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Everything posted by Keith Inc.
I have learned, through blood, to attack teeta LAST. I had been starting at the top, and slicing down to wherever the kills run out. Right now, attax on teeta, i'm only even surviving 60% of the time. So i have to revisit my strategizing.
I am trying, now, to make sure to send messages when i lose. I figure the winner deserves that much. You're high enough that i can put my back into it, drop my shoulder, swivel my hip and make a solid fucking blow and it STILL doesn't matter a damn. You bounce off the far wall and the last thing i see is the salon owner shaking his head in disgust as my skull goes past him. Oh. Holy crap, you've got more kills than me!? Last i looked, i was WAY ahead. Good work. Well, looks like it's time to take another day off of work to efficiently schedule some serious slaughter.
Even if that were true, then refuting things that are not evolution has no bearing on evolution's implications. But it isn't true, since evolution, real evolution, is silent on the existence of God. So refuting evolution has no implications on god's reality.Behe, who came up with Irreducible Complexity, fully accepted evolution as the source of change in life and the diversity of life on the planet. BUT he felt that some aspects of life were not possible without a God. So, he felt that evolution and God were both true. A poll showed that 95% of all scientists in the country accept evolution. About 50% of them feel it is a fully natural process, needing no deity. Some 45% feel that it's part of God's plan. Five percent reject evolution. All of them do so for religious reasons. Your 'implications' of evolution and god being diametrically opposed are strawmen. Nearly half of all American scientists find no problem accepting God and the Theory of Evolution. It's a common creationist claim, that they're using real science but real scientists aren't. But if your 'real science' is based on something that evolution isn't, not really, then it's rather wrong. As well dismiss evolution because it doesn't explain Bohr's model of the atom. Yes, it is. As long as you paint evolution as being anti-god, or godless, or having any stance whatsoever on God, then what you're arguing is a convenient stand-in for real science. Like electricity, gravity, friction and any other science, it works on observations, not on any view of a deity. Fine. Show me one. Just one that actually says it. You can't, because your 'conclusion it leads us to' is wrong. 1) evolution is about changes in life, not the beginning of life. 2) 'everything comes from nothing' is not part of any scientific claim. It is part of non-scientist paraphrases of what they think the Big Bang theory is.
Funny. Thanx for sharing that. Far less humiliating that my last two suicides, splatted across your face shield like a bug on a window....
Not even hardly. Evolution is just the changes in gene pools over time and is silent on the beginning of that life. It is also silent on the existence of any or all deities. Those that try to make it say something it doesn't are building straw men to knock down. Not really. Life could be created by a committee of gods, by chance, by supervised chance, by alien intervention, by alien negligence, or a host of other possible starts that gave us the first life form or forms on the planet. Some people do take evolution to be proof there is no God. They're wrong. it's neutral to the nature and existence of the divine. Just as much as electricity doesn't prove or disprove a deity, or any other science. Then for the purpose of this debate, you're using a strawman attack. Maybe what you mean to use is something like: According to the atheist definition of how the universe works... Of course, it's still not accurate, but at least the terms seem to be closer to the true nature of your argument. Not if you're using non-scientific definitions of what evolution is, it isn't.Tell me, what text book declares, just to start, that everything comes from nothing? Which scientists?
The Higher Levels Seem To Be Heading For Outer Space....
Keith Inc. replied to Calanthee's topic in ipBattlePro
I'm trying to figure out if there's any sort of strength vs. damage correlation on the weapons. I mean, i just attacked with a freaking Knife, used 2 STR and inflicted 82 hit points of damage. Is that because of my level? Because i don't recall inflicting 82 freaking points when i was a noob. Of course, way back in the before time, no one HAD 82 HP to bleed out... It's just weird. -
I loved that one.Is there a sequel coming?
The Higher Levels Seem To Be Heading For Outer Space....
