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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. not sure how much writing I'll get done today! Yeah that's me, note the knobby knees and bird legs!
  2. Well this should make some of you happy; Northstar Chapters 11, 12, and 13 are up
  3. Thanx, I'd tell you how old I was but you would never believe me. Just add about 200 to any number and that's how old I feel, especially on these dam rainy days.
  4. So, I forgot to tell you that the last chapter was like when a season ends on a TV show, you know like 'Who shot JR?' So, fifteen will be posted in about three to four months...just kidding, fifteen is up.
  5. Don't worry, I already have 3000 words of the next chapter written; there is going to be alot of twists in the next few chapters. Some you'll like and some, I'm sure, some of you, at least, will hate. As for May, don't condemn her so fast at least not until it gets all twisty and crazy in the next few chapters. If you're still upset then, well all I can say is sorry and thanx for supporting the stories for so long. It was starting to get to mushy, time to shake some shit up!
  6. Thought of publishing Going Home, but need a lot more written. I want to finish GITG first, then Northstar, I hate it when authors abandon stories. Speaking of which, fourteen is up, I know it took longer then I thought, but it is a long one.
  7. Sorry to see you go, I can see your point about the site. Fan fiction isn't really my thing so I tend to stay in the originals archive. Pm me your new site.
  8. I was just teasing, can't kill Emma off, too vital to the storyline
  9. Ok, not sure if I should tell you. But I'm killing off Emma,........psych! MAn I'm such an ass Ok should have 14 up soon, my girls have been taking special delight in distracting me - not that I mind!
  10. Or I could kill Max and take us on a whole new wild ride....yeah I like that! Ok, enough being an ass, there will be a death, but don't worry, it won't be max or Emma.
  11. Almost done with next chapter, just trying to decide if I kill Emma off or not...<waiting for the screams to die down>...just kidding...or am I?
  12. I have fourteen nearly finished, hopefully I'll post before this weekend since we're going to the beach for a week and I'm not sure how much writing I'll be allowed to do.
  13. I had planned about 60 when I started, like BITG. But the chapters are much longer on average so probably somewhere around fourty
  14. I am working on going home, but want to finish GITG before I get to into it; it'll be a complicated one, even more so than the others! Us it's a little harder to write since it's basically my story; hard to decide what to put in and what I should just keep to myself.
  15. Writing the next chapter now, and like the movie tittle: there will be blood!
  16. Don't give them any ideas. : /
  17. So put up 13 of GITG, not super happy with it but what the hell. I know it kind of drags on, but I wanted to shuffle things up a bit and answer a few questions that seem to have been lost from BITG. I'll blow something up in the next chapter - promise!
  18. Northstar ten is up, sorry about the delay, but I was kinda wiped when I got home.
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