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Everything posted by Rescue25

  1. How do we find the ShoutBox now??



    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Rescue25


      Would be nice to have a spell check.  I can't spell worth a toot.


    3. DemonGoddess


      I'll check the editor settings for the board.  It's bound to be in there.

    4. DemonGoddess


      hmmm, I’ll have to check w/IPB how to add the features I installed to where I can access ‘em.

  2. H ow do we find the ShoutBox now?  Use to be at top of page.


  3. I HOPE I'm glad to hear you are on the way to the "big" bed. Sounds like almost too soon for release. Listen to Dr. Liz and take it easy UNLESS you want to go back there, B
  4. Or better yet get one of those really bright flashlight that have the strobe function and when nurse Cratchett enters and turns the overhead on let her have the strobe. See how she likes that. Along with the suggestion that while stunned with the strobe you might have to rearrange some of her features. B
  5. Thanks for the update. PLEASE keep us posted. B
  6. SO ?? He's your and Liz's. Would you have it any other way ????? My bet is NO! B
  7. It is tough to shift from protector to protected. B
  8. YOU are their hero and they will do what they have to to protect and try to heal you. There is a lot of support out here for all of you. B Not sure of that. Appears she was still able to WALK out of the room and keep her job. B
  9. What he said !!! Can't add much to that. You and Liz do what you need to do. The hospital DOES NOT want a bunch of over the hill vets showing up to protect you all. Some of us (me) tend to be not too nice when good people are unduely messed with.
  10. WHY is it over???? All I can say is go Kari go !!!! She my be a head nurse - soon to become headless nurse. She and the hospital DO NOT want you to call in back up. As if you really need it. Thank you for sharing. B
  11. Role switch ?! or !? Can't tell who loves who more. Sounds like a whole lot of love. With a little loving going on - if that makes any sense to you. B
  12. Quit trying to make that happen !!!!!!! B
  13. Lacking another chapter from either of you how about telling us about the trip?? If you took the little ones THAT would be a story worth hearing. B
  14. If memory serves, and it doesn't always, she is going to a private school. Hopefully getting out of SOME of the government control with the usual political overtones. Wish I could get her up here to teach my granddaughters. B
  15. Already too much time off. B
  16. Let us proceed with all due dispatch with both butt kicking and loving' B
  17. I should have known. Had full expectation of combat in this one BUT you are the master of surprises. Thanks for getting another one up so soon. B
  18. @Sniper Good to see you back. FYI Choices 5 has been up. Waiting on 6. B
  19. :rolleyes: I think the REAL question is "are you monopolizing her OR is she monopolizing you"??? Either way fun is had by both and Liz gets the benefits. I agree that the ITG series is probably the more popular of the three. With you being sidelined for so long most of your fans, including me, would like for that series to move quicker than the others. I read somewhere that the problem with readers is they can "read faster than good writers can write". I will "assume" that the girls will restrain you if you start pushing as hard as "we" would like you to. Kari kudos to you for not letting him kill off family. B That should be as interesting as a crowd in the bed. B
  20. LOVE IT !! 17 Tonight ???? PLEASE not so long between chapter with those cliffhangers. Kari kist has to work "harder and longer" to get the chapters up MUCH quicker. B
  21. :chook: :chook: B
  22. Wasn't it you that said "sex should be messy but never dirty"? B
  23. Maybe you should tell her "I'll meet you there" !
  24. . GOOD !!! Waiting on both Out of town Thurs - Sun. B
  25. B
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