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Everything posted by Rescue25

  1. More time to work on the next chapter!!! Yeah, getting antsy. B
  2. Sorry about the multiple posts. It didn't work like usual. The visuals are nice though. B
  3. To quote crazychick THANK YOU! Very nice. B
  4. To quote crazychick THANK YOU! Very nice. B
  5. To quote crazychick THANK YOU! Very nice. B
  6. To quote crazychick THANK YOU! Very nice. B To quote crazychick THANK YOU! Very nice. B
  7. VERY NICE! Thank you. B
  8. PLEASE post this on your main site. B
  9. YOU don't remember. Jumping out of perfectly good aircraft???? AND having to go to hospital as a result. B
  10. Not any more. On deck 0400 AH&E NLT 0500. Sometimes 0430. B
  11. Less drugs more write = less boredom. B
  12. And you don't think he is going to leave out the black ops do you? B
  13. A Would they make love as a female or male? B: Head hurt = time for more drugs? B
  14. OR NOT!!!!
  15. Lunch = 0900 B
  16. OK Now we have Nadi disappearing during an orgasm and popping up in Max's head but still able to show up in the V/W and legion getting WORRIED? Head man in black ops taking charge after getting brutal with a woman. Sounds like he needs to be captured when they try another capture of Max;s family and be taught what interrogation is all about in Max's world. We still haven't heard about the 4 captures and the new captain also being questioned. The sex scenes were a bit more detailed than usual. Glad you are back home. Suggest you behave before the monkey takes you to task. As always next chapter soon please. B
  17. Don't think it's confusing but until you started using the breaks I did have to go back and try to figure out what was going on . Do wish you could post more more often. Your stories are like dark chocolate - VERY ADDICTIVE!!. B
  18. Quote from my review. OK Length a LITTLE better. I really think 1,2 & 3 could have been 1 chapter. Do you know where you are going with this story? Maybe planning out the course of the story would help putting more meat in each chapter. When "we" get going on a story hate to stop all of a sudden. Just a suggestion. B
  19. Keep on keeping on. If anything make them a bit longer. Cliffhangers OK to a point - just don't make the cliffs too high. The fact that you have started using a visual break between scenes helps immensely. B
  20. So stay out of them. Less talk more write. B
  21. Is that walking or talking?? B
  22. Is that explore or exploit? B
  23. They do if washed down with the appropriate beverage (adult of course). B .
  24. As I said in the review too short. I think both ch 1 & 2 should have been 1 chapter and some more added.. Go ahead and make another chapter but make it longer. B
  25. Can't find it. Can you post a link? B
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