Keith Inc. replied to Calanthee's topic in ipBattlePro
Yeah, there's no real benefit to slamming the first levels that are in the game.Attacking those that are outside of it may increase the numbers. Sometimes i just go through a thread in the Games section and take out anyone with no EXP. Hitting up a handful of first level fighters, there's no cash and the EXP isn't worth the cost of the restoratives. Of course, while i'm dead about once every four times i come to the board, i'm far more likely to find every acceptible target dead. I would just revive teeta and kill, but it seems unsporting to do that if i do have nine other legal targets that are alive. But they're down in levels 1 through ten.... I think this will be a self-correcting problem over time. Attacking upwards has always been legal (if suicidal), while downwards is so easy it's not worth it. -
Ever see 'Constantine?' The entrance of the Devil is a great scene. Immaculate in a comfortable tailored suit, he has bare feet that are covered in slime. Just enough of an 'off' note to let you know this is not a normal person. Or one of the Dracula movies: Reeves' character cuts himself shaving, Dracula turns and licks the razor clean. We see it, but the character on screen doesn't. I'd pick a small but incredibly inhuman mannerism that the evil character might display. Imagine a movie where there is an aside for the audience. The characters (except your kid) don't notice, but we see him, i don't know... Pick snails off the grass and eat them. Gets the cat to leave him alone by flashing fiery-red eyes. Everyone hears a traffic accident outside and rushes to the window to see, but this guy just rolls his head back as one having an orgasm. Maybe every time he passes a computer or TV screen, there's a shot of either the Elder Ones peering into our dimension in anticipation, or condemned souls screaming for release. Every dog he touches runs out into traffic. Birds leave a tree when he leans against it and never, ever come back. The kid hears the hungry chicks screaming for food, and sees the mom on a nearby fence, frantic for her kids but unwilling to touch the tree.
I Was Wondering Why My Money Kept Going Up...
Keith Inc. replied to Keith Inc.'s topic in ipBattlePro
Thought you'd like that. That's why i made sure to send you the report... My level doesn't matter. If i leave you with any health at all (something that a 'miss' guarantees), you use your strength to grab a weapon and hit back. If THAT doesn't miss, you can't help but do more damage than i.... YOU WINN! -
No, no. I won't attack anyone in MY guild. Fellow guildies. Rival guilds are perfectly appropriate targets.
Looking over the roster (through a sniper scope)...Hitting a 1-st level can only get me +1 EXP, and if the weapon misses may cost me EXP. Hitting the highest level characters is the best place to gain significant EXP, and more levels, thus more power. I've got 9 attacks at a time right now (with a 40 minute recovery time). I can't attack myself. I won't attack guildies. So, going down the list from the most powerful appropriate target to the least, you're the 6th one down. Assuming everyone above you is in good health. Nothing personal, it's just strategic.
Well, Ace, Deuce, Trey of Swords and so on, would be a no-brainer for Tarot Targeting.
Eh, might drum up some interest, attacking those who've never been in the game yet. They start the day with blood in their eyes (see above post) and they just might develop a desire to climb up the tree to bop me one in the eye (see above post). On the other hand, i only get 1 EXP for the slaughter of a zero level player, so it's hardly worth the cost of a restorative.
For attempting to draw attention to the battle arena, I mentioned sporting insignia for levels and such. I have a few thoughts. Mostly from wearing something or other for 20 years in the Navy. 1) First levels get nothing. I'm sorry, but that's just the way it has to be. Unless we give them the very, very subtle 'Null' insignia. A blank spot where the insignia would go. 2) Inspired by enlisted in most of the forces, i'd suggest that starting with Level 2, players get a new insignia every level until they reach level 10. Something along the lines of seaman, airman, corpsman; or private, corporal, sargent; or something like Sparring Partner, Melee-er, Duelist. Frequent change to reward rapid progress, and to give low-levels something to compare. After 10, they're fairly well seduced, so progression can come down. Once per five levels or once per ten?
I Was Wondering Why My Money Kept Going Up...
