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Keith Inc.

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Everything posted by Keith Inc.

  1. Gene Wolfe says that he always have a very clear picture of not only the story, but who the author is and who his audience is. Is this being written in a diary? That would suggest gaps in the narrative, like ending chapters with 'I hope tomorrow works out okay' and starting chapters with 'Well, today was a total loss. Let me tell you...' The narration of 'Soldier of the Mist' is a character with no long-term memory, so he can only recall what he's had a chance to write down before he forgets everything. There are huge gaps in the exciting parts. Brust has his main character narrate to a magic box that pays him coins for his stories. So he's usually kicked back, describing past events. I tend to think of someone writing their memoirs.
  2. How do you define a 'fanfic' writer? If it's something like: Using characters that you are not the original creator of, then Wouldn't that make the Divine Comedy FanFic? Wouldn't that make the roof of the Sistine Chapel FanArt? God, Satan, Adam are not original to those artists. Nor are the settings: Heaven, Hell, Garden of Eden. Events like Creation. I think it's certainly possible to have 'real' writers doing the fanfic thing.
  3. I guess i don't understand the question...
  4. Well, there are a number of stories out there that are obvious rip-offs of Shakespeare: Lion King was Hamlet, Ten Things I Hate About You was Taming of Shrew, West Side Story was Romeo and Juliet.But is every romance with family complications going to be a rip-off, a plagiarism of Romeo and Juliet? Not necessarily. There are only a handful of basic themes out there. 7 to 30, depending on your exact Google term. Plagiarism is more than just twisting a theme, there have to be recognizable plot elements in common.
  5. When i was a kid, we'd watch a movie, then go home and play in the back yard. First we'd act out the movie, then we'd get bored. We'd make changes. We'd play in the movie's world. Or something similar. Or something odd. Our Luke Skywalker fought Klingons. The Battlestar Galactica found Earth...and was escorted in by the Enterprise. The immortal Wonder Woman saved the world with James Bond. Fanfic is playing in someone else's world, same way. The better ones show an understanding of the characters and the setting, making a product largely indistinguishable from the source. Or. The FF writer can cross boundaries the original can't. Studio realities and legalities keep Dr. Who from taking the Smurfs to do detail work in Willy Wonka's factory. But an FF author can, in my case for example, rewrite Gulliver's Travels to put Blackadder in the title role. Or place Basil Fawlty as the EMH on Voyager. And again, it's play. I'm sure some are. I'd like to think that i'm good enough, a lot of my reviews seem to think i captured the original characters. Some don't. The Sherlock Holmes fans aren't fond of my characterizations. Ah, well.But as a sweeping generalization, i'd have to reject your ideas, there. You need to define your terms. To explore a world i find compelling, that only shows up once a week if i don't. In some cases, in the fetish stuff, using a fanfic setting allows me to more quickly convey setting, characters, situations to the reader. But that's because i'm writing specifically FOR a fetish group, and what they care about isn't usually the characters as much as the actions. No. Not until you get to the point of making any actual money with it. Again, I don't find a great difference between fans dressing up for a convention, or kids running around the backyard waving light sabres at each other, or people writing about how certain characters might act if they weren't limited by the conventions of the FCC. We see what fires our soul and we want to make it part of ours. No. At least, not in my case. So there's an exception to your sweeping generalization there, so your generalization is wrong.
  6. Unrealistic? Well, the apparent age of the author takes a downturn with every sentence. He knows women get periods, and maybe why, but not when or how. And the main idea of the plot seems to be 'dick so big it kills.' Yeah, that's a mature plot device. The rest is just rationalization to put him in a position to rape. I mean, if lives depended on it, would he have to rape them to save them? Unless there's some additional rationalization that it's only savior sex if they release certain hormones associated with rape. There's a scene. "Now, Mary, you're going to spend the weekend at your Uncle's. If he or any of his boys touch you in your secret private girl place, i want you to try really hard to fight them off. But not too hard, or you'll die..." Maybe it's adrenaline and we could just do it on horseback? Or....that's it. A man from the next clan over rides up, several generations into the New World and has good news. You' don't have to rape n'more! It works just as well if they drink coffee during! But the bastards at the protagonist's place feel that the rape is important and refuse to change... Eh. There's no real saving this. I should be working on the next chapter of Lamia anyway.
  7. Keith Inc.


