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Everything posted by Strange_idea

  1. her character arc could be hiccup saving her a few times, and instead of giving up good like he suggests, snow could just get smarter about it and better at it. she could be the one that asks him the difference between him and a hero
  2. it’s a nickname from what i know. she gets her name from her ‘skin white as snow’ neat fairy-tail fact, snow white is so pure-hearted it gives her healing powers. eearly versions of the myth have the queen mutilating her and the wonds and scars healing due to her inner good. she could be ‘good samaritan’ figure hiccup keeps running into, which kind of fits what we have. a kind of non-violent anti-overlord and good influence.
  3. and they ARE meddlers
  4. them being involved earlier and independent of the kingdoms mean they could have more interesting relationships. it was partly why is suggested the ariel and aurora backstory. it’s an idea i was considering suggesting before i knew you considered astrid the only other candidate.
  5. I think i could think of something. probably something that wouldn’t give her a kingdom to add to the list. weird random idea, but what if the queens each chose a mistress to train as a ‘secondary wife’? aurora for maleficent ariel for ursula probably zarina for mim
  6. also, i think toothless’s dragon form would get bigger with her ‘enhancement’, as well as maybe faster and stronger fire
  7. my suggested scenario was that it was a desperation move, and they didn’t realise what it would involve until it came to it. also their mother would probably be there, and that was not part of their plan. the wedding night would be awkward and adorable. although one character thing could be anna decided to just focus on how glad she was to have her sister back and got too into it. or elsa’s finally having human warmth. forgot to mention, hiccup is dressed as kristoph for that chapter due to the intense cold. and talks to toothless like kristoph does to sven. anna reacts similarly because toothless refuses to change back to mess with her. do we have a plan for snow white yet? or is she not in this?
  8. Hey, what if toothless is mistress queen of the monsters, and Astrid is Mistress queen of the disney girls? responsible for easing them into the situation and does most of the interaction/problem solving for them. I’d toyed with the idea of making the sorceresses ‘queens; as well, but i dunno. maybe royal council. That could be hilarious/touching if valka comforts them over it. or Valka trying to break the news to him and he realises what’s happened before she can. hiccup is just over it. after he explains his (don’t see them as sisters) thing: “that helps… this would be awkward if you were someone we saw as family” “it really was” “...was?” for further awkwardness, imagine how anna and elsa feel sharing a husband. this isn’t a problem, this helps flesh out the girls , give opportunities for interaction, and make the story more interesting. also, i think if anna gets magic, she should mostly use it to enhance her physicality. aka fire armour and fire punch
  9. actually, if we do the valka thing, the next sex scene could be the four mothers revealing the slept with him in disguise to help ease things over and draggin him and valka into an orgy. Iduna could get swept up in it to her suprise, and that awakens her power and memories.
  10. hmm…. that could be part of the resolution. though we don;t eant to spread it too much. probably just t the vikings. Maleficent could insist she;s not doing another country-wide spell or something. the intermitant year could be them learning their new bodies. how about just the dragon ‘honour guard’ and the viking mistresses. hiccup could call it a test run, and mention he plans to slowly introduce the gene into the greater public. It would definitely switch things to dragon rangers rather than dragon hunters. also, astrid finding out hiccup has a wife could be interesting, as could the series of events that lead to second queen astrid (would you consider her a candidate for that?)
  11. that part came from a mental image or usrsula training ariel or her first time with hiccup, because of the favour-trade mentioned before. and to blow of some serious steam
  12. this was also part of the ‘mini harem’ logic. as his irst queen toothless is mistress above mistress to all dragons and monster-girls, including valka. though she likes her demidragon mother in law. part of the logic is that as a dragon she has a hoarding instinct, which she uses on mistresses. starting the trend. she pushed girls hiccups way while ‘absent’ and didn;t mind sharing once she came back. as queen it’s her responsibility to ‘train’ the girls to seduce hiccup. maybe
  13. is this better than the last toothless idea is what i’m asking
  14. plus, part of the reason was that the phrase ‘valka the vast’ got stuck in my head and i remembered the breastplate gag from the first movie, then i thought, can i top that?
