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Everything posted by Strange_idea

  1. One moment, bit if an internet crash. Let me get it back
  2. also, remember that thing i suggested about short-stack fairies? i found some images to help illustrate kind, as well as one of a transformation from shortstack to full-height a bit nsfw though
  3. i see the dwarves as cannon-capable for some reason…. unless that IS their idea of a crossbow
  4. they had cannons at the least. and i think pistols. Imagine hiccup about to ask for pistols for his minions, before Zarina asks him to think about what he just said. hiccup pictures the result and asks that zarina build canons and pistols only for herself. and maybe mistresses
  5. actually, zarina could captain the tinker-fairies as the blacksmith force. hiccup could let the rest run the land outside or a garden or something
  6. also, mim would probably just agree they were idiots.
  7. While I can understand that not just giving them weapons is a mistake, scavenging is fairly cost-efficient and helps re-arm minions. The joke works and is right, but later down the line hiccups and co should lose their weapons and have to steal them, and he comments to himself “I just know they’re laughing at me” Zarina the pirate fairy really wouldn;t be herself without pirate stuff, and the Chinese invented gunpowder fairly early on (only a hundred years after the first vikings. I checked). so what if hiccup accidentally invents gunpowder and is ranting about the possibilities, but she coughs awkwardly and holds up her pistols. “… is that how those work” “well I’ve been mixing pixie dust into ‘em to see what happens, but yeah” you could give a gun to the sharp-eye minion and apprentice him to her…. actually maybe the minions queens could apprentice to some other girls.
  8. Also, if Zarina is doing her own experiments, is she the blacksmith character?
  9. so, had an idea for a joke. in game, fairies are fat little ugly things, and minions chase fairies but don;t hurt them. Hiccup could tell the fairies he finds that he thought they looked differently and described the game one. The fairies ask who told him that nonsense, and back at the tower (because they're watching) maleficent (and maybe mim) are just staring at the guilty party while they try to brush it off. probably ursula, and maleficent mutters that one of these days the sea witch is going to wake up spherical if she’s not careful (referring to her canon design) Later it turns out minions chase fairies to catch them and let them go again, like a dog chasing cars. Hiccup wonders why they do that since they usually have to be trained to do something like that, and back at the tower mim is laughing her head off. Maleficent is okay with this.
  10. I’f make her be the one re-arranging the tower to make rooms (literally) for new arrival based on a spell she picked up ‘from this wizard a long time ago’
  11. excellent. i was going to recommend she be one of the old ‘strange fey’ types. if you like i could find some example images of the cast for you. erotic redesigns. I take it she’s kinda ditzy but smarter than she looks?
  12. i dunno, you could just make them ‘shortstacks’ like that midna picture i sent you at the start. ther has to be something which makes them stand out. i was going to suggest maleficent or mim share the secret with her. by the way, what’s mim like in your story?
  13. or like saaaaay, dragon spines? toothless would love that. plus it keeps the feel of both series, and foreshadows the valka-thing and truce. he could grow a dragon-spike ridge down his spine and some shoulder spikes like you described they could grow while he was in the abyss and she gets flustered over them one reason for the heirarchy is that while the regional girls seduce him and probably fall in love, it makes more sense for those girls (daughters to his teachers and famously romantic) to be actively seeking his love first and for longer. and also zarina, but she’s just a kindred spirit. speaking of, should she learn to grow to human size? it’s be fun to have an ant-man type fighter. and something tells me she’d LOVE adventure. she could use fairy-dust powered weapons.
  14. hmmm… i cannot find a picture, and we do want him to be recognisable as hiccup. and shoulder spike sound…. awkward to sleep with. you could roll over and decapitate your wife. how about this, the eyes and pattern are when he uses magic and the shoulder spike happen to whatever CLOTHING her wears, and he finds it both annoying and ridculous. “seriously? this is a cape! i could tab myself if i find a light breeze” ironically grimhilde could start the story complaining he LACKS these things also, thought of a scenario for the ‘second tier’ girls if you like the idea. after toothless and astrid agreed to both be first queen, the sorceresses spend the next game plotting to get their choice for ‘second queen’ in (except gimhilde who forbids snow and sabotages her efforts, which naturally makes snow actually try). hiccup decides to go four all four based on the advice of his wives. i just feel these have the potential to be really interesting takes on the characters and can reasonably be brought in early, so with the right buildup it could make a lot of sense. the rest are like, kinda married, but princesses, or queen-conubine
  15. missed that. sorry. going by overlord time. hmmm…. is he still stuck in there with meg running the show?…. could work i guess, but that wouldn;t leave any time between starting the riders and fighting the empire. might be a good idea to make THAT the timeskip. or he starts even earlier….