    Pffft. Have: Outrageous size differences between partners: Giant women Outrageous size differences between partners: Giant men Outrageous size differences between partners: Shrunken men Outrageous size differences between partners: Shrunken women Slave Torture Don't have (no matter what i wrote): Vore; Bestiality; Xenophilia; Incest; Toys; Anal; Mpreg;
  8. Now we're back to 'harm to a child.' No, written word is not illegal. 3D manipulation (Poser, DAZ) is not illegal. Drawings are not illegal. Because they don't involve real kids. They don't harm real kids. Pics of kids doing naughty are illegal. Photomanipulation of kids into naughty is a hazy area. If the original pic qualifies as child porn, then it's illegal. If it doesn't, then it still might be illegal. Pics of simply nude kids have been prosecuted under legislation so vague it would make pics of nude babies on bear skin rugs illegal. That sort of legislation gets overturned regularly by courts and precedents. Okay.Written word isn't illegal content. I really doubt that anything written down caused genocide. Julius Cesar wrote quite the detailed villification of the druids, but that fiction was to justify the conquering he was already planning, none of the blood sacrifices he wrote about show up in the Greeks' descriptions of the culture. Hitler didn't read anything and suddenly realize that he needed to wipe out the Jews. He selected a scapegoat to leverage the frustrations of post-war Germany and they were handy. Propaganda is usually to bolster ideas, not create them.I still fail to see anything written having a causal connection to rape, child abuse or genocide. It's not illegal.
  9. I didn't mean that descriptions of graphic sex involving underage participants wouldn't be child porn. I was saying that usually, when someone is concerned with 'child porn' it's because of harm to a child.If it includes graphic descriptions of sex, then it's an adult topic; if there are children graphically sexing, then it's child porn, sure. I just disagree that fiction authors are responsible for their reader's behavior. They could just as easily get their jollies from works where the author makes all the characters 18+, but slants their behavior towards child porn interests. How would you detect such things? What would you do to stop it? How would you phrase the rules to keep those things out. I've read interviews with serial killers, who go to great lengths to blame their behaviors on others. They done it because of the violence on TV, because of the violence and occult in D&D, because of the sex in porn. School shootings are blamed on video games and taking the Bible out of schools. A lot of casual connections, but no proof that there's a causal one. Hell, considering the number of kids playing video games, the number of people watching FOX, or the sales of D&D or other role playing satanic blood fests, there should be just oodles more violence breaking out, if we're all that impressionable. ---- You take stuff from the site home to you husband, you said. If he's away on a business trip, do you consider yourself likely to jump the pool cleaner because somehting here turned you on? The neighbor? The neighbor's wife? kid? dog? Nothing i've read or written here makes me any more likely to cheat on my own wife. My behavior is pretty well decided in that area. I have little or no anecdotal evidence of anyone around me doing something they weren't likely to just because they read it or saw it on TV. I'll be the first to agree that our rights are not infinite. That our freedom of expression goes no farther than the first person it hurts. But i resist the idea of limiting that expression for no better reason than it 'may be' harming. I don't think anyone's going to tip over the balance from something they read here.
  10. Do you have any proof that writing about such things will have an affect on real children?The champion of the 'violent video games' march to stamp out such things has a lot of casual connections between VVGs and actual changes in behavior. But many experts criticize his work, methods, conclusions and testimony. There's just not a lot of peer reviewed work that really suggests what we read or see will change what we were going to do. Some copycatting does occur, but the numbers are really small compared to the viewership. I'm not sure that there's much if any blame to be laid at an author's feet for how a reader behaves afterwards. Except for Trevanian. But while someone used his character's method to steal art, they didn't become an art thief because he wrote a book about it. I used to work a suicide hotline. A lot of people are afraid to mention 'suicide' to a depressed person out of fear that it'll give them 'ideas.' Frankly, they told us, if they're to the point that you're worried about them, they've already had those ideas. Possibly, but i really doubt it. He may try to recreate an experience, but i really don't see that reading a story is going to push him over from inactive to actively acting out his fantasies. I have to go to work, i'll respond more later.
  11. I am male picked gay/het/transgender by accident. I write gay/het/other. You don't have 'Xspecies' as a choice.
  12. My story: Lamia Hits [30820] Reviews [101] Total Vote [ 51] Ratings are a tiny fraction of Reviews, Reviews are a tiny fraction of Hits. It's one of the dependable standards of life that keeps us bug-fucking insane. It applies just about EVERYwhere you go.
  13. I think the big distinction is that for most Child Porn, you have to abuse a child to get it. Fiction doesn't harm any child (or sheep, or wait staff, or cartoon animals or whatever the author writes about). Pedophiles are not usually turned on by what other people would consider smut. Grown people choosing to have whoopie smoochies, interaction of adults, or children expressing adult like behavior, are turn-offs. Time and again, when they arrest such people, the don't find porn-as-porn in their possession. They find pages torn out of the old Sears catalog of children posing in underoos. Or, depending on the age the person finds attractive, cub scouting magazines, cheerleader, daycare newsletters, any sort of material that works.Just exactly how responsible is JCPenny's to make sure that a pedophile doesn't 'get off' on what they put in the paper the day after Thanksgiving? I've written things for the express purpose of arousal, but some that weren't. Some of my feedback includes appreciation by people that 'got off' on some stories or scenes that i hadn't intended to cause that sort of reaction. I don't think any author can completely insulate his/her writings from any sort of objectionable perv getting something out of it (as opposed to the approved pervs I aim for, as it were). Um...are you suggesting that one story could change someone from 'potential' to acting out the specifics of that story? That whatever preferences or fantasies they've come up with on their own would be insufficient motivation until someone else wrote their own fantasies? That seems unlikely. If they have motivation and opportunity, those are the things i'd worry about the most.
  14. It seems to me, attractive is largely based on if you can imagine spending time with the object of your attraction. For me, Jessica Simpson is NOT attractive, because i can't imagine a conversation with her that doesn't end in a gunshot. I can't find smokers attractive. There are a number of women i've found attractive on stage and screen. Some have come out of the closet after i determined them to be acceptable partners for whoopie smoochies. Their orientation doesn't make their body any less attractive to me. I would maybe be less likely to mention my attraction, if we ever met, out of respect for their orientation. Unlike many of my former shipmates, who would make a point of hitting on lesbians, out of a belief that they were just such super lovers that they could turn them. (I'm sure that somewhere in the population, someone is attracted to a hairy backed body shaped much like an avocado, with a gentle, unbroken slope from the ear to the waist, but i doubt that he is THE cure for lesbianism.)
  15. Keith Inc.

