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Everything posted by Rescue25

  1. THANKS for the Ch6. You did leave some loose ends so ch 7 or more?? B
  2. i have to second Bronxie’s comment. You can put the Malox and antacid pills away. I just can’t express how elated I am to hear that news. Hugs all the way around. B
  3. Way to go !! YOUR sweet self finally got through to her, maybe with a little help but it got through. On the orphan comment: let’s hope this evolution is sincere. Mouse needs her momma. And Steve and Lizzie both need you. B
  4. OK How did the lunch go? Just dead silence from you since Friday. B
  5. I second what DP said. Just make sure YOU are not the lunch. B
  6. HAPPY THANKSGIVING ALL. Magus I’m guessing at least 2 25lb birds to feed your tribe. B
  7. @Sniper 5 years??? Considering water involved?? That sounds way too fast. All the EPAs involved – fed, state then county each with its hand out. IF they apply now maybe when Mouse graduates from college. B
  8. Guess WHO would be stuck cleaning it ?????? Or should that be WHOM?? B
  9. AMEN sister AMEN !!!!!
  10. You, of all people, should know the importance of exercising that all important right. KUDOS TO KARI. B
  11. Understand that does NOT mean laboring on a hard. B
  12. That’s at least two of us. B
  13. VOTE TODAY !!! B
  14. AWWWWW. That cuts down on the rescue missions you all have to go on !!!!! B
  15. Girl party sound like more fun than trick or treaters.
  16. Thanks for the update. Glad you are able to go to the school and enjoy the kids there. Did you all get many trick r treaters? B
  17. @angeldust That is my whole point. The disrespect is to the flag we fought for and that is what represents the country and our freedom. B
  18. While I’m happy to get the installment and I like football I’m not happy with the NFL. National? Sorry they shouldn’t represent the Nationwith the disrespect they permit their people to show. I’m all for individual liberty BUT there is a limit.! Sorta shows why we are in a fix now. B
  19. Thanks for posting another chapter. Got to go reread it. Couldn’t get the whole thing at work. Another cliffhanger. B
  20. Got to mimic the dad they love !! B
  21. I think EVERYONE that checks this site is wondering. Thanks for the update. Really miss the Shoutbox where you would pop in for a couple of minuets and we could see the comments later that day or the next for that matter. The love in your family will, in my opinion, keep everyone strong. B
  22. Well glad to know you hare out of “the popsicle stand” as Kari called it. You probably wont get as much rest though – the kids AND the girls will be loving on you no end. That is a good think though. As for writing I thing most of your fans, while anxious for more story would much rather you get yourself healed up and be able to produce on a regular basis. Am I hungry for more?? HELL YES!! Reading the INTG series for the 4th time. But am more concerned about your health. Some more frequent posts here with snippets on the family would be nice even at the expense of more frequent story posts. Love to the family. B
  23. @DA Damn girl youall HAVE to develop an aversion to medical facilities. Maybe an allergy??? As always best wishes to all of you. PLEASE PM me if there is anything I can help you with. B
  24. @Sniper YOU are a glutton for punishment. In my younger days I would have been leading the charge. B
  25. She IS the boss!! Did you ever think otherwise?? Maybe that is why you spent some time in medical facilities?? B
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