Keith Inc. replied to Keith Inc.'s topic in ipBattlePro
I actually went to the Members directory, sorted for newbies with at least five posts to duel. Any less, i think it unlikely that they'll even notice they've been attacked. Since the point is to drum up business, i think we want people that have a decent chance of responding to 'you got deaded' notes. Or the one that actually kicked MY ass when the ORGY missed... -
I Was Wondering Why My Money Kept Going Up...
Keith Inc. replied to Keith Inc.'s topic in ipBattlePro
That or completely removing restrictions on levels. If we poke enough of the ones who haven't chosen to opt out, SOME of them will feel a moral imperative to come to the arena and get theirs back... -
I tend to drop my balance to even zeroes. 1000, 500 or 0000. But i keep coming back to find numbers in there. The system pays NP just to pay NPs? I guess that's so even the lowest fighters can buy some potions? I would guess that the mod isn't aware that there are bank accounts, eh?
Oh, sure. Jump the guy as he reels back from my attack.
Glad to know SOMETHING good came from that butterfingered trip of mine...
Been interrupted by a phone call from mom, but never walked in on.I have never been approached by a prostitute offering sexification.
<----- Married for 21 years this coming July. <----- Been not-a-virgin for 23 years next month. Wife is the only person i've ever done whoopee smoochies with. Have three kids, been snipped, No regrets to date.
ONE hit on a litmus test isn't confirming that your OC is a MS.But hitting many points on a litmus test is developing a pattern. A character of mine is male, that's a point up. But he has a job i don't, a point down. His name isn't mine, a point down. He has sex with a canon character, a point up. He is sometimes at a loss for words, a point down. He drives a cool car, +. Not cooler than his stated job could afford, -.... And so on. As opposed to a character i remember from a published Star Trek novel a few years back. Male, the absolute top of his profession, seduced Uhura almost immediately on beaming aboard, solved a problem Spock/Kirk/McCoy couldn't, rescued an entire race becoming a hero to beings that had never heard of humans, etc. BIG marty sue. To a degree, all the characters of a well-written story are at least a little bit self insertion. I have to get into Agent Gibbs' head enough to figure out how he'd react to a situation, or Abby's, or General O'Neill's... But i try to be true to the character as established, and as the fandom would desire.
Well, i don't think that would make it work 'better.' Faster, certainly. But then, would you want an NPC to climb past you on levels? Eh. Right now, i've moved myself out of reach for ANY targets. But i can wait...everyone's moving TOWARDS me. Really, what we need are MORE players. Any sort of incentive to offer? Medallions to add to the poster's stats in the forum margin? Rank insignia? Front row seats at the next battle? A weapon named after them?
A relationship is a commitment. There's at least two people involved. Effectively, cheating is what THEY consider cheating. it doesn't matter if YOU think flirting is okay, and you know in your heart that you'd never do anything to hurt your significant other. If it's not okay with them, then it's cheating. My wife lets me look at other women (even updated the address on my Playboy subscription while i was at sea), knowing in her heart that i would never touch another woman. Well, the house rule is, i can touch, but anything i touch with has to be burned off before i come home. That's where she draws the line. Me as well. I trust her enough, and have seen enough sitcoms in my long and happy life, that if i come home and find her naked in bed with the pool boy, i'd be willing to listen to her story (so many sitcoms would be a third as long if people would just sit down and talk.) Of course, it had better be a FANTASTIC story...
So, i wait an hour, kill the two people in range, kill time by resurrecting guildies and raising some of my foes....write, color, sweep the kitchen...kill two people in range, run around the guild house shouting "CLEAR!"... I think i will close the guild to further applications. Since we don't fight fellow guild members in TT, it does limit the number of targets available at any given level. To reduce the limitations, i guess it's in our best interest as a guild to maximize the number of acceptable targets by minimizing unacceptable. What i can't decide is if it should be a complete cessation of acceptification of applications? Or only allow anyone above, say, tenth level? Or only allow first levels, anyone that's advanced it's too late? Or not accept anyone unless they outrank at least one member of Tarot Targeting? Or can someone identify a flaw in my logic?