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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. Nearly finished, be posted either tonight or in the morning, I laws are not conducive to writing. Besides my little nieces are like spider monkeys, you need a crowbar to pry them off.
  2. Golden rule in my classroom is don't piss off the old guy with all the scars - he didn't get them shaving after all!
  3. I just told him if he knew so much better, then show me. While he was doing his Bruce Lee impression I just kicked him the balls - crude but effective
  4. You go Bronx, so what burns my ass is some wet behind the ears turtle telling me that after thirty tears in my chosen profession that I don't know what I'm doing! I think I may need a medic in my class, one of my students is a bleeder!
  5. Haven't written since Saturday, but I'll write a little when I get home. Had to discipline a student already, hope he can still have kids! Call me an old man huh?
  6. There has been a catastrophe! My ten year old computer died! I am attempting to continue on with my new Dell, but it's hard...::sniffle::
  7. Like the story a lot, Jane had a girlfriend once; who'd a think it! Only complaint is the chapters are a bit short but that's not really an error thing, I just like long chapters Hope you keep going on this one.
  8. hmmmmm.... Tatiana tried everything but it just wasn't happening, the years had stolen Rick's erection and there was no turning the clock bac. But Suzy, ever resourceful, broke out the duct tape and popsicle sticks and disaster was once again avoided! Let me just say EWWWWWWWW! ok ok.... Rick, now properly supported rolled the ancient blonde onto her back, careful not to break a hip, and lined up; as he pushed into her, Tatiana raised her head, "No! That's the wrong wrinkle!" Ok ok........
  9. Pinky and The Brain theme song! http://youtu.be/GBkT19uH2RQ Pinky and the Brain 1.mp3
  10. No, I want to wait on that one until I at least get GITG finished, I do write on it slowly...it helps to take a break from my lead story sometimes
  11. Yeah, I think a limited interaction would be less confusing; if it works then maybe a short story with more characters...it'll be hard to write to keep chaos from reighning supreme, so I'm a little hesitant...could be fun though
  12. Need three, Poor going home is like the poor orphaned step child <----- redheaded step child to boot
  13. Is there a hand book on who to skin and who not to...I'm kinda a newbie at the whole skinning alive thing!
  14. Awesome, (tend to agree with you as well) Feel better, I always do and by venting here I don't iritate my family
  15. Tsch tsch tsch...that's just not PC (Last statement intentionally left vague...I'm a coward after all - don't knock cowardice, we live longer!)
  16. yeah, my habit of using the names of people i know...guess i need to meet more people
  17. 35 days till xmas (sorry, missed a few days in the annoying countdown!) 7 days till thanksgiving
  18. Hey, some of us hang our hats on shocking the crap outta people, but it only counts if you warn them first and can still pull it off
  19. yeah, thats something i gotta work on, expecting these guys to know as much as experienced operators; even the shooters have to learn a whole new set of protocols, most get a little antsy when they learn they cant call for help if they get in trouble. the other thing i have to learn is patience, i tend to get all, "just move i'll do it myself!" i am concerned merging the two stories since the cast of characters is basically the same...so many common names is going to lead to confusion; maybe i'll do a short story and see how it works. i think a short story first, just to see how it goes... i think the crossover request comes from the fact that they both are based (one a little more loosely than the other) on my past experiences (going home will be the closest to me, but still enough fiction (or maybe not, telling would be cheating) tp keep everyone guessing
  20. mr. white is just a code name, a little homage to reservoir dogs (was watching that while I wrote that part, who says real life doesn't leak into our writing) so let me get this straight: you want me to combine all three of my novels into some great all inclusive cross over, I'm game!
  21. If your gonna us it in another book, don't explain it at all, other than he knows her somehow, let people wonder why she crumbled so easily until your ready to tell them - it'll drive people nuts hehehe
  22. Ok, finally got Northstar 17 into something readable and posted
  23. Hmmm, and you guys say I come up with twisted plots...
  24. Yes it did big! I nearly got my head blown of once as some idiot discharged his weapon in the range house and hit the wall behind me! Training scares me more than the field
  25. That should be Schitt floats, damn autocorrect!
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