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Everything posted by Rescue25

  1. I hope everyone had a safe and happy Easter. B
  2. Can’t say that I disagree with the family. Curious about the age of the kid. Shrink or meds might help. OR maybe just a belt properly applied? Glad you are back in the loving arms of your family. B
  3. He is more than a brat in my opinion. Deliquient would be more like it. B
  4. Glad to see that you haven’t forgotten how to type. Tanks to Liz for updating us. Sincerely hope and pray that everything goes well with Kari. Just out of curiosity what about the deliquient that hit her? B
  5. The next chapter of “Choices” is up and a humdinger. B
  6. A couple of us were looking for a continuing saga while the Master has slowed down. try B.J.Jones the Story of My Life Index at SOL. 416 chapters and counting. B
  7. I agree with the above. I have , so far, been the only one to comment on 22. Used to be we got a lot of activity on here when a new one went up. Would be nice if Mangus would pop in every week so so just to say BOO. Still miss the SB where timing was not critical to see some of the postings. B
  8. Yeah !! This corner used to be real active. What happened???
  9. 22 is up. Damn things getting bloody now. Waiting on 23. B
  10. i am embarrassed that I haven’t wished everyone a happy new year earlier. I do hope that you entire family has a wonderful AND profitable year. Profit is not just measured in dollars. B
  11. YEAH 3 lumps of coal in the stocking. B
  13. Thanks darthel0101 I popped over just to see what was there and by accident found another writer with some older stories that I had enjoyed in the past.. Like you said most of the good ones have bailed. B
  14. Link please. Thanks. Liked your Glasses story. Reading the rest now or tomorrow.
  15. Link please.
  16. Like the results of the rewrite. The cancer appears to go very deep. Oaks and company well awith OR is that just another red herring??? The escape may be an interesting event. Won’t say anymore until others have had a chance to read it. B
  17. Dec 18 Blue Water.docDec 18 Blue Water.doc Maybe – depends on the spelling of the last word.?
  18. Maybe – depends on the spelling of the last word.?
  19. You just didn’t say WHICH weekend !! Now did you? B
  20. The more subplots the more confusing it gets especially when new players are introduced. B
  21. Oh why?? It gets so confusing due to the length of time between chapters. You would think they had a life other than writing for our pleasure. that couldn’t be so could it? B
  22. Being “bad” is fine. Less writing xmas stories would be better. “WE” are addicted to your mainstream works. B
  23. I have to agree with darthl0101 I have reread both BITG and GITG several times. OUR problem, as i have said before, we can read faster than you can write. So write with both hands!!! B
  24. Did I see you say 22 was almost done? Where is 21? B
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