was dating a very short man. The actor playing that character died, and they wrote him off the show. True to form for the show, they didn't just shuffle him out of sight or forget him, they had his character break up with Abby, claiming she was too tall for him. She was more than a little out of character for most of that episode. I watched that show while trying to come up with a fifth story line for my 'mad scientist porn' series. I always thought Abby would make a great mad scientist, and shrinking women is a major kink for me, thus this effort:

    MadSciPorn #5: Evil GeNCIS

  3. I am waiting for the muffins to cool.

    I am calibrating my teenage son about certain behavioral misdeeds.

    Now, i am out of things to throw at the dumb son of a schmuck.

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