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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. I am so stuck...got a buch of horny girls in the living room, how do I get them to the bedroom in a thousand words...or less?
  2. Guilty, blue cheese dressing bbq'd chicken is pretty good. Ever get drunk before lunch?
  3. I'm going as fast as I can!
  4. I see the poetic justice (in their minds at least) but that's gotta draw critters and be hell to clean out of a barrel. Most snipers I know, not me of course, treat their weapon better than their kids so I'm not sure about pork sludge getting all inside their little buddy... So thought of the day:
  5. Yes, and seriously thought of blowing up the hospital she works at, luckily cooler heads prevailed! Ever fall asleep during sex!
  6. All shall be revealed! And what I can't explain I'll deal with like writers have for thousands of years - I'll make some shit up and call it artistic license!
  7. its been a while since I used a cliffhanger, thought it was high time to poke the hornets nest
  8. home, home at last! oh and GITG 27 is up
  9. Well, I survived...I think... I still have about a day's worth of flying to do buy I should be home tonight sometime
  10. I really need to find a new office, in a better neighborhood perhaps...
  11. Wow, third world country, terminal is littl more than a shack - but its got Wi-Fi!
  12. yep, even had it come out my nose once ever stay up all night watching bad movies
  13. nope, I take credit for stuff like that - proudly! ever walk into a wal...sober?
  14. Yeah, not really happy with the chapter either, it just doesn't seem to flow; I actually deleted the whole first attempt. But I struggled with it for so long and it just seemed to get worse! Figured it was time to just take my lumps and move on. The tittle is actually supposed to give you a hint at the next few chapters, an attempt a foreshadowing I think I tried to pack too much into this chapter, I had a lot of good ideas that I should have developed more and maybe that would have made it less choppy. I think ythis should have been spread out over two or three chapters...live and learn
  15. Yep, I'm a bad man...gotta get that conscience surgically removed! Ever eat the last cookie or piece of cake and blame it on someone else?
  16. but the potty is the only place I get peace and quiet when I'm home!
  17. Thanks, I'm trying to get one more chapter up, but not getting anywhere fast...Oh well maybe I'll have a chance to write while I'm working, usually a lot of free time
  18. So I'm going off the grid for a while, about a week. talk to everyone when I get back, maybe I'll have some time to write so I might have a new chapter by the time I get back. see you all later
  19. The ship of my illusions foundering on the reef of reality...<sigh>
  20. Still not overly happy with the last part, but it sorta works now, though I guess I could've developed it more...oh well. Chapter 26 is up
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