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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. If I say please to a woman I haven't even met, someone else will light my butt up! She may look like a sweet angel, but trust me - devil's sister! (I am so gonna pay for that! ) Still waiting for the name calling...not that I'm trying to start trouble or anything...
  2. K, stopped taking pain meds and you'll be glad to know i"m almost done with the next chapter. Typing slower, but at least I can think straight...last attept was like a picasso painting only in words...should post it and see if the stoners can read it, I may have just found a new target audience So anyway, three things before they take me away for rehab (The Sadists) 1. Don't expect another chapter from Going Home anytime soon, might try and get one out every month or so, but I want to concentrate on GITG, and to a lesser extent Northstrar. 2. Will be offline for a few days I think, might take the brood up to the cabin and play for awhile...will try and post latest chapter though. 3. and the third thing is I lied, there's only two things hehe, I crack me up
  3. Actually they'll all be good or the twins will bite their kneecaps off!
  4. The first one was listed as complete, so I couldn't. Besides, I edited it some, not much, mostly just changed the Max's to Alex's
  5. Ok, just stuck with GITG, so added a second chapter to Going home...now I have three serials going, I really need to dial the narcs back I think!
  6. No thoughts, I just thought it was hilarious
  7. Oh, what's the point then?
  8. I see the problem Number One... ah what was the question again?
  9. So should get out of the hospital soon Although I feel a little different...
  10. Patience Grasshopper...
  11. You can tell who ever wroye this is either an idiot or wasn't live in the 90'...It's "HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY!" Not joyful! Just sayin - a note fro the 90's
  12. My I recommend a new party? That's right The Zombie Party! We're making converts everyday! Isn't that right Bronx...wanna drangon?
  13. Anyone notice mean came up twice, just what do you know Mr. Google? Three times if you count mean to each other! AWWWW DEA LINK! HATE WHEN THA HAPPENS
  14. What we need is a good old fashioned zombie apocalypse!
  15. Chapter 8 Girls in the Grass is up...
  16. Well, there is a line in the story that says: Alex looked through the spotting scope and patiently waited for his target to appear, the last one, the last person who knew who he was and where he came from; once this man was dead this particular job was over and Alex had no idea what came next. And : Steven pressed the button on the small remote that activated the timer, it also activated the motion sensors that were the back up in case he miscalculated the response time of the men who would soon be hunting him; in an hour, at most, his hide would be destroyed by a ball of white hot fire as powerful explosives spread the debris for miles around, there would be nothing to connect any of this to him. But I was thinking about expanding the story, but I want to concentrate on Girls in the Grass and Northstar, not sure I can write three serials at once.
  17. Well, my daughter say that they did, both with their friends and each other (you should have seen the look on their faces when I asked)
  18. Why does toilet paper need a commercial Is there anyone not buying toilet paper? Ouch!
  19. Yeah, never understood how the narrator knows the exact size of breasts with out a tape measure, I just use the standard size descriptors: large, buxom, pert small flat... Sounds less clinical to me anyway, and if you want a hot, or even loving, sex scene, clinical descriptions just ruin it.
  20. So, going to the range next week...any takers
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