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Everything posted by Rescue25

  1. DA Why don't you get your own either by getting him to post another chapter OR posting a nice long CH2 of your own? B
  2. Obviously not. Witness jumping out of perfectly good aircraft AND at his age !!
  3. NORMAL????? B
  4. Sounds like the chapter is basically done. Soooo when will he/you post it?? B
  5. That can go the other way too. BUT weird, like many other things, is in the eyes of the beholder. B
  6. In many cases it's what is NOT going on at home. In my opinion therein lies much of our problem !! B
  7. We CAN wish/dream !! B
  8. Seems like a whole lot of us vets have found the way to your main site. - Strange. B
  9. i've decided that i don't want to risk a second of the time i have left with my family. if there's anything i regret about my life its all the time i spent away from them, everything i missed, never again so dont worry about me. I sure hope you mean it. B
  10. Your SOs could do the same to you (and maybe should). As we age we may find that we have to crawl over things instead of jumping where we could have leaped. B
  11. Unless I've misread a bunch of stuff she IS part of the family.
  12. Forget the naysayers!! This is YOUR story and "we" are thankful to be allowed to ride along. The sex scenes are a plus and show some part of real life in this FICTIONAL story. I do believe that some of the base premiss is based on your R/L; some of the details are obviously SF. There are at least 55 more chapters in this story and I, for one, am looking forward to each and every one. It would be nice to have them a little quicker but you do have a R/L and the "girls" will only give so much space/time for writing. Stay the course, rudder midships. throttles on cruise. B
  13. Killing "bad guys" is NOT a flaw or weakness. B
  14. Appears nanites can go in thru pores in the skin OR can be injected. Legion has conjured up an avatar that can change at will. He is formed of nanites in the millions or billions. He is now self aware and is evidencing some human traits. Many things are invisable to the naked eye until there is a mass of them. In addition to having a nice "sex story" this is also sci-fi. Mangus - where did I miss the boat? B
  15. I am surprised that he let Legion miss Alice in the RHI. But that would have made the rescue scenes harder to do. B
  16. I think he is referring to his "girls/harem" B
  17. Crazyc cleaned it up. Thank you DA for getting him on track AGAIN ! Mangus you left us wanting more as usual, At least it wasn't as bad a habger as the last chapter. I do see the possibility of a little comic relief when Max attracts the attention of various local and state agencies with the speed of the truck and they all fall in behind him only to get shut down when he goes down his road and the FBI says go away and you saw nothing here. Maybe backed up by a spider ord one of the twins in armor. Alice should regain consciousness and be able to deal with the boat crew then summon help to get her back. Legion has shown himself to be worthy. Evidently "grey hair" was rouge BUT was he being handled? Since Legion got involved everything that was in his head is now available to legion. Should be interesting. Another thought what about the other nonconus teams mentioned earlier. Do they just disappear? Waiting for the next installment. B
  18. i'll keep bugging him - PLEASE DO !! holy crap, i'm a virgin! when the hell did that happen...oh, i'm so mad too, the nuns in catholic school said you couldn't go back! So much fun to retrace those steps !!! B
  19. I think DA is one of yours. AND she is telling on you . B
  20. Maybe major is captured and gives up location of grey hair. No more war/attacks. B
  21. "We" understand distractions especially welcome ones. HOWEVER you are the one that left the cliffhanger on such a sharp edge. Put monkey & company back in their cage/room for a while and give your suffering public/fans a little relief. B
  22. I think we liked it - I did anyway. HOWEVER this cliffhanger is a bit different than the others. Some relief please.
  23. OK some hope here. engulfed his seemingly dead girlfriend then continued to flow towards the wild eyed and terrified men. Oh no, didn't I tell you Max dies...oops thats in chapter 9...just kidding Really hope so. He's artificial enough already. B
  24. NOT LONG AT ALL !! Another damned cliffhanger - literally. We've lost the dogs and a bit player. Now what is legion going to do?? I suspect he may end the fight single handedly. Some of the women in a pile in the pool area? Excuse me but SHIT !. This appears much more serious than your previous hangers. No rush on the next chapter - anytime today will be fine. Is Max going to make the semi fly to get back? B
  25. "We" wouldn't do that - UNLESS - you eliminated, or tried to, one of the main characters. B
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