    Bible Porn

    Okay. JackChick Fanfic Porn is complete. http://comics.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600060236 Let the recoiling in horror commenceth.
  16. Keith Inc.

    Bible Porn

    No, no, i believe you're correct. The point was from many, many critiques of the tract are from gamers who know the difference. For the critics, and for Debbie/Frost/Marcie, Wizard and Cleric should not be synonyms. Nor, later, does a high level cleric have to spend much time 'fighting teh zombie.' They just blast them to destruction. Proverbs 18:13 says "He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is a folly and shame unto him." It's clear that Chick has no idea what he's talking about on this subject, but his mind is made up. It is folly and shame unto the Chickster. Yes...and now that she has a taste of...the Real Power (dramatic chords!), what does she do? Go on playing the game... Come ON! Why isn't she in a steam tunnel? Yeah. And if Marcie thought she was Black Leaf, then she'd have signed the letter 'Black Leaf,' wouldn't she? Oh, damn, i'm giving away plot points.
  17. Keith Inc.

    Bible Porn

    Okay. Until you do, i've posted the story so far, under Misc. Black Leaf and Marcie are Dead! http://comics.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600060236 I'll move it if there's ever a Tract sub-category.
  18. Oh, Flirtatia, hands down. The Adventures of Gulliver. If we're open to descending order, then Fantastic Voyage's Erica Lane would be second. Venture Brother's Molotov Cocktease. Scooby Doo's Daphne. Star Trek's M'Ress.
  19. Keith Inc.

    Bible Porn

    OH, no, no. I'm a review whore. Being GAFFed is an honor. I'd just want to explain where i got Dumkina's name, stuff like that. Then again, maybe i'd be better putting the answers in the Reviews of the story here... Yeah, some of the posts kinda remind me of why i stopped reading MAD Magazine. I remember their movie eviscerations as intelligent reviews, pointing out the inconsistencies. Later, they seemed to just take any popular movie and make fun of it, whether it deserved it or not. The worst would be if i went to hell for this story, 2nd circle, which, according to a very popular The Books fanfic, is for pervs. I mean, i have my perversions and fetishes, and have written for those. I'm not gay, not into bestiality, or analhorngaysandwich sex, so it'd be frustrating for me AND for my personal tormentor. "Do you repent you bestiality?" "Well, no, because- AAARGH!" "Do you repent you bestiality?" "Look, buddy, I don't -ARRRRGH!"
  20. Keith Inc.

    Bible Porn

    Thanx. Wow. A lot of stuff i'd love to respond to. Hopefully, one or another account will be restored/validated in the near future.
  21. Keith Inc.

    Bible Porn

    Well, ideally i'd get an account to post any sort of response to the gaff, but nothing's coming through, either for my old account which may or may not work at all, or for my new account attempt.Could you please just tell me what the thing says? I'm dying here.
  22. As near as i can tell, that quote about liver disfunction comes from a single website of a guy that's selling something. Most doctors seem to feel that masturbation is a normal part of life, and is without risk. Well, as long as you can do it withough bumping the steering wheel too hard or things like that.
  23. I'd guess i would want more specifics on what the threshold is for "Over-ejaculation." Once a day? Once an hour? Is there a number?
  24. Keith Inc.

    Bible Porn

    Huh. Wish that there was some way to offer feedback to Elizabeth Gibson. But i can't see one. A couple of things in the story bother me. The caption for the pic on top: Makes it sound like all 11 stories in the The Books section are NC-17. Not true. Which she mentions later in the article, but there's still the impression there for anyone who doesn't read the story closely. Huh. I don't recall any emails about my entries on AFF. I'd have been a lot more forthcoming. No, i tend to be anonymous because of pretty specific notions of how people around my family would react. Kids or wife being asked 'Did your dad really write about a snake woman fucking a guy?' Like what? I keep seeing people write a string of warning codes for a story that are as long or longer than their summary. What else is there to warn about? Premillenialism? Anti-creationism? Postdoctrinal non-Orthodox Existential Heresology? Okay, is the link to the AFF admin a new thing? I thought it was always there.
  25. Keith Inc.

    Bible Porn

    Interestingly appropos story: http://news.medill.northwestern.edu/chicag...s.aspx?id=41513
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