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Everything posted by Jwsponky
Umm... The best I can come up with is the attempted ranching of seals, a nod to the seal 'farms' in Nordberg that the citizens will work after you dominate them
These are some good ideas, and you make a fair point about Hiccup noticing something is off about Florian, my plan had been for him to be the emperor, and first encounter Hiccup outside Nordberg leading a group of elves that were preventing the Nordbergians from hunting seals, which they had tried to do mostly in response to bad fishing lately, with Florian trying to provoke fighting between Hiccup and Fey's forces, leading Hiccup to mostly refer to him as 'that annoying elvish halfwit'
These are possibilities, and I had planned to omit the Great Cataclysm, with the wastelands where Fey attempts her final stand being mentioned as the result of an accident long ago, the Empire developing due general xenophobia and... whatever the term for 'fear of magic' is, instead of any one event, possibly spurred along by tales of Hiccup and his forces, causing the Empire troops to have a bit of an 'Oh *bleep*.' reaction when Hiccup first makes his return Night
Fair enough, fair enough A thought about a previous thought has occurred to me… If I did go with the idea of La turning the ancestors of the lions of 'The Lion King' into lionmen and women as an experiment, should they get the power of speech from the transformation, or for that matter La's leopardmen and women, given that they were only capable of cat screeches in the cartoon?
This would be an interesting scenario, and as for the fairy designs, I don't exactly dislike them, its just I'm nod particularly attracted to short women, likely a side effect of being tall myself On an unrelated note, I'm not sure who you had in mind to listen to Rose's rants about lab accidents Velvet had caused, but now I'm picturing Hiccup, and possibly Zarina, listening intently trying to figure out how to duplicate and control the resultant monsters, possibly with one of the sorceresses in the background trying to get Rose to stop talking
Now I'm wondering how Rose would react to Hiccup entrusting Velvet with the responsibility of looking after Heaven's Peak... likely would not be well...
I admit I have not heard of this Howl's moving castle, but I can see Rose trying to organize the Tower, and it would be kind of funny if Mirage was the one he picked, though now I'm stuck by the idea of Mirage dragging Hiccup to the nearest bed after finally regaining her original form, rather frustrated after years stuck as a house cat. Proceed with the idea when ready
This has potential, and on the topic of the mistresses, I may have mentioned this before, but I had the idea of adding a twist to the story by having Hiccup originally just recruit the mistresses to essentially just help him with the surprising amount of paperwork of actually running villages and kingdoms, possibly inspired by Rose's line "I think you could use someone like me." And now I'm struck by an idea for the scene where said line is said, when Rose invites herself back to the Tower and talks/moves to quickly to be denied, Hiccup can only blink a few times in confusion before turning to the Netherghul and asking "What just happened?"
You make a good point, and I said in advance that the idea was a tad odd, though the idea of the sorceresses not intending for him to take mistresses is rather amusing, and I assume Mirage would be more irked than usual about being stuck as a house cat when she found out about the competition I admit my plans for them had mainly been for them to oversee Evernight Forest and the Golden Hills respectively, with Titania being rather similar to Galadriel of LotR in personality, a wise elvish queen who tries to steer Hiccup more towards 'good', a fact that might cause her to but heads with the sorceresses from time to time, and Tauri would be similar to Tauriel from the Hobbit, a normally stern but caring (former) captain of the guard with skill at archery and healing
This is an idea, and I have been struck by another potential reason to explain why Hiccup wouldn't feel awkward about sleeping with his sisters or mothers be they blood or adopted, though I admit in advance it is a tad odd... What if the sorceresses, with the intention if eventually sleeping with Hiccup themselves, taught him that while it wasn't discussed openly it wasn't uncommon for mothers or older sisters to sleep with their sons/younger brothers to teach them how to treat a lady, nor for mother in laws or sister in laws to sleep with their son in laws/brother in laws to make sure they were good enough for their daughter/younger sister?
Eh, take your time, any thoughts about my realization about the 'Hiccup is confused by the fairies' appearance' gag?
Okay? Send the link if ye wish
That is a good point, since as the fight with Goldo Golderson showed they're capable of making a steam engine and a flamethrower A thought occurs to me about the gag of Hiccup expecting the fairies to look like their appearance in the second game. Given that Maleficent and Zarina are fairies and Hiccup would likely be aware of said fact, wouldn't Hiccup expect the other fairies to look like them, at most being confused that they don't have horns like Maleficent?
That is admittedly a good point, I was just struck by idea of Hiccup's forces being capable of massed rifle volleys when the most advanced weaponry the enemy has is probably dwarvish crossbows.
Its been a while since I've watched the film on Netflix, so I don't recall if the pirates had pistols or if they stuck to cutlasses, but that is pretty funny
I admit that is rather funny, and while I had intended for the Tower to have a blacksmith, or likely several making armor and weapons for the Minions, I hadn't really considered Zarina for the role, intending for her to just carry out her own experiments, occasionally helping Hiccup with his and letting him use anything useful she developed. And now I'm struck with two ideas for potentially funny scenes… 1. The sorceresses tell Hiccup how the previous Overlord made the Minions scavenge battlefields for equipment, and at first he thinks they are teasing him, before declaring "My predecessor was an idiot!" 2. Hiccup and Zarina are experimenting by essentially just mixing ingredients to see what happens, and accidentally end up inventing blackpowder, and potentially fire arms
That had been the plan
Appearance wise she is in her briefly assumed beautiful form, personality wise she'd be the 'wild card' 'fun' parent, to the best of my attempts similar to her movie self, perhaps with a touch of... oddness ala Luna Love good added
I admit I had not considered the dragon angle to the quills/spines, I had just been borrowing from the movie 'Strange Magic' where one of the characters, the Bog King, had such a set of quills/spurs on his shoulders. My plan for the fairies had been for the all to be human sized, based on Maleficent's stature, possibly with Maleficent being acknowledged as somewhat taller than the average fairy, similar of queen Clarion
This hierarchy system could work Maybe instead of spikes, the protrusions are more like 'quills' thin and blunt edged enough to be harmless, and move according to Hiccup's mood similar to a dog's ears?
Perhaps, perhaps… Jumping topics again, but I have been struck by the thought of 'What if Hiccup was born with the same glowing eyes and skin pattern, though without the blue skin, and possibly growing the shoulder spikes from the first game, though as a mark of 'power' as opposed to 'evil', over the course of the first game's events?'
Uh... I had only meant for Hiccup to be stuck in the Abyss for a year or two, enough to age from his RttE design to his HTTYD2 design...
I admit its an interesting idea, though I have never heard of this saint walker person, and did not know Snow White and Grimhilde where supposed to be kin, I though Snow White was just a random servant at the castle
Though now I'm struck by the idea of Hiccup finding the glass coffin containing the cursed and long slumbering Snow White in the dwarves' castle after conquering the Golden Hills, and Grimhilde's reaction is something along the lines of "Oh, yes... I had forgotten about her..."
You do make a good point about the age difference, unless the as of yet unnamed wizard married a younger woman or was one of those people whose hair goes white relatively young… was just a passing thought I admit I'm kind of neutral on the idea