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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. Yeah my daughter, and her friend, and her have hit it off, thank god, I have no idea how they're communicating so well but the language barrier doesn't sem to be slowing them down
  2. GITG you know I haven't even looked at Northstar in Lima a month, have to read the last chapter to figure out where I left of.
  3. I thought you were talking about the video lol But, evidently she is no longer a stray...I've been informed that she lives here now ::sigh:: Well my daughter always wanted a sister her age...
  4. Oh you mean my unexpected guest, not sure 14? Her English isn't very good but I get the feeling she doesn't know either
  5. No, al english coarses r a waist of tyme... Never taked one/ speak good Go chew on cow now...
  6. Really, my wife has a whole list concerning me...
  7. and for zygote/zygote its Z/Z.... ZZZZZZZZ..... what oh hi
  8. I'm glad your writing and please, your last story was wonderful...sad but still well written
  9. Or are they imposters brainwashed to kill him...hmmmmm
  10. As long as it's done tastefully....yeah, never mind...
  11. silly me, and I thought this was an ankle spanker: turns out...
  12. So just surfing, kinda looking for research...ok just bored. So I googled penis synonym and what do you think was entry #1 Ankle Spanker! I have the tittle for book 4, Ankle Spankers in the Grass
  13. I have a problem with my adultness too, I no longer like being an adult...
  14. Mmmm could be...could not!...shut up...you shut up...
  15. But...but...its Harry Potter....I mean a talking hat? Just disgusting! sorry again, I'm weak willed...
  16. talk about her anticipation for what she has been longing for so long. Also describe how they see each other...you know soft smooth skin...things like that
  17. I know, groan, I just cant seem to help myself
  18. ah yes, a smogestbord of angst and twisted possibilities...i', just psyched to write the samantha/joanne scene...oh the depravity...
  19. Yep, Daddy's back and Mommy has a girlfriend...uh oh
  20. magusfang

    Mass Effect Fic

    hey I was just playing Mass Effect today....didn't get raped by a turian though...is that one of those easter egg things
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