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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. Almost done, well better then halfway actually, cool middle of the story cliff hanger, but resolved before chapter ends
  2. No thought of the day...very drunk...oh, just pooted - make your own inferences!
  3. Kinda gotta be here, my first born baby girl lives here...I really hate cities - so many people !
  4. Yeah and the revolver takes care of half the jury So anyone know where this is...BW?
  5. Feet or shoes, cause that's two wildly different crimes!
  6. You're not bad enough, you can't fool the dark side
  7. Seriously, dark side, cake...it's good cake too! Better hurry before I eat it all.
  8. Whatever it is I'm blaming on the mods...let's get em...whose got my pitchfork?
  9. Oh well, I just got a PM, since addiction isn't allowed here I can no longer post.
  10. Nnnnoooooooo that would be all three books :|
  11. oops they were supposed to be...oh well
  12. I left the mother part out because Hans is a german priest from a traditionalist order. Of course he's made a lot of changes in his views, or is he just acting? Anyway, the old germanic vows were very male oriented and didn't include the mother since it was the father only who had the right to give his daughter away in marriage. Of course that's kind of ho;;ow since it's a woman who answers, but I thought he would he would coach them in what he knows, old habits and all that. of course the old vows also has the wife saying she'd obey, something I didn't think Emma would say at all!!
  13. oops, so what do the catholics do? They wouldn't crucify me would they...that would be kinda harsh!
  14. Think I'll get excommunicated if I make the pope a pediphile...
  15. Oops I just deleted the wrong posts LOL. So just answering DG and BW: I did ask and got a prompt reply ( although I had to get smacked down for tagging my stories wrong ) So I'm not overly concerned. I believe there was talk about Zygote on Zygote action...I don't actually have characters that young getting busy...yet
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