  16. saint walker is a blue lantern. green lantern but for hope instead of will, and with the gimmick of powering up other people. he’s also a massive nice guy, a messiac figure and a skilled, understanding therapist. his powers literally revolve around hoping things can get better and helping people acheive that. and the ability to keep going despite personal loss. DC being very dark, it’s not kind to him recently, but he’s still one of the nicest guys in the entire universe. there’s a green lantern animated series. he’s in it. it’s not in production anymore, and i don;t know if it had a dvd release. you may need youtube.
  17. actually, i was going to suggest the fifteen years he spent in the abyss just be the fragon-viking thing and a year to get used to changes, since we don’t want hiccup to be THAT old with the disney girls or his wives to die out. so maybe after the year is over, he comes back to the tower to find snow has kept it for him. the tower heart is reacting curiously to her own good magic, but she isn’t corrupted in the least
  18. nope. she’s making her daughter keep the castle. by herself. no wonder she has a work ethic
  19. plus it’s a bit of a joke. she’s not revealed to be a princess until late, and not shown to be an airhead, but keeps the characters best qualities. for fun, don;t reveal her name for a couple of encounters when she teasingly asks what hiccup thinks she should be called, and he comes up with it the realisation will be great
  20. well, i already suggested a scene like that for aurora (it will make more sense after maleficent. not hyping it up, i like it, but i’m only saying it was were i got the idea). That is really funny though. hmm. maybe they find aurora’s coffin and mistake it for snow’s, to contrast how maleficent reacts. i think it could work really well, grimhilde is the hardest to work with in terms of character, and this way we can set her apart fro the mother-sorceresses and build up an interesting snow white without taking time away from the rest. plus it uses what we actually know about her. think of her as the gandalf-or-aragon figure. wandering and helping, just with magic and advice instead of fighting. Do you know saint walker from DC comics? like that. she’s the infrequent shoulder angel to mirage’s devil and toothless and Astrid’s warrior pragmatism. plus, she could be the one to point the Disney girls in his direction. and it gives us a good reason for little lucky breaks and a neat background running gag. My idea is that she was grimhilde’s daughter, same as the canon, but when the movie happened, grimhilde was captured before she could be killed, so snow was buried alive. the poison wore off though, and she crawled her way out of the coffin, her latent magic keeping her alive. she made her way back to the castle, learned her mother’s old craft and set out to be as different a witch as she could be. she helped found the dawrf lands and holy order before they went to ruin, and has been trying to better the world ever since. when she meets up with her mother, she looks her in the eye and says “oh, yes…. I’d forgotten about you”. basically, she’s moved on and healed from the emotional scars, something grimhilde has a hard time grasping and takes as an insult. she’s supporting hiccup best she can in the present against the empire, in ways that keep people alive. she’s also helping the empire revolution by healing their wounded and bringing them news. also, while hiccup begs her to reconsider her ‘good’ she sets out to prove him wrong by becoming smarter, and her encounters with him also help point out how much he’s grown too. she starts as a random encounter, the ‘bob the farmer’ figure who needs saving and to outline how hiccup thinks, but as she goes on and swaps philosophies every now and then with hiccup, they both see how they’ve grown. this may or may not be a test by her. plus it’s be fun to have a recurring character not tied down to a kingdom side note, if the second-tier wife idea winds up working, what do you think of mirage the cat as a candidate, given her history with hiccup and potential prominence as a character
  21. she was a german duchess. the figure
  22. hmmm….. this may sound weird, but i think we have enough mothers. at least enough that an OC wouldn’t fit in that well. also, given how old their father was…… so i don’t think so for another suitor. BUT she could become castle cook or just be given her own room out of kindness. the girls could be very fond of her. incidentally, what do you think of the snow white on a parallel good-guy adventure helping hiccup realise himself idea?
  23. i cannot find it, which is a shame because i remember, the queen made her less beautiful the direct way. that failed, so then she did the comb, bodice and apple
  24. it’s in one version, not all. i’ll find you a link. her real name cold be margaretha, after the figure some believe inspired the tale.
  25. also, idea, she’s grimhilde’s estranged daughter, kept avile all these years by her powerful white magic which her heart produces. she show up to save him when he needs it, like when he’s caught as a slave, and slips away.
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