  15. sorry to be a broken record, but just valka or the toothless bit too? need to understand if i’m going to help
  16. part of my idea is that toothless is completely human for most of hiccup’s childhood. hear me out. since the other shape-shifters are at least some kind of magic, and we have a dragon transformation specialist already. Maleficent. she turned the drain he rescued at an extremely young age into a completely human ‘friend’ for him, and while she was upset at being grounded at first, she does warm up to being human and falls in love with hiccup even quicker (it’s mutual) this is partially inspired by haku in spirited away, and kelda being the overlord’s friend childhood friend in number 2, as was the first toothless. should have mentioned that. She’s there when he meets astrid, and gets grumpy when she mentions dragons stealing her fiance. and also curious what a fiance is. She has no name, so he names her, as i mentioned last time, and the reason she turns back into a dragon for his adventure is because maleficent lifted the spell so that he would have protection on his journey, someone she knew would be utterly loyal and willing to do anything, even beyond the minions. she promised that if she brought him back alive, she’d give toothless the ability to turn human whenever she wants, but toothless is worried he’ll think she’s abandoned him, so maleficent lets her have one last night with him to ease the pain. She’s his first. Hiccup is brokenhearted at the disappearance anyway, of his first girlfriend and goes into rebound mode a bit, hence the other mistresses. he does bond with the dragon though, and muses it;s almost sentient. at the end of the first game, when she gets her powers back, maleficent fullfills her promise and grants the ability to toothless (as well as the ability to turn into a half-and-half dragon girl), who apologises to hiccup, but he’s just overjoyed to see her again and at the revelation that she never left his side. Hiccup kisses her hard and rushes her to the bedroom t make up or lost time, reassuring her he doesn’t care in the least she’s a dragon. maybe he asks her to marry him, making him his first wife not the last, but not just a mistress. this way, he can keep the war beasts idea until long after he meets the hunters. and can work with them without feeling too bad at first, but still have a well-built relationship with toothless. Later, when valka is having her crisis, she talks to maleficent and Idunn. They can both tell she wants to keep going with hiccup, and hiccup confessed his feeling weird over not feeing weird (i thought that made a lot of sense by the way. good writing) to them, so while idunn tries to smooth it over, maleficent gives her a spell to help ‘take what’s hers’. She turns her into an amazonian dragon-woman with a massive hourglass figure, ‘valka the vast’ and invite hiccup over to settle the issue. valka prefers to stay this way, and invites him to bring toothless and astrid next time maleficent later spreads the spell to all of hiccup’s dragon kingdoms via toothless and valka. or earlier, for toothless’s dragon followers
  17. with valka, that works, but can i suggest a twist? you have her a jotaan’s prisoner like i suggested (he hasn;t seen her so he doesn;t know it’s his mother. or maybe he just hates her) and she meets hiccup bfore the viking conflict, so when she comes to attack the dragon bludvist, she recognises him and stops. Then they fight alongside each other. that way, it makes more sense that she’d ‘seek comfort’ from him as he’s something of an old friend, and someone she respects, not just a random messenger. so my idea of his meeting with jotaan is that it should happen in the prolouge, but AFTER he met hiccup. I think in this version, hiccup should grow up with toothless, with her being his only friend and someone he trusts. It’ll let you have a lot of character growth and be a good humanising factor, which is something a lot of these stories can lack. He’s suspicious of Jotaan at first, since toothless doesn;t like him and he doesn’t like the way he looks at toothless. Toothless is angry at irst (for what he assumes are humanitarian resons) but is much more impressed with him when he releases valka and she steals the dragons. or, possibly, he sneaks toothless the key and distracts jotaan so she can do it, and she tells valka what he did. i also came up with another idea for the ‘dragon women’ . want to hear it? it ties into toothless, maleficent and valka. it might explain what i’m suggesting with toothless
  18. Sorry if i misread it.
  19. Give me a minute, i have an idea jow this could tie into toothless. What did you think of valka? I mostly wrote this because she was on the list and assumed she wad one of those mistresses. It's okay if you don't want to. It's not my thing, i was trying to minimize the awkwardness of such a thing
  20. I think she and maleficent would be the better mothers (you’l understand when you see maleficent), and having a non-magic (at first) mother would be a well-hidden good influence on him) actually mal probably gave her the position after she showed up because she didn;t trust the others to be capable of the keeping-him-alive bits mothering.
  21. you know i just realised, in my mental image amnesiac idunna is jester. the one hiccup practises spells ON, or does the fetch-and-carrying for four high and mighty queens. Hiccup always apologises and is clearly uncomfortable when they make him do it, but she brushes him odd and thanks her. it’s something i can see the sorceresses doing.
  22. which reminds me, when were you thinking he would meet the dragon traders? I thought it was in the first game. which was part of my framing for the toothless thing.
  23. If astrid and toothless become hiccup’s queens, she’s their visir and first mistress
  24. given her dark fairy role, either she’s part of the natural process of night, or possibly rotting, or she could have a talent for dark magic. or nightmares, or dreams… actually dreams works really well, but everynoe was afraid of the ‘night’ fairy. I’m not too familiar with disney fairies, so are the talent’s usually a natural process? Hiccup does not know Valka is his mother, and it would probably be better that he didn;t before his first time. afterwards you can play it for awkwardness, but before the first time is a bit odd. it’s why i was suggesting the sorceresses use disguises for their times with him. so going by that, and the fact that she’s a viking runaway i think she could first show up as a prisoner of the dragon hunters, which introduces him to the concept of being a dragon rider (what i’ve been calling a dragon keeper) . He frees her when their not looking, and she escapes with most of their dragons. later, she shows up and helps him with the dragon-viking war, easing over any tensions he may have with toothless by telling her what he did for her, and helping him bring about a peaceful co-existence. The sorceresses or maybe mirage give her back some youth and vitality (enough that she’s up to it), which leads to her joining astrid and toothless in seducing hiccup. naturally the sorceresses tell her that he’s her son AFTERWARDS, so she’s very shaken and needs some time to think, so she goes of to establish her dragon sanctuary, but takes a crystal to open a tower-gate to the island. she and maleficent bond over raising hiccup, and maleficent winds up eventually convincing her just go with it and become a mistress if that’s what you want. This happens during the ‘epilouge’ type portion of that arc of the story. during the time hiccup and company make the dragon riders, she come back into the fold and helps train Arial combatants and attack dragons. Hiccup mostly knows her as the mysterious dragon rider. i’m uncertain whether he finds out. She likes astrid, and was probably the one to make the engagement, and REALLY approves of toothless, due to her obvious loyalty.
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