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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. Yeah, pretty sure someone is watching...but who could it be?
  2. But I like the morphine! Oh yeah, and I'm addicted to smileys
  3. Can you tell I'm basically bedridden and bored out of my skull?
  4. No thoughts, I just like pirates, especially cute ones
  5. I was thinking: Amy walked over to the console, "Hey Max what does this button do?" Max turned in horror and screamed, "NOOOOO....
  6. I may need to start taking notes on my own stories or I need a mass killing
  7. My deepest condolences Wolf, now put that pencil down...I know you want to poke out your eardrums but it's not worth it man
  8. Mmm, probably because I mixed her and Tess up...oops Ok, so about half the Nell's are actually Tess's...damn more editing in my future
  9. Right now I'm listening to Peyton Manning hum the nation wide insurance company theme!
  10. I wrote that little scene out of order and forgot all about it, ok we found the first drawback to large doses of opiates
  11. magusfang


  12. ok, I editted chapter 31 of Girls in the Grass, sorry about the screw up.
  13. Oh crap! I meant to add him and forgot! Damn painmeds. Ok, I'm gonna edit this chapter and repost it because he is supposed to be included, I'll drop a post here when I get it reposted. Thanks for pointing that out Darth.
  14. Yeah, I like doing the playful things. I like to take memories from my youth and apply them to the story, like watching my little sister sneak through the house like a ninja so she could peek at her presents Funny how after you lose someone those strange little memories you hadn't thought of for years pop into your mind. That's why I like writing this story and basing Amy on my sister, makes it feel like she's still with me somehow...I've based a lot of characters on people I knew, and still know, so while its fun to write the action, and to some extent the sex scenes, these chapters where they just interact normally and show depthe to the characters' personalities are my favorite to write.
  15. So ok, found this, bought it, and am giving it to my wife who keeps bugging me about getting our cat a playmate
  16. Nah, I try not to start more than one project at a time, though I do get distracted by my girls a lot so it may take me forever to finish, what can I say, I'm a Charlie Brown where they are concerned... Ever give a recipe to a family member, but change an ingredient so it turns out terrible? (I just did that today )
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