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Everything posted by Jwsponky

  1. Any suggestions for something he could emulate? Given that they are both human they share most of the same general traits...
  2. That is a possibility
  3. I admit the idea of the wings being part of the armor had not occurred to me I admit I hadn't considered how Maleficent t would react, because I have not yet decided if she will still have HER wings… With wings- Likely exasperated, and/or horrified at what could have gone wrong, at Hiccup's experimenting on himself, though after testing the formula on something else, possibly a rat, and secretly touched/flattered at Hiccup's attempts to emulate her Without wings- Still probably exasperated/horrified at 'what its', but also bitter due to her own loss, but not wanting to take it out on Hiccup... Then again if the formula could give a human wings, it would stand to reason that it could regrow a fairy's...
  4. That would be a possibility, though on the of the Wingmaidens, Razorwhips must be very strong if their juveniles can carry fully grown women long distances
  5. Those ideas could work, and I admit my plan had been for Arianna to be skeptical of Gothel's tale of finding Rapunzel in the woods, but not wanting to risk alienating the man who just saved her kingdom by accusing someone under his protection of kidnapping My imagination has seen fit to cough up another idea for the larger idea of 'What if young Hiccup tried to give himself wings to mimic Maleficent?'… Assuming he managed to succeed, what if due to his denser human bones he was only capable of short bursts of flight, or gliding to slow a fall? They'd probably also be able to fulfill a similar function to a cobra's hood, Hiccup flaring them out when he wants to try and be intimidating...
  6. That could work, I admit the vague idea I had for how Rapunzel could become a mistress was 'Gothel gives Hiccup a back massage which escalates, then Rapunzel walks in on them, deduces this was the 'other things' her mother mentioned, and offers to help 'pay'.' Perhaps both could work, with Hiccup not knowing that Rapunzel didn't know of her part in the deal, and just going along with it I think you did mention such
  7. Admittedly not much, so far all I've got is 'Gothel, a witch as a nod to the original tale, though one more skilled at potions than spells, begs Hiccup for asylum from the Empire for herself and her daughter Rapunzel, who she claims she found abandoned as a baby in the woods, offering her skills with potions and 'other things' as recompense' Then I might have lady Caine appear as an old friend of Jewel's who shows Hiccup a few old smugglers tunnels into Corona for when he besieges the Empire controlled city
  8. Huh... Don't recall that being mentioned in the movies, which just for the sake of saying are available of Netflix A small detail has occurred to me though, should I give Maleficent the amalgamation of butterfly and dragonfly wings that the Pixie Hollow fairies have, or give the Pixie Hollow fairies bird wings like Maleficent? I suppose a third option would be just let them keep their respective wing anatomies, but I'm aiming for a degree of consistency with in the fairy species...
  9. That could work, and I'd wager she did miss her sister, but as we discussed a ways back had little choice but to exile Maleficent given that she cursed a baby, even of one born to the enemy and that she came to regret the curse Um, what trick?
  10. Not sure, perhaps Silvermist, she seems the most likely to just deliver a hug out of no where Another somewhat random idea concerning the fairies, given that the fourth film showed that fairies can have non identical (in skin tone and hair color at least) twins, what if Maleficent and queen Clarion where a pair of such siblings?
  11. Uh... Not sure really, was just struck with the idea for the above attempt at a humorous scene
  12. That could work… Been struck by another idea involving Evernight Forest and your suggestion that Zarina go on one of the campaigns… Since the plan is to include Pixie Hollow in said forest, what if Zarina came along to face her past, only for one of the fairies to rush up to try and hug Zarina, come assumption in the Hollow being that she was dead, as soon as they cross the boarder, only for Hiccup to protectively step in from of Zarina and point his trident at said fairy, who pull to a stop just shy of getting stabbed in the nose? Then when the fairy tries to explain her actions Hiccup can only blink in confusion before asking Zarina "I thought you were banished?" and Zarina can only respond with equal confusion "So did I."?
  13. I admit I had not considered having Aza be short an arm like the character she was based off of
  14. It has merits
  15. My plan had been to kind of base them off the Orcs from the Hobbit film, with that fortress/territory being called Dol Gulbad, and their chiefess Aza, a very tall pale white orcess. And yes, this would be near Ever'N'ight Forest, from the first game
  16. That is a possibility, though I admit I had planned it to be more along the lines of 'wielder selects an option on a dial' than an automatic response... though given the fact that the queen Minions' role would be to stay in the Tower and lay eggs, like the insect queens they're based on, not sure if they'd need/get weapons... maybe more as a matter of ceremony than anything else... If I recall correctly, they were like that in the game, and the most the magic damage dealing blue Minions could do was pacify them until one of the other Minions angered them again The unicorn idea has possibilities, and I had a idea for including orcs in the story… What if near Evernight Forest there was a kingdom of orcs, and after Hiccup conquers said elvish kingdom, a band of orcs launches a raid, the latest event in a long standing feud, causing Hiccup to retaliate, becoming chief after defeating the tribes female chief in single combat?
  17. Hmm... Of the top of my head all I can think of is the planned upgrade of boosting the from 3 or 4 feet tall to 6 feet tall...
  18. I've been struck by another, admittedly somewhat random, idea for the Minion's weaponry... What if each weapon had a tiny chip of Netherworld crystal imbedded in its hilt, allowing the Tower Heart to empower said weapon with the ability to coat its blade, or bolthead in the case of the crossbows, with fire, ice, acid, lightning, or magic depending on what a particular foe was vulnerable to?
  19. This is true, and interesting to the picture
  20. That had been my plan, any of the improvements to the Minions being due to Hiccup and Zarina's experiments... and now I'm struck by the idea of Blues able to manipulate water like Reds can manipulate… Ah, now that I know what you were talking about it makes sense I did happen to know that was the name of the crow, and the idea of everyone trying to name Toothless/Tanya is amusing The main reason I though of Tanya is because it was the first 'T' girl name I could think of that sounded anything close to Toothless
  21. Uh... I think I may have missed something, because I'm not sure what you're talking about... This is a possibility, though I had been considering the name Tanya, at least for her human form Different topic all together, but I have been struck by an idea to allow the Blue Minions to deal damage, what if they could throw explosive bursts of magic similar to the Elvish ghosts in the first game?
  22. That would be a possibility, my plan for the Minions', as well as Hiccup's and the Netherghul's, armaments was each would have a shield, a spear for formation fighting or for cavalry charges, an axe as a close quarters/back up weapon, a sword as a back up back up weapon, and a repeating crossbow as a ranged weapon.
  23. I admit that is something I had not considered... I had just pictured Hiccup remembering Ursula's tales of Triton's trident and deciding to give his personal spear three blades as opposed to one, whether Hiccup's trident would be capable of channeling spells, essentially being a pointy metal magic wand, or just a spear with three points I am unsure of off the top of my head
  24. This is a possibility Jumping topic again, but I have been struck by an idea for an admittedly small detail… Since one of the weapons I had intended for Hiccup to produce for the Minion horde was the spear, what if Hiccup made his spear into a trident, either at Ursula's suggestion , or in honor, for lack of a better term, of her?
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