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Everything posted by Rescue25

  1. Can't be but so bad if he was still walking without assistance. Personally I think a 16oz ball-peing hammer to the kneecaps would be a minimum. B
  2. 4 1/2 months. Halfway there. Yeah would like to know. Disappointed he can walk without assistance. Hope he has to sit down to pee. B
  3. YES. Don't know about the others but I would like to know about the what and how. I see you changed you avatar. I assume that is your picture. How far along are you? i jus saw a comment in the SB about kid getting heavy. Was wondering if it was one already there or the one to come. B
  4. BOOO !! Tell ChrissyQ you have important work to do on CHOICES. Of course it's your "Choice" but I think many of us would prefer to see more of your Choices story. Not that we wouldn't read your other offerings BUT. B
  5. Well - yeah B
  6. Thank you for getting a new chapter up. I know that it was a struggle with all of the RW crap you had going on. Hope the next one will be quicker. Well you gave flushed one red herring down the tube but is the last one with the new players a herring too? B
  7. ALL women, whether they have been afflicted or not, and some men are survivors. B
  8. I know. I picked up on it and since no one else commented I thought I would just rattle her chain. B
  9. I notice no one commented on your renaming the type of storm. BUT it begins "hur" not "her" B
  10. @SOG Really suggest you go back more than 3 pages. They were on an island in the Outer Banks. Had to leave because of the storm and hurricane threat. He was in hospital due to back injury partially caused by an old would. DA and his wife all live with him. He is a very well regarded author on this site and you would do well to start at his "Boys in the Grass" story and follow through all of the "In the Grass" stories. B
  11. Posted above before checking the story. Love it. As I put in the review am looking forward to the next chapter to see exactly what the twins did to that humanoid scum. B
  12. I hope the sidetrack was of a pleasurable event. While we are anxious for your offering, take all the time you want. You have been through a hell of a lot recently on top of the pregnancy. I personally appreciate you taking time to throw a comment on here or Mangus's main page. I have seen some of you posting on the SB but if I'm not on at the correct time I will miss it all. Take care. B
  13. I think they are home . He has a "writers block" due to meds. Once he is able to get off them we may get the next chapter. B
  14. Had to go back in the SB to find what Steve did. I agree with Sniper - would like to have been a fly on the wall during that exchange. Sounds like you have a lot of support from the kids, parents and fellow teachers. THAT IS A GOOD THING!! It speaks volumes about you. That kind of support can't be ignored by the administrators. For what it's worth I'm with you. B
  15. Reading some of your comments in the SB. If your system is like many others the benefits are great. Think about the medical coverage that you may be giving up if you leave now. B
  16. OK . Which one or ones?? Have you been keeping Steve under control? B
  17. Hope most of the blood is theirs and not the family. The family has had more than their share of blood letting. Hope you are able to get home soon. B
  18. GOOD to see you back on here. Question who is going to be invading whose shadowy world?? Take care. Hope you are able to get home soon. B
  19. Look out for when the pain meds wear off and they get him up tonight. But guess you all have been through that before. Alittle TLC goes a long way. Just keep him under control . He did manage to leave several cliffs in the posting today. Going to be interesting to see where some of the new players go and to which side. @DA still looking for your next one. B
  20. Another missed "deadline". "We" are anxiously awaiting the promised postings. B
  21. Granddaddy going to be a daddy again. Congrats B
  22. Congrats on your pregnancy. Hope it goes smoothly. B
  23. Thought DA was going to post another chapter by the weekend but that didn't happen. Mangus has been busy though. Unless I'm misreading things she is preggers. B
  24. OK 3 1/2 WEEKS NOW
  25. 2 1/2 weeks since the last chapter. When do you expect no.5? B
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