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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. I'm sorry, what was this thread about?
  2. Yeah, I should probably start using scene breaks in Northstar as well; guess I'm just hardheaded
  3. Yes, yes I am But my insomnia is your gain, chapter 16 of Northstar is up
  4. Oh there's a storm coming, four of them actually; just don't know when they'll hit! LOL Remember, there's still a funeral coming up...but whose?
  5. Oh wait, she substitutes dinamite for her birthday candles! The Wile E Coyote gambit is always a winner
  6. "We thought you was a toad!" Delmar O'Donnel...Brother Where Art Thou
  7. Ok, 24 is up and the crap is starting to add up, should be a hell of an avalanche soon! Max would never chip Cyndi this early, no father would ever take a chance like that especially with his first born daughter
  8. So, it's raining cats and dogs here (the small thuds as they hit the ground are a bit disturbing...) so I canceled my class, no one wants to shoot in the rain anyway, and am sitting in the range house writing; with any luck I'll have the next chapter posted sometime to night.
  9. Couldn't sleep so wrote instead, have over half the chapter written...still stuck in a few places. You'll be happy to know that I haven't really set up a cliffhanger, I think this chapter will be almost a stand alone with a nice little conclusion...maybe a funeral...
  10. So had a little free time and just finished the fight scene...oh the blood, the horror...the humanity of it all!
  11. Damn, I haven't finished book 2 yet...
  12. GITG Chapter 23 is up, next chapter will take a while, have some things to take care of in the real world so...hopefully no more then three days, a week at the outside. Gotta win the lotto so I can lock myself in my office and write 24/7
  13. Wow, that has to be the most comprehensive no I've ever gotten LOL
  14. I like tits in the grass better now that I think about it! My motto, that and
  15. It was covered in BITG, his parents travel alot and used to leave him with nannies, but now that he's older they just leave him alone at home. Never really went any deeper, I just needed them to be absent because remember I had him standing in for Max in the hospital when Max was in the pod.
  16. Ohhhhh Could be Alice's alter ego from when she got Amy preggers...back in BITG
  17. it A I as in Artificial Intelligence; VI is a virtual inteligence which is what the war spiders are, their systems not advanced enough to become self aware because they were built by his father and are basically outdated tech, but still good enough to kick ass. Another abreviation I use from time to time is VR, that's the Virtual Worls, or the simulated reality they hang out in, train in, and go to if they have to spend an extended time in the med pod, like Amy did in BITG.
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